After all, this is just a small town.

There are not many powerful monks.

After the carriage entered the town.

It attracted a lot of people's attention at once. After all, they all saw such a luxurious carriage for the first time... It felt like one wheel was their annual income! ! !

"Master, there are too many people, and the carriage can't move forward!" Meng Haoran said.


The streets in this town are still quite narrow.

"Get off the car and put the carriage into the storage ring!" Lin Yu said softly when he saw it.

After Lin Yu, Bai Su Su and Qing Qing got off the car, Meng Haoran also put the whole carriage away through the storage ring on his finger.

The storage ring he got was naturally given to him by Lin Yu.

When Bai Su Su and Qing Qing appeared, the surrounding eyes were all attracted... Especially some men, who all swallowed their saliva.

After all, it was the first time they saw a real beauty....

Although some people's eyes were full of greed.

But no one dared to do anything to Lin Yu and the others.

All understood.

Lin Yu and the others must have extraordinary origins!

Their temperament and cultivation aura are very strong... If they do something, they will probably die.

No one wants to die! ! !

"You two put on your veils!" Lin Yu said softly.

In Lin Yu's view, Bai Su Su and Qing Qing are his private property, and their beauty can only be enjoyed by him alone.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Bai Su Su and Qing Qing were also very obedient and immediately put on their veils.

After wearing the veil, the pair of sisters exuded a hazy beauty!

It was about to get dark.

So, today I plan to rest in this town for a night.

I will continue to set off tomorrow!

When I come to a new place, I naturally have to take a good look.

Feel the local customs and customs here!

After passing by a clothing store.

He even bought several nice long skirts for the sisters...

When he saw these beautiful clothes.

Lin Yu thought of the many bikinis in his system backpack...

Of course, he got them by signing in! ! !

Before, he also let Queen Medusa and the others wear them... The scene was so hot that it made people bleed... The desire burst out!

For a while.

Lin Yu muttered, "I don't know what the sisters will look like after wearing them?"

It's really exciting! ! !


At night.

Lin Yu and the others quickly found a good inn to stay in.

Meng Haoran returned to his room and began to read seriously with all his heart. He was very involved...

In another room.

Bai Su Su and Qing Qing had already put on the seductive bikinis.

The two of them blushed in front of Lin Yu. After all, it was the first time for them to wear such revealing clothes...

"Young Master~~~"

Bai Su Su and Qing Qing's voices were shy.

It was a bit irresistible!

"Come and dance." Lin Yu smiled.

"Young Master, you will embarrass us." Bai Su Su said shyly.

"I can't do it!" Qing Qing also looked embarrassed.

Seeing them like this, Lin Yu was also very happy.

After all, it was also a different look on them.

"Okay, then I won't force you, you know what's next!" Lin Yu smiled again.

The next moment.

Lin Yu directly took action and pulled them over! ! !


Crazy night.

Just like that.

A day passed quickly.

A new day is coming!

Early morning.

Lin Yu woke up early in the morning.

The sun has already shone into the room, and the appearance of the sun seems to make the whole room much warmer.

Looking at the two beauties in his arms, Lin Yu smiled slightly!

Last night, he was unrivaled!

He was like an invincible god of war!

[Ding Dong, do you want to start a new day of signing in? ]

The voice of the system sounded in Lin Yu's mind!

Chapter 230 The key to the secret realm of immortal inheritance

"Start signing in!" With Lin Yu's command.

The system immediately started signing in.

[Ding Dong, signing in...Sign in successfully, congratulations on getting the key to the secret realm of immortal inheritance! ]

A colorful light condensed!

Then, in Lin Yu's eyes, a special little sword appeared.

This little sword is actually a key.

"The secret realm of immortal inheritance!" Lin Yu thought to himself.

As the name suggests, in this secret realm, there is the inheritance of immortals...

Lin Yu gently tapped the small sword with his finger, and suddenly a picture appeared in front of him. Through these pictures, Lin Yu also judged that the secret realm of immortals was located in the Xiling Dynasty! ! !

But it still takes some time to find the specific location in this Xiling Dynasty...

It's really interesting.

This is the first day I signed in at the Xiling Dynasty, and I can get the key to the secret realm of immortals...

At this time, Bai Su Su and Qing Qing also woke up. When they looked at the suspended small sword, they were also shocked.

They all sensed a powerful immortal power in this small sword...

This power is really terrifying! ! !

"Sir, what is this?" Bai Su Su couldn't help but ask curiously.

"A key!" Lin Yu smiled, "It can open a secret realm, and in this secret realm, there is the inheritance of immortals!"

When they heard this, the sisters were extremely shocked.

Immortal inheritance! ! !

You know, immortals are legendary beings.

Unexpectedly, a secret realm with immortal inheritance has appeared now.

If you can get the immortal inheritance in it, then it is possible to ascend to immortality in the future! ! !

"Okay, we should get up. We originally planned to visit the Xiling Dynasty, but now that we have obtained this monster, we have to go into the immortal secret realm to take a look." Lin Yu said again.

There is no doubt that the secret realm of immortal inheritance has aroused Lin Yu's interest.

Lin Yu happened to have nothing to do.

This time, it can be regarded as a new adventure and unknown exploration.

I hope that I can find very interesting things in that secret realm.

Of course.

Lin Yu is not interested in the immortal inheritance inside.

The process is what Lin Yu enjoys and looks forward to.

After getting up.

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