Just thinking of this, Bai Su Su blushed and smiled sweetly.

"Here, there is an Immortal Emperor!" Lin Yu smiled mysteriously.

"Immortal Emperor?" Meng Haoran was shocked. He knew that he was a very powerful existence when he heard the name!

"I won't tell you the details. Wait for a chance in the future!" Lin Yu nodded and said softly: "Next, your top priority is to practice well and ascend to become an immortal!"

"When you reach the immortal world, there will be greater challenges and dangers waiting... No matter which world it is, only strength is eternal!"

Lin Yu's words were earnest and sincere.

Meng Haoran, Bai Su Su and Qing Qing all nodded suddenly, indicating that they remembered them all.

"Master, what should we do next?" Meng Haoran continued to ask.

"Next, of course, we will leave this secret realm. I will move the secret realm back to Tianxuan Sect, and it's time for us to return to the sect." Lin Yu said slowly.

Go back!

Bai Su Su and Qing Qing were very reluctant to leave, "Sir, are we going to separate?"

At first.

They were Lin Yu's maids and accompanied him for a while.

But after falling in love with each other for a long time, they really couldn't bear to separate now!

"You, of course, will go back with me. After all, you two are already my women, and I will naturally be responsible!" Lin Yu said seriously, "I will not abandon you!"

At this moment.

Bai Su Su and Qing Qing were extremely happy and moved! ! !

My women!

This sentence sounded so domineering.

But I like it so much!

"Thank you, Sir!" Bai Su Su and Qing Qing thanked.

"Envy~~~" Meng Haoran saw this scene and couldn't help but feel a little envious.

When will I be able to find a Taoist partner I like!

Along the way.

He has eaten too much dog food.

That sweet picture made him very envious... He also wanted to have a sweet love! ! !

"Okay, it's time for us to go out!" Lin Yu smiled slightly.

With a flick of his finger.

The exit of the secret realm appeared in front of them.

Through this exit.

They quickly left the secret realm.

Appeared above the Xiling City Square.

Their appearance made the surrounding cultivators look over.

"Oh my God, we haven't even entered this secret realm yet, and a cultivator has come out. It seems that he has obtained a treasure!"

"Of course, I'm eyeing him."


"Killing people and robbing treasures, I like it the most!"

Chapter 241 Moving Xiling Mountain

Seeing Lin Yu and his group coming out of the mysterious secret realm, many cultivators instantly stared at them.

In their opinion, Lin Yu and his group must have a big harvest.

When the time comes, kill and rob, the treasures in the secret realm will be theirs!

"Master, we seem to be stared at by many cultivators." Meng Haoran also noticed those malicious eyes and hurriedly whispered.

"It doesn't matter. If they dare to do it, just kill them." Lin Yu waved his hand, not caring at all.

He didn't take those cultivators seriously at all.

In Lin Yu's opinion, these cultivators could be easily killed by himself.

The next second, Lin Yu took out the scroll again.

Under Lin Yu's control, the scroll burst out with an extremely dazzling light.

Then, the entire Xiling Mountain shook.

The huge earthquake caused many buildings in the city to collapse.

"What happened?"

"What is he doing? Is he going to destroy the entire Xiling City!"

"Damn it, my life's wealth is in Xiling City... No, I must stop him."


The entire secret realm is integrated with Xiling Mountain, so if Lin Yu wants to move the entire secret realm back to Tianxuan Sect, he must move the entire Xiling Mountain away.

Of course.

Lin Yu will not destroy this Xiling City.

Instead, he will move Xiling City to the ground.



Many cultivators launched powerful attacks on Lin Yu and his men.

Seeing this, Bai Su Su also attacked directly.

With a bang.

She easily disintegrated those attacks one by one.

"Whoever dares to attack my young master again will be killed without mercy." Bai Su Su burst out with the aura of her Nascent Soul Great Perfection.

Her voice was extremely cold, just like a goddess of judgment.

Qing Qing then released her powerful pressure.

Seeing that Bai Su Su and Qing Qing were so terrifying, those cultivators did not dare to attack again in an instant.

"Senior, please show mercy!" Soon, the emperor of the Xiling Dynasty flew out and came to Lin Yu and asked.

Although he didn't know what Lin Yu was going to do, he could vaguely feel that if Lin Yu performed this time, the Xiling Dynasty would definitely suffer huge losses...

"Don't worry, I will move the entire Xiling City to the ground. This Xiling Mountain has my eyes on it and must be moved away." Lin Yu said calmly.

Hearing this, everyone was extremely shocked.

"Senior, you must not do it, please." The emperor of the Xiling Dynasty became even more panicked.

Moving Xiling Mountain away will undoubtedly destroy the foundation of the entire Xiling Dynasty.

"I have decided. If you want to do it, just do it."

"However, you have to think clearly about the consequences of doing it."

Lin Yu still spoke lightly.

At the same time, Lin Yu raised his finger lightly, and the entire Xiling City rumbled up from the ground.

Seeing this scene, the emperor of the Xiling Dynasty looked extremely pale.

Once Xiling Mountain was moved away, the Xiling Dynasty would have no foundation... It was estimated that it would not be far from the destruction of the country.

However, he knew very well that even if all the cultivators of the entire Xiling Dynasty joined hands, they would probably not be Lin Yu's opponent.

This is how the world is.

The strong prey on the weak.

Strength is respected.

Without strong power, you cannot protect what you want to protect.

In just a few dozen breaths, the entire Xiling City was moved by Lin Yu to the plain next to Xiling City.

At this moment.

The people of the entire Xiling City were extremely shocked.

Such means are really terrifying!

The cultivator who wanted to kill and rob at the beginning, now instantly lost that idea.

Just kidding, this is a big guy who can move mountains.

Xiling City has been settled.


Officially start moving mountains.

Lin Yu made seals with his hands, and a huge formation condensed out.

Soon, the formation wrapped the entire Xiling Mountain.

As the formation continued to operate, Xiling Mountain slowly rose from the ground.

Then, the formation continued to shrink, and Xiling Mountain also shrank.

In just a few breaths, Xiling Mountain had become a miniature mountain the size of a palm.

"Master, what is your method? It's too powerful." Meng Haoran swallowed his saliva and asked curiously.

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