"What a terrifying power!"

"How is this possible? He is obviously an ordinary mortal who cannot practice! How can he suddenly possess such a terrifying power!"

"No way, is this power really obtained from reading books?"

"Definitely don't provoke him!"


As for the restaurant.

After seeing this scene, the other cultivators were filled with horror!

In a short while.

Those cultivators left quickly, fearing that Meng Haoran would attack them again.

It would be too late to escape by then!!!

"Son, how are you?" The shopkeeper came to Meng Haoran and asked worriedly.

"Father, I'm fine!" Meng Haoran nodded, looking at the Tao Te Ching in his hand, he looked at his father again and said, "Father, I seem to have realized the Tao!"


Just now, he exerted the power of Tao.

That kind of power is really powerful!

"Okay, okay!" The shopkeeper said happily, "Maybe you can really ascend to heaven one day in the future!"

He was very excited.

Now that his son has a powerful force, he is no longer worried about anything.......

In the future, no one in this restaurant will dare to cause trouble here!!!

"Father, I'm going out for a while!" Meng Haoran said quickly.

Just a light jump, the figure flashed.

In the eyes of the shopkeeper, his son seemed to have disappeared out of thin air......


In a small pavilion by the lake with a pleasant scenery.

Lin Yu sat there drinking tea and admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Meng Haoran appeared soon and bowed to Lin Yu to thank him, "Thank you for giving me good fortune, I am very grateful!"

After that, he knelt down again and kowtowed to Lin Yu!

"Everything is your own effort!" Lin Yu said calmly, "You can understand something, which means I didn't misjudge me. Read the book I gave you carefully, which will definitely be of great help to your future!"

"Thank you for your guidance, senior!" Meng Haoran bowed and said, "Senior, can I practice with you?"

The world is so big.

He also wants to go out and see.

Reading and seeing the world!

He has a hunch.

It is absolutely an extremely correct decision to follow Lin Yu!

There is no doubt about this! ! !

"Meng Haoran, do you know why I said that you can ascend in one day?" Lin Yu continued.

"Junior doesn't know." Meng Haoran answered truthfully.

"You can understand the truth in the book because you have an extraordinary origin!" Lin Yu's tone was full of mystery.

Identity origin?

Am I not my father's biological child?

"Your previous life came from heaven!" Lin Yu pointed to the sky.


The legendary fairyland!

Meng Haoran understood it all at once.

Senior meant that he was the reincarnation of an immortal...

"Meng Haoran, you and I are destined to be together. Are you willing to follow this sect master back to Tianxuan Sect?" Lin Yu asked again.

Tianxuan Sect.

The name of this sect is so well-known! ! !

He had also heard many cultivators talking about Tianxuan Sect... the largest sect in the entire Eastern Region.


The peerless boss I met today turned out to be the leader of Tianxuan Sect!

What a lucky guy.

What a chance!

Anyone could make the right decision.

"Disciple is willing!" Meng Haoran kowtowed.

"Very good, from now on, you are my disciple of Tianxuan Sect." Lin Yu said with satisfaction.

Originally, Lin Yu did not intend to accept Meng Haoran.

But what Lin Yu did not expect was that in such a short period of time, Meng Haoran actually successfully realized the truth from the book.

It can be seen that he is really extraordinary!

Now, he can sense his location and find himself quickly.

That means.

The two of them are destined to be together!

If they are destined to be together, Lin Yu will naturally let it go.

"Get up!"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Meng Haoran stood up directly.

"In the next few days, I will still be in this capital!" Lin Yu continued, "In the next time, you go back and accompany your father well and show your filial piety!"

"I don't know when I can come back after leaving this time!"

Meng Haoran's father is just a cultivator in the Qi Refining Realm.

It is no longer possible to continue to break through the realm.

Therefore, his life span is limited! ! !

It is possible that this departure will be the last time Meng Haoran and his father meet...

"Master, I understand." Meng Haoran nodded seriously.

"Okay, go!" Lin Yu said softly.

Chapter 223 White Snake and Green Snake

Meng Haoran left quickly.

Lin Yu was the only one left in the pavilion, and the surroundings were extremely quiet.

The big lake in front of him was full of lotus flowers. It must be said that drinking tea in such an environment was simply a pleasure!

Not long after.

Lin Yu sensed two demonic powers!

After a few breaths, he saw a green snake and a white snake swimming out of the water.

They came directly in front of Lin Yu.

Then, the two snakes began to transform.

They turned directly into two beauties!

One of the women was wearing a snow-white long skirt, with stunning looks, perfect figure, and elegant temperament.

The other woman was wearing a green long skirt, lively and active, with a unique style.

Looking at the appearance of these two women, Lin Yu couldn't help but be a little stunned.

In his memory, it seemed to be the Legend of the White Snake...

"Hello, senior!" The two women saluted Lin Yu respectfully.

"What are your names?" Lin Yu asked softly.

These two beauties are really beautiful.

The mood of the whole person seemed to become more wonderful all of a sudden.

"Replying to the senior, my sister and I don't have a name." The voice of the woman in white was tender and numb.

"You two are already Yuanying cultivators, you should have practiced for thousands of years!" Lin Yu nodded slightly.

"Yes, senior!" The woman in green said in a crisp voice.

"In this way, meeting is fate!" Lin Yu continued, "How about I give you a name?"

"Of course I am willing, thank you senior!" The two sisters were very excited.

"The elder sister will be called Bai Susu!"

"The younger sister will be called Qingqing!"

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