Branch base?

It was a military al-Qaeda organization under the headquarters of the Navy.

In the words of Lu Chen’s previous life, it is equivalent to the treatment of the marquis of the cracked earth, and the lieutenant general stationed there is the supreme ruler.

Have your own independent fleet and soldiers and other generals.

Especially in the base at the beginning of G, every general stationed is at the rank of lieutenant general.

It can be said that this is the backbone of the naval headquarters to deter the sea.

And Brother Karp’s garrison base is the G3 branch.

In the navy, it is the second base after the G1.

And Sengoku and Zefa and others voluntarily stayed at the headquarters of the Navy.

Of course, they had already been stationed before.

For those who want to be promoted, lieutenant generals who have been stationed in the branch, if their own strength is sufficient, they will have the opportunity to be promoted to the position of senior general in the future.

Now for the Navy’s supernova road dust.

Whether it is a naval marshal or a Holy Land World Government, they are very willing to let him garrison a branch.

After waiting for a few years, he will be transferred back to the headquarters, and when his qualifications and strength are sufficient, he can be directly promoted to a general.

So, as a marshal and a sounding board for the Holy Land.

The air general would naturally ask in advance about Lu Chen’s own wishes.

Whether it is staying in the headquarters or stationing the branch, it is a kind of promotion road, depending on how Lu Chen chooses.

“Lu Chen, you can think clearly, stationing the branch is a long-term job!”

Sengoku reminded on the side.

The branch chosen to be stationed will be a long-term stay in the next few years, or more than ten years.

Except on holidays, or on military missions, you can leave the garrison branch.

This is also the reason why Karp has rarely returned to his hometown for so many years.

“Not bad, Lu Chen, you are still young, you don’t have to take risks!”

Even Zefa couldn’t help but remind a few words.

Even if the Holy Land released the wind in advance and wanted to let Lu Chen garrison the G2 branch, if he chose to refuse, the headquarters and the world government could not force it.

Therefore, there are many options for choosing vacant branches.

In the first half of the Great Voyage, and the branches of the New World, the danger factor is not at a level.

This is also the reason why Zefa, remind.


“Mr. Sora, everything is at the marshal’s command!”

In this regard, Lu Chen said that it did not matter.

In his mind, no matter which branch was stationed, it was only temporary.

He has bigger goals!!!

“Hahaha, road dust boy, I’m optimistic about you.”

The air general had a smile on his face, but he didn’t expect Lu Chen to be so negotiable, so he couldn’t help but give a promise: “In this way, when you are transferred to the branch, the headquarters will approve and find someone to assist you.” ”

You know, Lu Chen has only been in the navy for three years.

At this time, he was transferred to the branch station, and he alone may not be familiar with the operation.

Therefore, the promise of the air general is to find someone to lead the road dust to familiarize.

When you get familiar with it, you naturally don’t need to be assisted by others.

“Looking for someone?”

Hearing the words of the air general, Lu Chen felt his head grow.

Glancing slanted, he found that in the entire office, the familiar guys were the people of Sengoku and Zefa.

Brother Karp has his own branch to guard, so naturally it is impossible to stay by his side for a long time.

That’s all that’s left……………….

“Mr. Sora, I’ll go!”

Without waiting for Lu Chen to speak, Lieutenant General Heji took a step forward and straightened his chest in response.

While speaking, she raised her eyebrows, glanced at Lu Chen, and said with a smile: “Lu Chen, you won’t not welcome me, right?” ”

“Sister He, you still know me!”

In this regard, Lu Chen smiled all over his face.

To be honest, as one of the staff officers of the navy, Sister He’s ability is not only in superficial combat effectiveness.

And her understanding of the operation of the navy is second only to the Warring States.

With her by his side, Lu Chen said that he could be a hands-off shopkeeper at any time.

“Haha, then arrange it like this!”

The air general looked like he had completed the task, and exhaled a heavy breath of turbid air.

Then, he told Lu Chen that after resting, he would go to the Naval Academy to give a speech.

This is a tradition of the headquarters of the Navy.

Every vice admiral, after victory in a major military mission, goes to the Naval Academy and gives a concluding speech.

To put it bluntly, it is to motivate the students inside.

After all, that’s the future of the Navy!!!

“Yes, then let’s go over tomorrow!”

Lu Chen nodded, leaving this time, and also wanted to see how his nephew was doing there.

When he left the general’s office, he looked around and found that after Brother Karp came out, he had disappeared.

“Before Karp left, he kept nagging to open the door!”

Behind him, Lieutenant General Crane said with a shallow smile.

In his thirties, there are not many traces left on Ah He.

In addition to the more mature temperament, the whole person is full of intellectuality and stability, and has the style of a big sister.

“Open the door?”

Lu Chen’s forehead is covered with black lines.

He had known that he would not teach the Eight Doors Dun Jia to Karp so quickly.

I also thought of going to the Naval Academy together, so that my nephew and brother could meet and the father and son exchange feelings.

Now it seems that there is no need to think about it.

“Sister He, then you will accompany me to the Naval Academy tomorrow!”

Lu Chen’s eyes lit up and he winked at Ah He.

Compared with Karp’s rugged appearance, Lu Chen looks rich and handsome, and his appearance alone is enough to make any person of the opposite sex feel excited.

What’s more, he also has the top power of a lieutenant general.

“No, go by yourself!”

However, Ah He looked at Lu Chen with a smile, and directly shook his head and refused: “I still have a lot of things to deal with, after all, the time for you to transfer to the branch should not be far away, I still need to hand over the work of the headquarters!” ”

Lu Chen: “………….”

Well, he could only give up and find someone else to accompany him.


Capital of Seven Waters.

Roger’s pirates, who returned from a pirate ship in the New World.

This pirate group of only seven or eight people left can be described as never lost.

“The deputy captain of Roger’s Pirates, Renly the Hades, and the crew will all be imprisoned in the advancing city!”

When they learned the news, including Jabba, all the crew were desperate.

What is Propulsion City?

Known as the world’s first prison, the deep-sea prison built on the bottom of the sea, known as the strongest prison with copper walls and iron walls.

The prisoners who enter will basically lose their freedom in this life.

Roger’s pirates returned from the New World to the first half of the Great Voyage, just to find an opportunity to rescue Renly and the others.

I didn’t expect it……………….

Jabba frowned, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

That kind of ghost place, they can really enter from the outside world?

I’m afraid that even the door of justice cannot be crossed!

How else to save your companions?

“Hahaha, Jabba, what are your expressions? Have you given up already? ”

Roger raised his hand and patted Jabba’s shoulder, looking at their expressions and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Captain, do we still have a solution?” Jabba asked.

“Not yet!”

Jabba and the crew: “…………”

“But I believe that sooner or later there will be a way, as long as we are still in the sea, there will definitely be a way!”

Roger has inexplicable confidence in his future.

This confident mood also infected the other crew members, and the frustration was slightly diluted.

“Come on, if you want to continue sailing, you have to build our new ship!”

Roger grinned ashore and headed straight for the shipyard.

“Captain, do we have money?”

Behind, the crew followed, all looking curious.

“Haha, you can owe it first!” 

Hearing Roger’s words, Jabba and the others’ faces changed drastically.

I don’t know why, there is always a bad premonition.


“Brother Tom, please do this, when we go to sea, we will definitely find the money to pay you back!”

Before leaving the shipyard, Roger thanked a fish man with joy on his face.

This scene stunned Jabba and the crew.

Sleeping, captain is okay like this?


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