At this time, he suddenly realized that Lu Chen’s young appearance was not as rough as Karp, but his facial features were still very similar.

It’s just that in terms of temperament, one is grinning, and the other is active.

And in terms of strength, it is just as strong and desperate.

Moreover, the ability of road dust is really overwhelming.

Boom –

At this time, the island had landed, suspended in mid-air, and the shadows covered most of the island, covering the sky and the sun full of oppression.

Fluttering fruit ability!

What a convenience!

In the distance, Lu Chen, who stood firm, raised his eyes to look, and thought like this.

Immediately after, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he ridiculed Roger, who looked shocked: “As the captain of the pirate group, most of your crew is in my hands, are you sure you can leave by yourself?” ”

“Gore S. D. Roger! ”

Lu Chen’s eyes were indifferent, his hands were inserted into his trouser pockets, and he looked like he was watching a play.

The red enchantment is like a transparent wall separating the two worlds, and from the outside, you can clearly see the scene inside.

The unconscious Renly and more than a dozen crew members, limbs and bodies tied up by tree roots, hung in the air like this.

A gentle breeze blew by, and more than a dozen companions and crew members swayed in the wind.


Jabba and the others came to Roger’s side, he raised his hand and patted the captain on the shoulder, his tone was very low.

“Captain, Karp and Sengoku are coming!”

“You have the final say!”

“Hey, are you going to die here? Actually, it’s not bad! ”

“Go and stay as you like, we all trust the captain anyway!”

The few remaining crew members spoke up to comfort one after another.

At the same time, one by one, they clenched the weapons in their hands, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, ready for the final death battle.

“Bastard Roger, if you don’t run away, Lao Tzu will ignore you!”

The golden lion shouted angrily.

In the void behind, the golden Buddha was very close, stepping on the moon step and chasing across half the island.

The black dots of the human figure gradually become clear.

It was Karp, who had a red upper body, revealing a strong muscular body.

He grinned, looking excited, chasing after him behind his back.

How can an opponent who is hard to find be easily let go!!

“You’re right, as a captain, I really can’t leave the crew behind and flee alone!”

At this time, Roger withdrew his gaze from the direction of the enchantment, turned to stare at Lu Chen, and said in a deep voice: “But if I stay here today, I really won’t have a chance to save them!” ”

Hear this.

Jabba and many other crew members were slightly stunned, and immediately showed a relieved smile.

The golden lions and whitebeards on the island all have slightly narrowed eyes.

It seems that he did not expect Roger to think like this.

I have to say.

In the face of major choices, you can make the most correct choice, worthy of the future One Piece, or have great luck.

And so it goes.

Roger’s pirates, who had less than ten people left, jumped on the island controlled by the golden lion.

However, he raised his hand to stop the golden lion from leaving.

Instead, he turned around and looked in the direction of Lu Chen.

“Report your name!”

Roger stared at Lu Chen, as if to portray him in the depths of his soul.

The tone was very solemn, obviously treating Lu Chen as an unprecedented opponent.

“Monchi S. D. Road dust! ”

In this regard, Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders and said very frankly: “You have to remember, because this name will be you, no, it’s you, and you, and all the pirates in this sea, endless nightmares in the future!” ”

“You can leave this time, but next time, you won’t be so lucky!”

Lu Chen raised his head, his eyes scanned Roger and the others coldly, and said in an indifferent tone.

“This world is like this, when freedom becomes a luxury, pirates will not be extinct!”

Roger raised his chin and said confidently.

“No, it is precisely because of you pirates that most people in the world are not free!”

Lu Chen retorted coldly and said mercilessly: “Of course, you reminded me how to solve the problem of pirates!” ”


Good tone!

As the three legendary pirates in the future, they were all stimulated by Lu Chen’s arrogance, and they all showed a sneer.

In this regard, Lu Chen was too lazy to explain.

The next moment, the huge island broke free from the shackles of gravity, soared into the clouds high in the sky, and disappeared in an instant.


The red enchantment in the distance disappeared in an instant.

“Road dust!”

The Warring States people were in mid-air, their body gradually shrunk, and after landing on the ground, they turned into normal human forms.

“Damn, they were gone after all!” He looked up in the direction in which the island had disappeared, looking very resentful.

“Bastard brother, why didn’t you drag them just now?”

At this time, Karp came closer, saw that his opponents had run away, and suddenly looked unhappy.

“Don’t say stupid things, that’s Roger and Whitebeard, Lu Chen can’t keep it!”

Sengoku raised his hand and pressed it on Karp’s shoulder to calm him down.

In fact, it really can’t be retained.

Even if Lu Chen opens the eight doors of Dun Jia, facing strong people such as Roger, as well as the golden lion’s fluttering fruit ability to assist, if you want to go, you can’t stay at all.

Since this is the case, I simply don’t bother to make another move.

Anyway, arresting most of the Roger Pirate Group has already severely damaged this legendary Pirate Group, and may never recover.

“Let’s go back first!”

Lu Chen waved his hand, waited for the warship to dock, and ordered the soldiers to escort the prisoners.

The sea tower stone shackles are enough, let your strength be monstrous, without the key, you can’t break free.

Half an hour later.

Under the adoring gazes of countless soldiers, Lu Chen, Karp and the others returned to the warship.

“Oh my God, this is the vice captain of the legendary pirates!”

“The total bounty of the pirates arrested this time is as high as 3 billion Bailey!”

“Sleeping, worthy of the four pillars of the navy!”

“This kind of task is cool!”

Many soldiers talked one after another, and they were all excited.

“Colonel Rick!”

Lu Chen looked sideways.

Suddenly, the tall blond man stood solemnly: “Your Excellency, Lieutenant General!” ”

“Escort the prisoners to a temporary prison in the temporary cabin, and order people to guard them 24 hours a day, except for our four vice admirals, no one is allowed to approach!”

After giving the order, Colonel Rick led the way.

Half of the Roger Pirates, mighty and spectacular, lined up on the deck and got into the cabin one by one.

Renly stepped in with half a foot, and finally took a deep look at Lu Chen before entering the cabin.

What awaits them is a long prison confinement.

Until he returned to the headquarters of the navy to restore his life, after the trial, the result was to enter the advancing city and spend his life in the dark.

Watching the prisoners enter the cabin, Lu Chen stretched and then lay down on a beach chair.

He glanced at the Warring States and the others who wanted to stop talking, and asked with a smile.

“If you want to ask, ask!”

“Roger and the Golden Lion and the others are leaving, it’s hard to guarantee that they won’t join forces with Locks and the others!”

Seeing that he was seen through by Lu Chen, Warring States also frankly and directly expressed the worries in his heart.

To this.

Lu Chen raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the cabin.

“That’s why I left half of the Roger Pirates!”

Words fall.

Sengoku and Ah He both suddenly realized.


PS: Ask for flowers tickets, ask for all support!!!!!!

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