The Locks pirate group is menacing, and according to the intelligence of the Navy headquarters, Locks personally led the whole group of sea pirates to come, and it is bound to pay the price of road dust.

This movement is so great that the whole world has already spread boiling at this time.

It was even transmitted to the first half of the Great Voyage and the four seas.

The Locks Pirates did not hide anything, and dozens of pirate warships swept mightily, heading straight for the coordinate sea area of the G2 branch.

It’s hard for others to think or not!

It is completely upright and full of hegemonic momentum!!!

No wonder the air general is so anxious.

However, the intelligence agency is also pulling the crotch, the other party has left the hive island, and did not report it at the first time.

Lu Chen thought in his heart.

Of course, he didn’t know that the spies sent by the world government had long been strangled by Locks.

“Your Excellency Lu Chen, the nautical chart you asked for has been brought here!”

At this time, Colonel Rick went and returned, holding a nautical chart in his hand.

Neatly spread out on the table, at this time, a map with a radius of hundreds of miles shows the changing trend of ocean currents and climate, and even the surrounding coordinates are recorded.

It can be said that for the sea area of hundreds of meters, it is very detailed.

Even though he had seen it many times, Lu Chen still watched it carefully, and as before, there was no special discovery.

In addition to turbulence in the sea not far from the G2 branch, even the warships of the Navy can shuttle through.

Not to mention pirate ships and ordinary merchant ships, who had to pass through this extremely turbulent current, and the final result was only the death of the ship.

“No, the cruise ship of the Draco people, the power is greater than that of a warship, it should be able to shuttle over!”

Lu Chen thought of the key.

At this time, he has eight or nine inseparable ten, and the branch he is in is the sea area of the Valley of the Gods.

And Locks suddenly said that he wanted to crusade against himself, afraid and not for the sake of the Draco, right?

However, Lu Chen is not entirely sure, because there is no intersection with the timeline in his memory, and the original God Valley took place thirty-eight years ago, that is, two years later, forty years ago.

So, there is still a year to go.

Locks went out with all the staff this time, I don’t know if it was for the crusade against Lu Chen, or for the Draco people.

Of course, Lu Chen still has a great chance of being in the sea area near the Valley of the Gods for the sea where his branch is located.

“Unexpectedly, when I said that I would be transferred casually, it was so coincidental!”

Lu Chen was speechless in his heart.

Am I guarding the Valley of the Gods?

That’s a coincidence!

However, since it has happened, he can only face it.

Next to him, Colonel Rick did not dare to come out, he looked at Lu Chen’s changing look, and his heart suddenly became uneasy.

In the face of the attack of this overlord of the sea, no one can face it indifferently.

“Inform the headquarters, I will sit in the branch and go all out to face the Locks Pirates!”

After a long ring, Lu Chen shook his head and immediately ordered Colonel Rick to go down.


Colonel Rick took a deep breath, saluted respectfully, and turned to leave.

“Come on, I haven’t been active for most of the year!”

Lu Chen walked away from the fortress, and the cloak with the words justice written in ink flew against the fierce wind.

After more than half a year of training and rectification, the atmosphere within the branch is no longer the degeneration and twilight of the past.

Although he was very afraid in his heart, when the order was given, he still acted in an orderly manner.

The gunfire and formation of the warships, the artillery and weapons of the coast, as originally rehearsed, were moved out of the arsenal and erected in rows.

“It’s amazing, although I know that I am facing the Locks Pirates, I actually didn’t panic and fear!”

“Hehe, Lao Tzu is afraid of death, but the body instinctively obeys orders.”

“Didn’t you find out? Lieutenant General Lu Chen’s previous rehearsals are now all used. ”

“Hey, don’t say I didn’t find it, but I really used it all!”

“At first, I still thought it was strange that the branch was safe and sound all year round, so why did it rehearse a large-scale war operation?”

“Now I finally know!”

“Will there be the ability of an unknown prophet in the road dust?”

“Shhh!!! I look like it! ”

The soldiers were terrified in their hearts, but for some reason, when they found that it was easier and easier to act than expected, the fear gradually turned into excitement.

In the end, everyone thought that Lu Chen had an unknown prophet, and they were not so afraid of the war three days later.

After all, the lieutenant general had long expected it, and the result would definitely not be too bad.

Thinking like this, everyone’s mentality relaxed.

Even those generals are very sure that this is true.

Thousands of people looked at the figure standing in front of the fortress, their eyes filled with endless awe, this is, the supreme commander of their branch!!!

“Unknown prophet?”

And hearing the soldiers’ communication, the corners of Lu Chen’s mouth twitched, and his forehead was covered with black lines.

Only then did he remember that in this world, there were allusions to raising soldiers for a thousand days for a while.

The so-called daily drills and training are for the soldiers to maintain vigilance against war.

No wonder, in the original work, a white-bearded pirate group alone frightened the headquarters of the Navy to gather elite soldiers everywhere, apparently there was a lack of training and rehearsals in peacetime, so it would cause the entire navy to panic.

“These shortcomings will have to be changed in the future!”

Lu Chen thought secretly in his heart.


But that’s the end of it!!!

Since he appeared, it is natural to change these shortcomings.

The next day.

The sea around the branch is calm.

Several monitoring ships, around the branch island for a hundred miles, always check the surrounding movements.

Day 3.

Early morning!

Instead of welcoming the fleet of the Locks Pirates, the first support of the navy was ushered in.

“There is movement on the sea surface, and an abnormality has been found!”

The soldiers who monitor the ship sound the alarm.

At the same time, the soldiers on board were armed with firearms and wanted to shoot at figures swimming at great speed on the sea.

But by the time they aimed, the other party had disappeared from their sight.

In the end, the only way to sound the alarm and pay attention directly to the coast of the island.

“From the bottom of the sea??”

Road dust, who was sitting on the dock, couldn’t help but stand up after receiving the alarm.

Looking at the sea in the distance, looming, the rushing water flew to both sides, and a figure was like a swordfish, almost clinging to the sea, speeding towards the coast.

“Prepare to fire!”

The soldiers who had already prepared set up their artillery one after another and blocked each other’s way.

However, at this moment, Lu Chen waved his hand.

“Don’t be nervous, this is the support of our navy!”

As his voice fell.

The figure on the sea surface has come to the direction of the coast, and there is still a distance of tens of meters, and with a direct pop, he leaps up from the sea water and lands steadily on the coast.

“What about Locks?”

The first words of the comer stunned everyone.

Looking at each other’s eyes, hearts and visions were deeply shocked.


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