“Uncle, so strong!”

The dragon’s eyes were glowing, but the next moment, he seemed to think of something, his face was bitter, and his fists clenched: “With the navy with my uncle, can I still have the possibility of defeating?” ”

The second middle school boy, who was still young and vigorous just now, suddenly became low.

The uncle who dominated his childhood fears, powerful and breathless.

“Vice Admiral Lu Chen, you have already entered the first half of the Great Voyage, and in a few days, you can reach the Water Capital!”

At this time, Colonel Rick came to Lu Chen and asked respectfully: “Do you want to replenish supplies in the Chambord Islands, or go back to the headquarters directly?” ”

At this moment, looking at Lu Chen’s gaze, it was full of deep awe.

When he was a colonel, Lu Chen was a grassroots naval soldier, and now three years later, he is a colonel, and the other party has been promoted to vice admiral.

Being able to follow such a monster is undoubtedly a great honor for Colonel Rick.

Just like many middle and lower-level admirals in the navy, they don’t have the qualifications to follow the monsters in their own department.

“Chambord Islands!”

Hearing the deputy’s words, Lu Chen thought for a while, glanced at the teenager with extremely low air pressure, and then said with a smile: “The first time the child goes out on a long trip, he should move around more to see!” ”

After speaking, he waved his hand to let the deputy leave.

With a cigarette in his mouth and his trouser pocket, he walked straight towards the dragon, who didn’t know what to think.

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers all retreated with interest and did not disturb the conversation between the two uncles and nephews.

“Uncle, the navy is so strong, can I still defeat it?”

Hearing the footsteps behind him, he woke up the young man who saw and heard, and asked without looking back.

The face was very bitter.

Facing the behemoth navy of this ocean, to be honest, his dream, in less than ten days, has been shaken countless times.

In particular, I felt the terrifying aura of Lu Chen just now.

Almost, let the future leader of the revolutionary army directly succumb to reality.


The corners of Lu Chen’s mouth hooked, his hands came out of his trouser pockets, raised to support the side of the ship, and said with a faint smile: “Within fifty years, no one can defeat the navy!” ”


Long’s face became even more bitter, and he whispered: “Then am I wasting time, no matter how I understand the navy, it is impossible to defeat this behemoth!” ”

At a young age, I am under pressure that I shouldn’t be able to bear.

“The navy is actually weak!” Lu Chen slowly spat out a smoke ring, and suddenly said a shocking word.


The dragon blinked, thinking he had misheard.

You know, the naval forces are all over the world, and there are fleets patrolling the seas, even the navy in the four seas, which is more than the strength of many countries.

This, weak there?

It’s not too much to say that it’s so strong that it makes people desperate.

Don’t see it, the most vicious Locks pirate group in history does not dare to collide head-on with the navy, and can only compete for hegemony in the chaotic land of the new world.

“Uncle, did you say something wrong?” Long raised his tattooed little face and asked with doubtful eyes.


Lu Chen raised his left hand, rubbed the boy’s upside down black hair, and then explained: “The navy is weak, but it is strong!” ”

“The strength of the navy is all over the sea, and it is necessary to maintain chaotic order, however, this sea is very large, and there are many places that the navy cannot reach, so it is weak!”

“But the navy is very strong, in this sea, it is stronger than any force, it is a veritable hegemon, and no one can shake its justice!”

“Do you want to fight a weak navy, or do you want to fight a strong navy?”

“Kid, it’s up to your will!”

With Lu Chen’s voice falling.


Long’s mind seemed to have lightning streaking, and the whole person was directly frozen in place.

After a long sound, he shouted excitedly: “Uncle, I understand, this is what you said before, the spark can ignite the plain, I understand!” ”

“Just understand!”

Looking at his excited nephew, Lu Chen looked pleased, but he still reminded: “But you still have to be careful, don’t fall into my hands in the future, otherwise Brother Karp won’t be able to save you!” ”

“Hmph, I don’t want that guy to save!”

Long sneered and shook his head, secretly deciding in his heart that he would record all the revolutionary theories he had studied in the past few days.

“Huh! Today’s lesson is here, you first think about it, sort out what you have learned, and plan how to strengthen yourself in the future! Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

Seeing that the second middle school boy had recovered his full vitality, he felt deeply comforted in his heart.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host and get 1000 points! ”

At this time, the system’s prompt sounds.

“Less, only 1,000 points?”

Glancing at his nephew who was walking away, Lu Chen muttered in his heart.

During this time, he successively obtained almost 20,000 points from his nephew.


This effect is simply impressive.

However, it now seems that the guiding effect of the future leaders of the revolutionary army has begun to gradually weaken.


Time passes fast.

Six days later.

“Report, Your Excellency Lu Chen, we have entered the waters of the Chambord Islands, and we can arrive at the port of the Chambord Islands branch in ten minutes!” Colonel Rick pushed through the door to report.

Looking at Lieutenant General Lu Chen, who was lecturing with his nephew again, the deputy was curious in his heart, not knowing what Lieutenant General Lu Chen’s lecture was to Long exactly.

“Aha, unconsciously, I have come here!”

Lu Chen suddenly realized, turned his head to Lu and smiled: “The Chambord Islands are very close to Marin Fando, we rest for half a day, and we will go to the headquarters of the Navy.” ”


The dragon nodded vigorously, his fists clenched, his face full of expectation.

But right now.


A cannon shot came from the sea in the distance.

“A civilian ship was found ahead, and another … Merchant vessel? ”

The soldiers of the watchtower convey the message.


The deputy’s expression changed slightly.

“Which one fired the artillery just now?”

Lu Chen asked indifferently.

Cold sweat broke out on the deputy’s forehead, and he said in a deep voice: “It’s that ship……. Merchant ships, shoot at civilian ships! ”

Receiving the answer, Lu Chen nodded, then stood up and walked straight out of the office.

“Why do merchant ships fire at civilian ships?”

Behind, Long looked puzzled and chased out.

The sea in the distance.

A merchant ship comparable to the navy is erecting artillery and pursuing a small civilian ship.

At this moment, when I saw the warship coming, I had no intention of stopping.


PS: Weakly asked, is anyone else watching? The humble little author asks to write some flowers to support it!!!!

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