
The huge green dragon turned into a human form, and Kaido, who was covered in disabilities, was in a state of almost collapse, and after passing through the storm, he could no longer hold on at this time, and directly lost consciousness.

The burly body smashed down a well-planted beach, causing migratory birds in the rainforest on the shore to scream.

I don’t know how long it took, when Kaido woke up again, his whole body seemed to fall apart.

“Golden lion, this idiot, let him stop provoking the navy, hiss ~~~”

Cursing a few words fiercely, involving the wounds on his body, Kaido grinned in pain.

Not to mention, although he has thick skin and thick flesh, he can’t withstand ten thousand lightning smashing down his body, if it weren’t for the thick blood, he would have long wanted to be like the golden lion, and he was directly fainted.

Kaido knows that his current strength cannot be compared with the strong people such as the golden lion.

But he also has the only advantage, which is that he is resistant to beating!!!!

“What is this place?”

After half a day of recuperation, Kaido’s injuries on the surface of his body were repaired, and he slowly stood up and left along the coast.

I don’t know how long it took.

A luxurious pier appeared in the distance, and he was greeted.

At the same time, six magnificent cruise ships like castles quietly docked at the pier.

“Isn’t this that road dust, escort thing?”

Seeing this, Kaido’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Immediately, he grinned, his eyes glowing with coldness.

“I don’t know how that guy from Shiki is yet! If you are really caught, it will be a shame to go back to the pirates, but it will be different if you bring some news back! ”

Kaido, such a reckless man, actually became active at this time.

It seems that he was scared by the previous thunder!

It seemed cautious.


The naval warships departing from the G2 branch rode the wind and waves all the way and rushed back towards the headquarters of the Navy at the fastest speed.

Five days later.

Navy headquarters, Marin Fando.

The warship holding the golden lion Shiji entered the military port.

“Vice Admiral Tsuru!”

A major admiral, who had long been waiting on the dock, immediately saluted Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was standing next to the side of the ship.

“Well, I’ll leave it to you next!”

Vice Admiral Crane bowed his head slightly, and immediately jumped off the warship and left.

The task of escorting the golden lion Shiji was officially handed over to the rear admiral, almost non-stop, and sent directly to the advancing city.

The golden lion imprisoned in the prison of the warship is probably unimaginable.

What awaits him will be the world’s most heavily defended deep-sea prison.

Watch as the warship leaves the harbor and gradually disappears into the vast and huge portal.

Lieutenant General Tsuru withdrew his gaze, looked solemn, turned and walked towards the headquarters building.

At this time.

The office of the empty general.

The high-ranking admirals who got the news were rarely crowded here.

Even Karp, who was supposed to return to the branch today, stayed decisively and patiently waited for the arrival of Lieutenant General He.


The door to the office opens.

The heroic female heroine, Lieutenant General He, walked in.

“My bastard brother, how did he defeat the golden lion?”

Karp saw Lieutenant General Crane coming in, and immediately approached and asked, looking impatient.

There is a lesson from the past that secretly hid strength before.

Now every time I hear the news of Lu Chen’s victory, Karp, the old brother, is the most anxious, for fear that the old brother still has a hidden hand.

“His fruit ability, awakened!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Karp and smiling lightly.

In fact, when she returned, she had already informed the headquarters of the details.

From the discovery of the golden lion, to the defeat of the golden lion, and the escape of Kaido, everything is reported in detail.

However, the blue steam evaporated from Lu Chen’s body at the end was replaced by an instant increase in great power, but Lieutenant General Crane did not say it.

After all, in her heart, Lu Chen is still young and should have her own secrets.

In other words, this kind of thing, it is better to wait for the parties to uncover.

“So it is!”

Hearing Lieutenant General He’s words, Karp suddenly realized, and then he was relieved.

Well, the old brother did not hide a hand from him.

“What, his Devil Fruit ability, awakened?”

“That’s the natural system, awakening form, the power will appear geometrically exploding!”

“How old is Lieutenant General Lu Chen!”

“Oh my God, what a monster!”

“Fortunately, this is someone from our navy!”

All the high-ranking naval officials felt deeply shocked.

As everyone knows.

The Devil Fruit has the realm of awakening.

The awakening of the superhuman system has an effect on objects other than itself.

The awakening of the animal department has an unparalleled ability to recover.

As for the awakening of the ability of natural fruits, it is a change in the natural climate.

Inside the original.

The future admiral Akainu and the green pheasant duel, caused? The permanent climate change of an island, this is the power of the awakening of the natural devil fruit.

Has an arbitrary change to the natural climate!!!!

“No wonder you can catch the golden lion!”

Sengoku sat on the side and couldn’t help but nod in admiration.

“Although the golden lion has the ability to fly, it cannot escape from the air in the face of endless thunder!”

Zefa was also shocked.

Half a year ago, he was still on par with Lu Chen, but he was slightly short of losing.

But now, the gap between the two is probably widening a little.

“I can’t leave the road dust too much!”

However, Zefa quickly adjusted, and his mentality remained optimistic and determined.

“Lu Chen this time, very good, help the navy, hit the arrogance of the Locks Pirate Group hard!”

The air general was radiant, and before Lu Chen joined the navy, he rarely had such a spirited moment.

But the next moment, the air general withdrew his smile, looked solemn, and asked in a deep voice: “But how did the golden lion, these fierce parties of Locks, appear in the G2 branch?” ”

You know, although the Locks Pirates are powerful, they have supreme prestige in the new world.

However, he never took the initiative to provoke the navy.

After all, a thief is a thief, and there is an inexplicable jealousy of the righteous navy.

This time, it was indeed abnormal.

“I also felt very abnormal before, but when I came back, I thought about it for a while, the target of the golden lion may be the Draco people we escort!”

Lieutenant General Hezuru pondered for a moment and said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the entire office instantly fell silent.


When it comes to these self-proclaimed descendants of the Creator God, it is not for the Ministry to decide.

“Well, after all, the Draco people we escort are too conspicuous, maybe the golden lions and other pirates are regarded as the object of escorting taxes!”

At this time, Lieutenant General Tsuru said another guess.

When everyone heard this, the atmosphere relaxed slightly.

This guess is more reliable.

After all, even the most vicious pirates never dare to take the initiative to provoke the Draco people, and in this sea, it is already an unwritten rule.

Even the air general nodded in agreement.

But no matter what the other party’s intentions were, anyway, people were arrested and entered the advancing city.

“The Holy Land has already replied and will publicize this matter!”

General Sora put his hands on the table and nodded to Lieutenant General Tsuru and said.

Propaganda means getting the message across.

With the fastest speed, it spread to the whole world, and even to Locks’ ears.

And only the world government has this ability.

“That’s good!” Lieutenant General Tsuru breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, I believe that the G2 branch will usher in a period of peace.


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