
When seeing the appearance of the long dragon of luck.

The monks in the city were all completely excited! ! !

The whole city was boiling.

Extremely lively!

This scene surprised Lin Yu a little.

I didn't expect it to be so large!

It seems that the Blood Dragon Dynasty will be able to make a leap in the near future... Maybe in the near future, it will become a top dynasty force! ! !

Seeing everyone's face was extremely excited, this scene of the whole city boiling was also the first time Lin Yu saw it.

This time.

In Lin Yu's opinion, it was also an eye-opener! ! !

After the long dragon of luck sank into the palace, the whole world began to dissipate, and everything returned to the previous calm.

But the city was still extremely lively.

Lin Yu came to a restaurant.

At this time, in the restaurant, all the monks were discussing what happened just now...

"You bastard, you only know how to read books, and you don't even know how to greet the guests!" The restaurant owner kicked the boy's butt.

The boy who was reading a book woke up quickly, put down the book and came to Lin Yu, "Guest, please come in!"

"Yes!" Lin Yu nodded.

Under the guidance of this boy.

Lin Yu quickly came to the window seat of the restaurant and sat down.

After ordering the dishes.

The boy left.

When the boy left, he was still reading a book.

With a plop.

He accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, shopkeeper, let your nerd go back to his room and read!"

"I've been in this capital for ten years, and basically this nerd is always reading, as if he can't get tired of it!"

"It's a pity that he has no talent for cultivation, otherwise, with his perseverance in reading, he might become a strong man!"


The monks laughed.

The boy also stood up slowly, holding the book, and started reading again while walking, completely immersed in it!

Through the discussion of the monks around, Lin Yu also knew that this boy was called Meng Haoran!

He is the only son of the shopkeeper of this restaurant.

The shopkeeper of this restaurant is just an ordinary cultivator in the Qi Refining Realm... The son he gave birth to is a nerd, which makes him ridiculed by many people! ! !

The shopkeeper is helpless about his son being a nerd...

"Interesting!" Lin Yu nodded.

In that boy, Lin Yu saw the prototype of Tao.

In other words, this boy has touched Tao just by reading!!!



It is very difficult for a cultivator to comprehend Tao!

Even those geniuses have a hard time!

But Meng Haoran, as a nerd, can actually comprehend Tao from books... This alone is enough to be extraordinary!

After a while.

The food and wine ordered by Lin Yu were served.

After a little taste.

There is only one evaluation.

It's so-so!!!

The main thing is that the wine and food that Lin Yu had drunk before were all the best... Now eating these ordinary ones is still a little bit uncomfortable!!!

"Meng Haoran, come here!" Lin Yu called softly.

Hearing Lin Yu's voice, Meng Haoran instantly woke up from the state of reading.

Then, he walked straight towards Lin Yu.

When the others saw this, they were extremely shocked.

You know, this nerd is extremely devoted to reading no matter what environment he is in... Just shouting can't make him wake up.

But just now, Lin Yu just called out a simple call, and Meng Haoran suddenly woke up.

"Guest, do you have anything to do?" Meng Haoran asked Lin Yu.

"Is the book good?" Lin Yu asked with a smile.

"Well, for me, books may be everything!" Meng Haoran answered very seriously. He practiced under the guidance of his father before, but he could never enter the path of cultivating immortals! ! !

Maybe he can only be a mortal for the rest of his life.

But in his opinion, even if he is a mortal, as long as he can read books every day, this is already a very good life for him! ! !

Lin Yu nodded slightly to Meng Haoran's answer, "There are three thousand ways to practice, and calligraphy is one of them. Everyone has a way of practice that suits them!"

"If you can learn something from the book, you will definitely become a powerful person in the future, and you may even be able to ascend to heaven in one day!"

Lin Yu's words were like a revelation, and Meng Haoran seemed to have understood something all of a sudden! ! !

Chapter 221 My son has the potential to become an immortal

"Hahaha, I'm so happy. To ascend to immortality in one day, this is probably a foolish dream!"

"That's right, that's right. No immortal cultivator has successfully ascended to immortality in ten thousand years. It's absolutely impossible for a nerd like him to ascend in one day!"

"Yeah, it's really a big joke! A nerd and a braggart, the two of them are a perfect match!"


After Lin Yu's words were heard by other immortal cultivators around, they laughed at him.

In their opinion, Lin Yu's words "to ascend in one day" were a big joke! ! !

No one believed it at all.

Hearing their laughter, Lin Yu didn't care too much. After all, they were all frogs in the well, and there was no need for him to bother with them.

If a dog bites you, you can't bite it back!

Of course, it's slaughtered and eaten dog meat!!!

"Can I really do it?" Meng Haoran looked at Lin Yu and asked expectantly.

"Hahaha, this nerd really believed it!"

"As expected of a nerd, he believes such words, he is already a fool!"

"Hahaha, it's so funny!"

Seeing that Meng Haoran really believed what Lin Yu said, the monks around laughed again.

There was still a lot of sarcasm in their tone.

"I believe you can do it!" Lin Yu answered seriously.

"Thank you!" Meng Haoran thanked Lin Yu.

Without a doubt.

From childhood to adulthood, Lin Yu is still the first one who has not laughed at him over the years...

"You and I are destined to be together, these books are for you!" Lin Yu waved his finger, and the storage ring emitted rays of light.


More than a dozen thick books appeared on the table!

These books look very ordinary!

However, in Meng Haoran's eyes, these books were shining with golden light... Incredible, Meng Haoran thought for a moment that he was dazzled!

"Are you really giving me all these?" Meng Haoran swallowed his saliva.

He wished he could pick up these books and read them carefully now.

"Of course, I hope it can help you!" Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, thank you!" Meng Haoran knelt down immediately and kowtowed to Lin Yu.

Such a great ceremony.

This made Lin Yu a little surprised.

The monks around saw this scene and continued to laugh.

"Shame, shame!" Meng Haoran's father looked extremely ugly after seeing this scene! ! !

"Noisy!" Lin Yu snorted coldly.

Those mocking monks were suddenly suppressed and knelt on the ground!

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