on the ground.

Many admirals opened their mouths, all dumbfounded, and all petrified in place.

In everyone’s heart, they have long been ready for a big war.

But the result was unexpected by everyone.

Even Karp frowned, his face full of indignation.

He swam hard to come, and before he collided head-on with Locks, the other party left without looking back, what is going on?

Not to mention the others, all of them looked confused.

The entire G2 branch of the Navy, only Lu Chen, looked calm from beginning to end, and his heart was not alarmed.

Because of Locks’s intentions, he had already guessed, and when he really found out, it was unimaginably calm.

What does the life and death of the Draco have to do with him!!!


At this moment, among the admirals of the navy, a figure suddenly ejected.

Wearing a navy cape and unusually agile, he came to the coast from a distance after a few ups and downs.

“Hey, hey, what’s going on with you guy, leaving the combat post without permission?”

Colonel Rick’s expression sank, and he looked at the person and said.

However, the comer ignored this, stared at Lu Chen and Karp, and walked directly over.


Colonel Rick’s pupils shrank, and he immediately pulled out the saber at his waist and slashed straight at the comer.

Now in the time of great war, ordinary soldiers, without orders, must not leave their combat posts without authorization.

And this naval soldier, with an indifferent expression, even Colonel Rick can clearly feel that there is some kind of deep murderous aura permeating the other party.

So he made a decisive move, and a knife fell directly, but shockingly, the long knife broke, emitting a crisp jingo sound.

“One of the six naval types, a piece of iron?”

Colonel Rick’s pupils shrank, and he said in a deep voice: “No, cast iron blocks between walks, the six styles have been cultivated to the point of supernaturalization!” ”

The movement here attracted the attention of everyone around, and they all turned their heads to look over.

Even Karp couldn’t help but look back.

The person who came was a middle-aged man, wearing the clothes of an ordinary soldier, but his every move was full of a downward look, exuding a palpitating indifference.


Karp frowned and asked.

Hearing this, the surrounding admirals, including Colonel Rick, reacted.

No wonder this man appeared, making people feel very uncomfortable.

As if it were an emotionless machine, it turned out to be a spy born to kill and obtain intelligence.

It is also that a strong person like Karp can judge it.

“Yes, I’m Kariku of the CP0 spy agency!”

The man came closer, his indifferent face flushed with a trace of horror.

It can be seen that he is very nervous at this time.

“I now order the whole army of your branch to take the initiative and follow Locks in pursuit!”

Kariku ordered in a deep voice.

Words fall.

The coast was quiet, and the soldiers looked at each other, all without moving.

And Karp stared at him and didn’t move.

It was even said that Lieutenant General Lu Chen, who was the commander-in-chief of the branch, turned his back directly to him and did not look back at all.

“Damn, didn’t you hear, I ordered your branch to immediately pursue Locks with the whole army!”

Feeling the navy’s full malice, Kariku roared gloomy, his eyes were extremely terrifying, staring at Lu Chen’s back.

Once upon a time, as a CP0 spy who only obeyed the orders of the Draco, he had the right to cut first and then play.

But now, even a lieutenant general does not give him face at all.

Kariku collapsed in his heart, because Lu Chen completely ignored him and directly treated him as transparent.

Karp looked at him, but his eyes were puzzled, and he raised his hand to pick his nose, and he was intimidating at him, as if he was watching a joke.

“Lieutenant General Lu Chen!”

Kariku almost collapsed and couldn’t help but yell.


But at this moment, Lu Chen finally answered him, slowly turned around, and looked at Kariku with indifferent eyes.

The physical fitness can be seen, which is completely the training method of CP spies.

“I ask your G2 branch to pursue Locks with the whole army!” Kariku lowered his head, then turned to look at the sky again.

Seeing that, the huge green dragon gradually became smaller in sight, and his face was suddenly full of anxiety and fear.

This look made everyone wonder.

However, Lu Chen probably understood, so he would not be in a hurry.

“Colonel Rick!” He did not answer the other party, but turned his head to look at Colonel Rick and asked, “How is the situation of the branch now?” ”

“The report will be completely blocked by the pirate fleet, and if it breaks through strongly, it will definitely pay a heavy price!”

Although Colonel Rick was puzzled in his heart, Lu Chen’s order was carried out immediately.

“Even if we can break through strongly, the direction in which Locks fled is not suitable for warships to pursue, and with our existing weapons and equipment, we cannot penetrate that natural barrier!”

Hearing this, the soldiers around nodded one after another.

Although the expected big war did not break out, the situation of the branch is not much better, but it is in an embarrassing situation.


This CP0 face was full of horror, especially looking at the direction in which the green dragon flew away, and was about to disappear from sight.

“Say, in front of me, you should know that the identity of the CP organization is not qualified to order me!”

Lu Chen took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one in his mouth, lit it with electric light, and slowly spat out a puff of smoke, only then looked at Kariku and said with a smile: “I let you lurk in the branch all the time, it is already considered merciful!” ”

The previous sentence only made Kariku’s expression change drastically.

But the latter sentence directly broke his psychological defense, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his face turned pale.

Unexpectedly, he disguised himself as a soldier and mixed in the branch, but he was discovered by the other party long ago, and knew his identity, doesn’t it mean that even the other party knows the secrets of that sea area?

As soon as he thought of this, Kariku felt extremely shocked.

Especially Lu Chen’s playful eyes, he was in front of him, like a girl with red fruit, there was no secret to speak of.

But now is not the time for Kariku to think.

Because at the end of the sky, the huge green dragon incarnated by Kaido has carried the evil parties of Locks into the extreme sea of the storm at this moment, and it only takes a moment to disappear from everyone’s sight.


“And as long as you pass through this stormy sea, you can withstand the fantasy island that the Tianlong population has spread by mouth!”

“There, there are all the secrets of the descendants of the Creator God!”

“If you let these evil parties like Locks reach the Valley of Gods, it will have an impact that will shake the world, so I implore Vice Admiral Lu Chen to lead all the admirals of the G2 branch to stop the Locks evil party!”

At the end, Kariku almost roared, and tears flowed directly.

Exposing the secrets of the Draco, no matter what the result is, there must be only one end waiting for him.

That is death!!!


Lu Chen shook his head directly and said, “No!” ”

Just one word, but it directly stunned Kariku and the surrounding soldiers.

“But Draco…”

Kariku thought he had heard wrong, and stammered.

Without waiting for him to finish, Lu Chen interrupted him again and said very seriously.

“I said, no, the current situation of the branch is that it is impossible to lead a large-scale army out and penetrate that storm!”

His tone was very firm, and he said: “I am now responsible for everyone in the G2 branch!” ”

“As for the Draco? What do I have to do with life or death!!! ”


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