Locks Pirate Ship.

This huge ship like a fortress, the whole body is as black as ink, and the bow is a wild smile, like the pirate flag pattern on the mast, expressing Locks’ madness.

On the deck, Locks, who sat on the throne, put his hands on the armrest, and his eyes scanned the many strong people on the deck.

Edward Newgate, Charlotte Lingling, Silver Axe and Kaido etc…….

Each of them is a core member of the pirate group.

It is also the highest combat power of the pirate group.

Today, they all gather on Locks’ pirate ships.

“Oh laa Captain, that fantastic island, right after the storm! ”

The burly Kaido stood up and pointed to the extremely terrifying climate and sea behind the G2 branch.

In order to escape for his life, he panicked and flew into the island by mistake.

Moreover, from the ship of the Draco, he stole the eternal compass that went there.

And that eternal compass is in Locks’ hand at this time.

Hear Kaido’s words.

Everyone followed the direction.

I saw the sea at the end of the sky, the stormy waves were furious, the hurricane was raging, the torrential rain was pouring, and it was a doomsday scene.

Even the sea thieves, who have seen a lot of things, are amazed by the power of nature.

It can be said that any ship enters, it will be sunk to the bottom of the sea.

No exceptions!

Even the huge warships of the navy!

“Kaido, are you sure you’re not joking?”

Silver Axe frowned and said doubts: “If we rush in, I’m afraid that a wave will be overturned!” How did the Dragon Man pass through this extreme sea that day? ”

Just looking at it from a distance, people feel the terrifying power of nature.

“No, the eternal compass, pointing inside, I believe Kaido’s words, but if you want to get through this storm, you can’t rely on our ship!”

Locks, who was sitting on the throne, said in a deep voice.

He held an eternal compass in his hand, and the pointer inside was pointed to the back of the G2 naval branch, inside the extreme climate of the sea.

“Cut, how do I know, maybe those Draco people have a route to enter it!”

Kaido grabbed a wine glass, looked up and took a few sips, burping and sneering.

The crew were silent, and what he and Locks said made sense.

As the core members of the Locks Pirates, all the members gathered here except for Captain John’s absence.

“And what about these navies?”

At this time, Whitebeard spoke rarely, his eyes narrowed slightly, and stared in the direction of the coast, where he felt dangerous.

Not long after, when the ship approached a certain distance, you could see the dock of the naval branch.

It’s not what I imagined.

The hundreds of artillery batteries erected have a strong deterrent power, and those naval soldiers, all with solemn expressions, staring at them pirates, did not have a little panic and fear, but were full of blood and excitement.

“Well? These navies, it seems, are different! ”

“It’s different from the navy I met before and fled in fear!”

“Hehe, after all, that guy is a supernova of the Navy!”

The crew members talked one after another, and they all expressed a very high evaluation of Lu Chen.

But that’s about it.

After all, provoking them Locks pirate group is destined to be the enemy, and the whole group is dispatched, and the other party is bound to be sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Lu Chen is no different from a dead person.

“Quack, our target is not these navies, just leave the fleet to block them, it is enough to block their rescue in the first place!”

However, Locks waved his hand, the corners of his mouth hooked, and sneered: “Kaido, entering the island of the Draco people, you can only fly away, and the others are ready to follow!” ”

As he spoke, he got up from his throne and walked straight towards Kaido.

Hear this.

The others looked sideways, only to see Kaido’s face change drastically, and it darkened in an instant.

But right now.

In the direction of the coast in the distance, a pale electric light was suddenly released, and an extremely terrifying fluctuation immediately entered everyone’s perception of seeing and hearing.

Turn your head and look.

The sea was split in two, and the sea water thought of splashing on both sides, and a pale beam of light, carrying the power to destroy everything, shot straight towards the flag on the mast.

Too fast!

From perceived to dangerous.

In the next second, the bullet broke through the speed of sound, tore the air, crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, and came to the approach of the pirate ship.

“This guy . Don’t I want face? ”

Locks’ pupils shrank, and the anger in his heart instantly exploded.


He stepped on the deck, stepped on the hard wood, stepped out of a deep pit, and the whole person flew up.

The armed color domineering covers the arms, crosses directly in front of him, and intercepts before the path the bullet passes.


The next moment!

The two collided and unleashed enormous power.

In an instant, Locks’ face changed drastically, his body was like a cannonball, flying out directly upside down, and then in the frightened eyes of countless pirates, the huge force shattered the pirate flag on the mast, turning into debris and floating in the air.


Locks smashed to the ground with a dull loud noise.

The deck penetrated directly and fell inside the cabin.


The fleet of dozens of pirate ships was surprisingly dead silent.

No one expected the attack to come so suddenly.

Moreover, even the captain could not resist.

Even Whitebeard frowned, slowly stood up, and clenched the Cong Yun cutting long knife that was placed aside.

Charlotte Lingling looked solemn, holding Napoleon’s long knife, her eyes staring in the direction of the coast, and there was a rare silence.

All the crew members stood up one after another, their eyes fixed on the direction of the naval fortress.

Finally, it landed on the figure holding the golden pistol.

No one expected it.

In the face of the attack of dozens of pirate fleets of Locks, the navy actually dared to take the initiative, which was completely unexpected by everyone.


There was a loud bang inside the cabin.

The figure of Locks leapt up and stood firmly at the bow of the ship, looking at the coast in the distance with a fierce expression.

The next moment.

The terrifying overlord color domineering energy was suddenly released, and with the power of crushing the heavens and the earth, it swept away in the direction of the coast.


PS: Kneel for a ticket for flowers!!!!

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immediately rush charge (Event time: September 19 to September 21)

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