Seven days later!!!

Three naval warships quietly left the dock, passed the bearer of the drawbridge, and smoothly entered the Red Earth Continent, waiting in the canal outside Marijoya.

After a long time, with five or six luxurious ocean-going cruise ships joining the team, the fleet officially departed.

At this time.

Navy headquarters, Marin Fando.

“Hahaha, brother, you must not think…”

“Lao Tzu has opened the sixth door!”


Karp’s arrogant laughter spread throughout the building.

The place passed has aroused the doubts and confusion of countless people.

“Don’t shout at the solemn headquarters of the Navy!”

In the end, Sengoku couldn’t see it and couldn’t help but scold this guy.

“Hehe, Sengoku, in the future, there will be only such a little gap between me and you!”

For the scolding of the warring states, Karp did not care at all, but raised his right hand and spread his thumb and index finger to the maximum, indicating the gap between the two.

Sengoku looked black: “………….”

“Lately you’ve often heard you shouting to open the door, what the hell is it?”

At this time, Zefa, who had short purple hair, smiled and asked curiously.

Hear this.

The empty generals behind the desk put down the documents in their hands and looked over.


Feeling the curious gazes of everyone, Karp’s laughter was even louder, and his face was full of sneering, and the people watching wanted to beat him violently.

Just when everyone was almost at the limit of patience, he waved his hand with a grin, looking extremely unbeaten.

“Don’t tell you!”

When Sengoku heard this, he almost exploded.

Even if Zefa has such a good temper, he can’t help but bulge his forehead.

If it weren’t for the air general’s urge to beat him violently, I am afraid that he would have started fighting in the office.

Leave the General’s office.

Karp’s excitement calmed down, and then he remembered that he hadn’t visited his son for a long time.

“Eun, I haven’t had time to pay attention to him before, so let’s go and see how the little one is doing while the vacation is not over!”

“These eight dunjia are really forbidden techniques in a desperate situation, En’en, as a father there is no manners, then teach him this forbidden physical technique!”

“Anyway, Long has always been taught by Lu Chen, and there is no big problem when I think about it!”

Thinking of this, Karp’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

Of course.

Although he has thick nerves, he is not mad, and the eight doors of Dun Jia belong to a taboo physical technique, which is to burn life force at every turn.

Therefore, in order to be afraid that the little one will not be restrained, it is naturally impossible to teach it all.

“Well, just teach the theory of the sixth gate, and when his strength is enough, let him find the road dust by himself!”

While thinking in his heart, Kap walked straight towards the Naval Academy with cheerful steps.

And on the other side.

A naval fleet that has just left the Red Earth Continent and entered the waters of the New World.

What Karp was going to do at the headquarters of the Navy, Lu Chen did not know.

Even if he knew, he wouldn’t stop it.

After all, this forbidden technique can be used in desperate situations, thus increasing the chances of survival.

Above a warship at the forefront of the fleet.

Lu Chen glanced back, the extremely luxurious ocean cruise, and already had a preliminary understanding of the life of the Tianlong people in his heart.

“Such a swaggering escort won’t be too eye-catching, right?”

Set up a beach chair on the deck, he lies down comfortably, faces the bright sun, slowly closes his eyes, and enjoys this rare tranquility.

“Just get used to it!”

In this regard, Lieutenant General Heji clasped his hands and his face was slightly cold.

Before setting off, I thought that this escort mission was just to escort a certain Draco in the Holy Land.

But now.

Looking at the six huge cruise ships that were as huge as castles, Hezhong’s white forehead was covered with black lines, and his eyes showed a solemnity.

I’m afraid this can’t be a certain Draco family all set off!!!

“Haha, is Sister Crane angry too?”

Lying on the beach chair, Lu Chen glanced obliquely and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Nonsense, I’m just too stressed!”

Seeing through the thoughts in Lu Chen’s heart, Hezhong’s face was slightly red, and he couldn’t help but tilt his head and puff out his cheeks.

This vice admiral staff officer rarely gets emotional.

But today, it was indeed popular by Tianlong.

After all, the previous task was just to escort, but I didn’t expect it to be to escort a family.

Even carrying those slaves and Draco’s belongings is simply moving, no, it is as grand as a royal family semi-relocation.

It doesn’t matter about Lu Chen, as long as you don’t trouble yourself.

But fate seems to be joking with him.

The thought just came to mind.

On the cruise ship behind the castle, several gunshots were suddenly heard.

Bang a few times!

It is especially harsh on the quiet and vast sea.

“What’s going on?”

Lieutenant General He’s pretty face changed slightly, and he suddenly turned his head to look over.

The admirals on the other two warships also immediately issued a warning, and the triangular naval battleship began to shrink the distance, directly arching six castle-like cruise ships.


Vice Admiral Crane gave an order, led several generals and colonels to leap up from the warship, straddling a distance of tens of meters on the moon step, and landing on the deck of the Draco cruise ship.


At the moment when they just landed, dozens of men in black suits suddenly walked out of the cruise ship, took out their firearms one after another, and aimed at Lieutenant General He.

“Who let you on board without your permission?”

The man at the head of them said coldly with an expressionless face.

Hearing this, Ah He’s face changed slightly, her eyes became sharp, and several generals and colonels beside her also changed their faces drastically.

“We heard gunshots and thought someone was attacking the Draco, so we got on board to check!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru resisted his anger and tried to answer in a calm tone.

Immediately after, she turned and waved, the cloak of justice was raised, and shouted: “Let’s go back!” ”

After speaking, he wanted to jump away, but there was a shout from the cabin.

“Disturb Uncle Ben’s fun of torturing slaves, do you want to come and go?”

Hearing this, the dozens of men in black, the firearms they had just put down, were raised here one after another, and all aimed at Lieutenant General He.

The next moment.

The door of the cabin opened, and a white-haired man wearing a spacesuit and a hood, with an arrogant and disdainful face, and eyes staring at all beings, slowly walked out under the burden of a huge slave.

He glanced at the deck, and when he saw Vice Admiral Tsuru, his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

“You, who is this?”

The Draco turned his head and asked the man in black who was the leader.

“Vice Admiral!”

The man in black came to the Draco and bowed down to answer.

Hearing this, the white-haired young Draco man had a look of excitement on his face, his eyes shining brightly, and he laughed.

“Hello Vice Admiral, I haven’t tried it yet…”


Before the words were finished, the coercion as vast as the sea was overwhelmingly crushed.


The white-haired man, Draco, rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth and passed out, and fell straight towards the deck.

If it weren’t for the man in black’s quick eyes, I’m afraid he would have fallen.

“Who is it?”

He suddenly turned his head and looked coldly in the direction of the warship.

At the stern there, I don’t know when, on the side of the ship, stood a vice admiral with his hands in his pockets, looking down here with indifferent eyes.


PS: Ask for flowers tickets for all support!!!!!!!

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