"The immortal inheritance secret realm is inside!" Lin Yu said slowly, and at the same time summoned the small sword.

This small sword is the key to open the immortal secret realm.

As soon as the small sword appeared, it burst out with dazzling light, and it was obviously sensing the immortal secret realm...

"Master, what should we do now?" Meng Haoran asked softly.

"Let's go into the capital of the Xiling Dynasty first!" Lin Yu said calmly.

Lin Yu was still very interested in the city built on the mountain, and he must observe it carefully... It's worth the trip.

"Well, I understand!" Meng Haoran nodded.


The group continued to move forward.

It didn't take long.

They successfully arrived at the gate of the capital of the Xiling Dynasty.

The capital of the Xiling Dynasty also has its own name, named "Xiling City"!

It is also named after Xiling Mountain.

From this point, it can be explained that the entire Xiling Mountain is the foundation and foundation of the Xiling Dynasty!

The soldiers at the gate of the city were wearing armor that shone brightly, and they were all very energetic.

"Identity tokens!"

Just when Lin Yu and his team were about to enter, the soldiers at the gate quickly stopped them.

"Here!" Meng Haoran quickly took out four tokens.

These tokens had their respective names and birthdays, and most importantly, the tokens had the unique mark of the Xiling Dynasty.

Before, Meng Haoran had learned that one must have an identity token to enter Xiling City.

So, he got it.

Fortunately, he was prepared.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy and smooth now.

After the identity token inspection was completed, the soldiers let them go.

Lin Yu and his team officially entered Xiling City.

Looking around.

The buildings in the entire Xiling City are all very luxurious, and the architectural style is also special.

The ground is extremely flat, and the streets are very clean, and there is no garbage to be seen!

After officially entering the city, it is also clear that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is more intense.

Perhaps it is because of the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth that the cultivators of Xiling City are generally much stronger than the cultivators of other cities...

After all, the entire Xiling City is built on the spiritual vein.

No wonder that you must have an identity token to enter Xiling City.

Otherwise, there will definitely be a large number of other people coming to Xiling City... By then, the number of cultivators in the entire Xiling City will be full... It is estimated that it will not take long for the entire Xiling City to be abandoned!

"Have you heard? The team sent out to attack the Blood Dragon Dynasty actually returned. I heard that they didn't take any action at all!"

"What happened in this?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, I heard that Emperor Xiling didn't give the order, but this time the Grand Marshal took the initiative to order the return..."

"In this case, won't the Grand Marshal be punished?"

"No, not only was he not punished, but he was also rewarded!"


Walked all the way into the street.

Lin Yu and the others could hear many cultivators discussing something fiercely.

The whole atmosphere is really good.


Lin Yu and his companions came to a central square.

In the center of this square, there is a statue.

I heard from the monks around that this statue is carved with the current emperor of the Xiling Dynasty.

From the statue, it can be vaguely seen that this Xiling emperor should be a handsome man!


The statue alone exudes a domineering aura.

"The entrance is here!" Lin Yu said, "Next, let's have a good time in this Xiling City. When we have enough fun, we will open this fairy secret realm and take a look!"

Lin Yu made a decision quickly.

Meng Haoran, Bai Susu and Qingqing also nodded.

They had no objection to Lin Yu's arrangement.


Continue to stroll.

The appearance of the two beauties, Bai Susu and Qingqing, also attracted the attention of many people along the way... Sure enough, wherever the beauties walk, they are dazzling.

Looking at those male monks, who were envious of him, Lin Yu felt a sense of enjoyment...

Not long after.

Lin Yu stopped.

He immediately looked towards an alley.

His face was a little solemn!

"Interesting!" Lin Yu muttered.

Then he continued to move forward.

In the alley.

A young man slumped on the ground, breathing heavily, his face extremely pale, "Oh my God!"

"Is this really the mortal world? There is an existence that is more terrifying than the Immortal King!"

"Just now I used my immortal sense to explore, I should have been discovered... What should I do next?"

"The task assigned by the Immortal King is probably not a good one."

"Oh, it's difficult. The Immortal Emperor's secret inheritance in the human world has been found, and it turns out that a specific key is needed!"

"It's been decades, and the key has not moved at all. It seems that it will be in the immortal world. I really don't want to stay in this world..."

Chapter 235 Immortal---Ma Kui

Time passed little by little.

Night fell.

Lin Yu found a luxurious inn to stay in.

There are hot springs in this inn.

Naturally, Lin Yu accompanied Bai Su Su and Qing Qing to take a hot spring bath!

Especially enjoyable.

It was also the first time to take a hot spring bath with a beauty. The overall feeling was indescribable... It made Lin Yu extremely enjoyable.

After taking a hot spring bath, he returned to the room to rest.

It was so exciting!


The next morning.

Lin Yu woke up slowly. He was still a little uncomfortable and didn't hear the system's voice.

In the past, the system's voice sounded as soon as he woke up.

It has become a habit.

Fortunately, his system will be upgraded soon, and he will be able to hear the wonderful voice of the system again!

"Sir, good morning!" Bai Su Su woke up with a very delicate tone and a rosy face.

Qing Qing also quietly hugged Lin Yu's arm, with a happy look on her face.

"Good morning." Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

Continue to stay in bed for a while.

Then he slowly got up.

After getting dressed.

Then he left the inn and continued to play in Xiling City.

The whole Xiling City is quite large.

In addition, Lin Yu and his friends roamed on foot, so the speed of the whole stroll was still quite slow... It would take a few days to visit the entire Xiling City.

Of course.

There is no need to visit the entire city.

Of course, I went to some interesting place.

That's it.

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