New world!

An unknown sea area.

The furious sea stirred, and several huge warships shuttled against the fierce wind and waves, and galloped straight towards the direction of the Red Earth Continent.

Above one of the warships.

The most famous Mesozoic generals of the navy at this stage, Buddha no Warring States and Iron Fist Kapu, stood side by side at this time.

Looking at the sea area of the new world that was gradually disappearing, his solemn expression immediately changed to another expression.

“You bastard, I said a long time ago not to startle the snake, but now it’s good, the mission ordered by the air general has failed, it’s all bad things for you bastard who can only brute force!”

Now he is strong and strong, wearing black-framed glasses, and has black hair and a warring country, pointing at his companions next to him and yelling.

The Rox Pirates conquered the new world in the second half of the Great Voyage, occupying nearly ninety percent of the sea.

Although it is known that the other party has landed on Hive Island, the Locks Group is strong, and the navy does not dare to act rashly, so it can only swim around the periphery to inquire about intelligence.

And Sengoku and Karp, as the new generation of generals of the navy, were naturally entrusted with important tasks.

The two led several warships deep into the New World to gather detailed intelligence on the Locks Group.

Unexpectedly, Karp’s guy just approached the Hive Island, and he couldn’t help but make a move.

The result, of course, was screwed up.

Several warships were almost surrounded by the Locks Pirates, and after a hard fight, they came back in ashes.

“Hehe, hehe…”

The strong figure of the inverted triangle, Karp, who is full of short black hair, is not strong enough to pick his nostrils, and makes an embarrassed and polite smile.

Then, I fell asleep standing like that.

“You bastard!”

Looking at the sleep of the good jiyou, the Warring States gritted his teeth hatefully, and then seemed to think of something, a flash of essence flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly:

“If Lu Chen is here, he will definitely be able to complete the task, and with his natural strength, he will soon be able to catch up with us!”


The voice just fell.

Karp spewed bubbles in his nostrils, burst directly, and hummed and said dissatisfiedly: “Aha, with his strength, he is not ready to meet the cruelty of the new world!” ”

“Oh yes? But I heard that before he was promoted to lieutenant general, it seemed that even Zefa was not his opponent! Sengoku glanced at him obliquely and sneered.

Three years from the grassroots to vice admiral, even today’s naval marshal, feel strange.

To know.

Lu Chen’s promotion did not rely on his brother at all, but walked up step by step.

Wherever he passed, the first half of the great voyage and the four seas, there was unprecedented peace.

In the eyes of outsiders.

The two brothers of the Monchi family, one is more than the other monster.

As a big brother, Karp also wants to maintain the prestige of the big brother, but he also feels that it is gradually difficult.

Now hearing the provocation of the Warring States, he couldn’t help but fall silent.

Not jealousy!

Rather, worry!!!

The more he understood the essence of this world, the more worried Karp was, when he led Lu Chen to join the navy, he didn’t know whether it was right or wrong!

“He’s stronger than you think!”

Warring States seemed to notice the emotions of the good jiyou, and his attitude eased down, and he immediately changed the topic: “By the way, you let Lu Chen go back to the East China Sea, how is the dragon boy?” ”

Hearing this, Karp suddenly looked amazed, and then said very angrily: “It’s been a month, and this guy doesn’t know how to contact brother!” ”

If it wasn’t for the Warring States to mention it, he would have forgotten about it.

The two returned to the cabin, and Karp was in front of Sengoku, directly dialing Lu Chen’s phone worm.

“Hey, brother, so free to find me?”

The phone worm turned into road dust, with a lazy expression.

“Hmph, don’t look at who your brother is, just this task, if it weren’t for the Warring States to stop me, it would have been completed long ago!”

Karp grinned confidently.

Then, ignoring the silent anger of the warring states beside him, he changed the topic: “How is that kid?” ”

At the beginning, Karp was told by Da Dan that his son actually wanted to go to sea to become a pirate recently.

If it weren’t for the imminent mission, he would have gone back to the East China Sea by himself instead of asking Lu Chen.

Although he rarely goes back to visit, he still cares about the dragon in his heart.

To this.

Lu Chen naturally understood, so he smiled and said, “Brother, don’t you still worry about me?” ”

“Nephew there to solve it, I can assure you, he has now completely dismissed the idea of being a pirate, I will do things, brother, you can rest assured ten thousand!”

The phone worm turned into a confident look of road dust.

Hear this.

Karp breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, and put down a jack of boulders in his heart.

Finally, after a few small talks, it was agreed to return to the headquarters, and after the next trip to the new world together, I hung up the phone worm.


East China Sea.

A huge warship with a seagull mark is slowly driving on the blue sea.


Belonging to Lu Chen’s office, he slowly hung up the phone worm.

“Hmph, this kind of father never understands the thoughts of his children!”

Long who was sitting on the side sneered: “When I grow up, I will definitely not become this kind of father!” ”


The corners of Lu Chen’s mouth twitched, and his forehead was covered with black lines.

Looking at the complicated look in the dragon’s eyes, she really wanted to tell this kid that you and Brother Karp are actually no different.

They are all modern scumbags who have contributed only one seed of life and completely abandoned their hands.

“Where did you just say?”

Lu Chen took a deep breath and quickly changed the topic, for fear that he would not be able to help but let out a mocking laugh.

“Revolution, class!” Long immediately collected his emotions, his face was serious, and his body leaned forward slightly, like an obedient student.

“Yes, revolution is the overthrow of one class by another, child, it’s not a dinner or making friends, it’s a duel of violence and violence, understand?”

“I understand uncle!”

“Well, just understand, when you grow strong enough, I will tell you about the protracted polemics!”

Lu Chen waved his hand and threw out another novel word.

Hearing the light in his eyes, Long silently vowed in his heart that he must become strong as soon as possible.

Wait for the stabbing teenager to go out.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host and get 10,000 points! ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, complete the check-in point value, do you use check-in? ”

A prompt sound that only Lu Chen could hear suddenly sounded from his mind.

Finally, he had accumulated enough 300,000 points, and it was not in vain that he swept the pirates all the way from the first half of the Great Voyage to the East China Sea.

“Use check-in!”

Lu Chen smiled brightly.

I don’t know what the reward is for this justice check-in?

Is it to improve the original ability, or to reward the new ability?

Either way, it’s worth looking forward to!!


PS: Does anyone watch it, please? Asking for some flowers and tickets, asking for all support, your great support is the driving force of the author’s code word!!!!!!

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