"Senior, are you free now? I have something here, and I want to ask you to take a look!" Liang Yu said respectfully, since he saw Lin Yu refining the weapon with his own eyes.

Liang Yu already admired Lin Yu very much... In his heart, Lin Yu was like a god of refining.

"Okay, then lead the way!" Lin Yu nodded.

"Senior, please follow me!" Liang Yu was immediately very happy.

Looking at the two beauties beside Lin Yu, he worshipped them even more in his heart: "You are worthy of being a senior, and only such beauties are worthy of being a senior!"

Liang Yu could swear that Bai Su Su and Qing Qing were definitely the most beautiful women he had ever seen for the first time...

Next, under the leadership of Liang Yu.

They soon came to a quiet courtyard.

"Senior, this is where I live. I will never be disturbed by others." Liang Yu said softly, "Senior, you don't have a place to live in this country yet!"

"If you don't mind, you can stay here next!"

"The environment is not bad!" Lin Yu took a quick look and nodded: "Okay, let's get down to business!"

"Senior, please look!" Liang Yu spread his palm and took out a piece of iron from the storage ring.

The whole iron sheet is light blue, and there are special lines...

"Senior, this is a special thing I just got. I studied it for a long time, but I can't figure out what it is?" Liang Yu handed the special iron sheet to Lin Yu with both hands.

Lin Yu pointed his finger slightly, and the iron sheet floated in front of Lin Yu.

The whole iron sheet slowly rotated 360 degrees.

It can be seen more clearly.

At the same time, Bai Su Su and Qing Qing felt a very powerful force in the iron sheet... There was a feeling of blood being suppressed.

They both concluded that this iron sheet was an extraordinary thing.

But they couldn't tell what it was.

For a moment.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Yu.

In their opinion, Lin Yu could naturally recognize what this thing was! ! !

"Interesting!" Lin Yu nodded slowly, "This thing is tree bark!"

Tree bark?

Liang Yu was stunned.

He was even more moved.

This extraordinary thing is actually tree bark?

He had guessed many possibilities, but he really didn't guess that it was actually tree bark!

This point is really hard to believe.

"What kind of tree can have such an extraordinary tree bark?" Bai Su Su couldn't help but wonder, in her memory, there was no relevant information at all.

Liang Yu also thought about it seriously, and couldn't think of it at all.

"This tree bark should be the bark of the legendary Kunlun sacred tree!" Lin Yu said again.

Hearing this.

They were extremely shocked.

Especially Liang Yu, he knew the rumors about Kunlun Sacred Tree: "I heard that Kunlun Sacred Tree fell from the sky and can connect to the fairyland!"

"As long as you pass Kunlun Sacred Tree, anyone can easily go to the fairyland!"

"In addition, Kunlun Sacred Tree has a terrifying power to suppress the world..."

"But, this has always been a legend... I didn't expect that Kunlun Sacred Tree actually exists!"


The bark of Kunlun Sacred Tree in front of me has proved it all! ! !

"Senior, based on this bark, can we find the legendary Kunlun Sacred Tree?" Liang Yu couldn't help but get excited.

"What are you thinking about!" Lin Yu said lightly, "It's a great fortune to get the bark of Kunlun Sacred Tree..."

"I'll give it back to you. The bark of Kunlun Sacred Tree is still very useful. Carrying it with you will help your cultivation!"

Lin Yu waved his hand.

The bark in front of him flew directly back to Liang Yu.

"Senior, you are not interested in the bark of the Kunlun sacred tree!" Liang Yu was stunned.

If it were someone else, they would have taken the bark for themselves long ago!

"Senior, this bark of the Kunlun sacred tree is presented to you!" Liang Yu said respectfully.

To be honest, the bark of this sacred tree is of no use to him.

If he could use it to establish a good relationship with Lin Yu, he would think it was a great gift.

"You are willing to give it up!" Lin Yu smiled softly.

If it were someone else, such a good thing would definitely be firmly controlled in their own hands.

"Senior, I know myself well. This thing is a waste in my hands." Liang Yu bowed and responded, "Giving it to you is the best choice!"

"In that case, I will accept it!" Lin Yu nodded slightly, "But I won't take your things for nothing. Take this refining handbook. There are many explanations and insights about the way of refining!"

"As long as you concentrate on learning, I believe you will definitely become a true master of refining in the future!"

Lin Yu waved his finger.

A large scroll emerged.

Looking at the entire scroll.

Liang Yu's eyes were extremely excited.

In his opinion, this scroll was the supreme treasure...

"Thank you, senior!" Liang Yu bowed in gratitude, "I will definitely practice well!"

Although he could not worship Lin Yu as his master, it was definitely a great fortune for him to get this refining notebook.

Sure enough.

All the decisions he made were correct!!!

"Senior, it's getting late, I have asked someone to prepare a banquet." Liang Yu put away the scroll and said respectfully again.

"That's good!" Lin Yu nodded.

It's just right to take advantage of this time to think about how to use the bark of the Kunlun sacred tree!

Chapter 226 Lover's Mask, Crazy Night

After dinner.

Lin Yu entered an elegant room. The decoration of the whole room was quite good. For Lin Yu, he was quite satisfied!

"Sir, we~~~" Bai Susu and Qingqing were a little shy. It was their first time...

They were ready to take off their clothes.

They had heard about some things that maids had to do before... This warm bed service was one of the things to do.

"Don't think too much, go back to your room and rest!" Lin Yu saw this and spoke directly.


For a while, Bai Susu and Qingqing felt a little disappointed.

Are they not good enough?

Not charming enough?

"Sir, can my sister and I stay in this room?" Bai Susu asked softly.

"Okay!" Lin Yu nodded and did not refuse.

To be honest, these two beautiful women are so beautiful and charming in front of him. It would be a lie if Lin Yu didn't feel moved!

If possible, he would want to hehe.

But Lin Yu still has something to do.

Just now when he was eating, Lin Yu had already thought of how to use the bark of the Kunlun tree!

"Thank you, young master!" Seeing that they could stay in this room, Bai Susu and Qingqing hurriedly said happily.

Then, Bai Susu and Qingqing sat on the chairs, and both of them looked at Lin Yu intently...

And Lin Yu took out the bark of the Kunlun sacred tree.

As Lin Yu waved his hand, a terrifying flame condensed out, and under Lin Yu's control, the Kunlun bark rushed into the flame.

"Sister, the young master's flame is so terrifying, it seems to be able to burn the whole world!" Qingqing couldn't help but sighed, even a little flame, once it came into contact, it might be turned into ashes! ! !

"Young master, who is he?" Bai Susu also nodded, sighing incomparably!

Next, Lin Yu's refining method shocked the sisters again and again!

Almost an incense stick of time passed.

Lin Yu had made a mask out of the Kunlun bark!!!

"Success!" Lin Yu looked at the mask in his hand and couldn't help laughing.

"Sir, what is the use of this mask?" Qing Qing couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

"Sister, don't ask nonsense questions." Bai Su Su reminded.

"It doesn't matter!" Lin Yu waved his hand and smiled, "I named this mask the Lover's Mask!"

"Lover's Mask?" Bai Su Su and Qing Qing were stunned and even more confused.

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