Chapter 69: Pirates, Times Have Changed!

The fleet led by the Air Admiral had not yet returned to the Holy Land, but the news had been transmitted to the world government, and the Holy Land immediately publicized the announcement of Locks’ defeat to the world.

[Victory of naval justice! ] Rocks’ evil party is overthrown, and Giebeck S. D. Locks is defeated! As soon as this announcement came out, the whole world was shocked.

Like a storm of extinction, it swept through every corner of the world.

“Really fake? The Locks Pirates………”

“The Locks Pirate Group, which has the most pirates under its command, was disintegrated like this.”

“No, what happened to the Valley of the Gods in the World Economic Daily before?”

“Such a terrible world government, the so-called Valley of Gods, must be an ambush by the navy.”

“It doesn’t look like an ambush, after all, it was a lieutenant general who defeated Locks.”

“Tekken Karp? Or heaven punishes road dust? ”

“Damn, is this sea still free?”

At this moment, all forces are talking about it.

I was horrified by this.

The Locks pirate group that dominated the new world actually died like this, and the pirate group directly collapsed, which exceeded everyone’s expectations. You know, not long ago on the same day.

The news that Locks wanted to rule the world was sent from the World Economic Journal, but how long had it been since he was actually defeated

“I don’t believe it!”

“Damn, as a pirate, I don’t believe Locks will be defeated.”

“It must be a conspiracy of the Navy.”

“Hahaha, Locks’ plan must have succeeded, and the Valley of the Gods has fallen into Locks’ hands, so the world government will not be able to bear the slander.”

“Hmph, I think it must be so.”

“Unexpectedly, in order to stop Locks from conquering the world, the Holy Land is already so faceless.”

“Go to sea, go and follow Locks!”

“Creating a chaotic world is Locks’ ambition.”

“That’s the most suitable world for us pirates!”

But there are also people who don’t believe it.

Especially those who were influenced by Locks and thus went to sea to become pirates, the first time they felt the slander of the world government. I want to stop Rox from conquering the world.

In fact, not only pirates suspect, but many civilians have this idea.

For ordinary people, if the world is in turmoil, it is only them ordinary people who are unlucky. New World, World Economic Daily News Agency.

“Yay, hey, Locks is dead, John, our agreement is nullified.”

Morgan said with a cigar in his mouth and waving his wings excitedly.

Opposite him was Captain John, with particularly brilliant blond hair, but at this time his face was heavy and his eyes were wide, completely unacceptable to Locks’ death.

As expected.

When the signal was switched on, Morgan transmitted the footage around the world and broadcast Locks’ grand plan. Morgans, on the other hand, has the exclusive right to broadcast it.

Unfortunately, the previous agreement also dissipated with the death of Locks.

“How is it possible, Captain Locks, how can it fail?”

Captain John’s face was full of disbelief, and he still couldn’t accept the fact that Locks was dead. Because it was so sudden.

So much so that the world, and the crew of Locks, had not had time to react, and the news spread throughout the world.

“Yay, hey, what will you do in the future?”

Morgan shook his head and asked with regret on his face.

It’s a pity that the opportunity for the rise of the World Economic Daily was missed.

If Locks’s plan succeeds, whatever it is, anything that shakes the influence of the world government’s notification will be good for the newspaper.

“What to do?”

Hearing Morgans’ words, Captain John fell into a deep silence.

For a long time, he slowly raised his head, stared at Morgans, and asked with a smile: “Aren’t you trying to increase the influence of the newspaper?” I now have news about Captain Locks’ treasure. ”

“As long as you can pass the news out, after John dies, I will put the treasure of Locks somewhere.”

“Haha, the world government, it’s really ruthless!”

After speaking, without waiting for Morgan to react, Captain John stood up and walked straight towards the outside of the newspaper office. The location he had just now, I don’t know when, left a corner of the treasure map.

Yes, only a corner. Very vague.

But combined with what John just said, it will surely set off a huge storm of John’s treasure in the world. As for the true or false.

Then only those who have obtained all the treasure maps will know. And Morgans, only responsible for pushing in the dark.

This increases the influence of the newspaper.

And so it goes.

The World Economic Journal, accompanied by a circular from the world government, was sent out immediately after.

[Death of Locks! ] Where exactly is the lifelong wealth of a great pirate hidden? As soon as this newspaper was issued, it immediately caused an uproar.

You know, the World Economic Daily used to have independent news from Locks, and now even newspapers say so. Well, the defeat of the Locks Pirates is true!!

When this news came out, the pirates who were suspicious at first felt unbelievable, and finally they were powerless to accept this reality. And civilians everywhere cheered and cheered.

At the same time, the undercurrent of the new world and the collapse of the Locks Pirates led to a power vacuum that became the target of competition among various forces.

It has the meaning of chasing the world!!! The first half of the Great Voyage.

On a deserted island in an unfamiliar sea.

At this time, Roger Pirates and Golden Lion Shiji were recuperating here.

Since escaping from the advancing city, these guys have been afraid of being afraid, so they have not dared to show their heads, for fear of provoking the navy’s full pursuit.

Moreover, when fleeing, they were counterattacked by Marshal Panther, and all of them were seriously injured.

“Hahahaha, Lao Tzu’s injury is almost healed, it’s time to go back to the pirate group and let those guys see Lao Tzu’s existence.”

A few days later, the golden lion, whose physical injury was gradually improving, couldn’t wait to leave. To this.

The people of the Roger Pirate Group will naturally not be retained.

It can be said that if you don’t escape together in terms of personality, I’m afraid that in these days of getting along, the big guys will fight. At this time, seeing that the golden lion took the initiative to leave, they all felt like they were released.

“Shi Ji, the previous kindness is written off!”

Roger drank strong wine, looked up, and grinned: “When we meet on the sea in the future, we are still enemies!” ”

“Che, if it weren’t for my ability, you wouldn’t be able to escape from the advancing city at all, and you all rely on Lao Tzu to live.”

The golden lion said dissatisfiedly: “Of course, these so-called kindnesses are insignificant garbage for pirates. ”

Hearing this, everyone in the Roger Pirate Group looked ugly.

The eyes of each one were extremely unfriendly.

“Hahaha, whatever you say, anyway, I rescued you this time.”

Roger said with a big laugh.

“Your pirate group provoked the headquarters of the Navy, and you must have a bad time in the future, or you all join Captain Locks’ regiment, otherwise if you encounter it in the future, I am afraid that I will not be able to help but kill you all!”

Glancing at everyone, the golden lion suddenly said. Words fall.

The lively atmosphere just now instantly cooled down. No one responded to him.

Because they are too lazy to respond.


Although they are both pirates, everyone knows that the two sides are not the same way.

“Hahaha, then you guys wait to die!”

Seeing that no one responded to him, the golden lion did not feel embarrassed, his feet gradually broke away from the constraints of gravity, slowly floating below the air, Roger put down the wine glass, looked up at the golden lion, and grinned confidently at the corner of his mouth.

The four eyes are facing each other, and there are sparks flying. But right now.

Seagulls suddenly flew in from a distance, and seeing that there were people on this desert island, some seagulls threw newspapers down. Newspapers flew like snowflakes, falling from the golden lion.

In an instant, he clearly saw that the front page of the newspaper was inscribed with the words Locks.

“Is it Captain news?”

The golden lion frowned, and then slowly landed.

Since the captain’s news was sent, he naturally had to take a look at what happened to the pirate group during the time he was locked up in the advancing city.

However, when the golden lion landed back, he found that the atmosphere of Roger’s pirate group was very strange. All of them held newspapers, their expressions solemn and ugly.

There were even a few people who secretly glanced at the golden lion, their eyes were very complicated, as if with a little sympathy.

“Hahahaha, Captain Locks, what big action is there to alarm the world?”

The golden lion looked at Roger and asked with a laugh. However.

Roger did not answer, but put down the newspaper and exhaled a deep breath.

“You bastard!”

The golden lion cursed and cursed, and immediately snatched the newspaper from a crew member next to him. The layout of the front page, the title is large.

There is indeed the name of Locks.


[Legendary Heroes of the Navy, Monchi D. Karp and Monchi S. D. Lu Chen, personally buried the Locks Pirates in the sea, this is the end of the evil pirates, a major victory for the Righteous Navy! The title is very encouraging.

But for the golden lion, it is undoubtedly a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Locks Pirates, gone?

He also wanted to go back and conquer this world with his partners in the Locks Pirates. But in the blink of an eye………….

The times, it’s getting too fast, isn’t it!!!!

“No, how can it be true, just with that road dust and Karp, there is absolutely no way to defeat the Locks Pirates.”

“We have Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling, and Silver Axe, how can we be defeated.”

“Hehe, this must be a conspiracy of the Navy!”

The golden lion roared, and the terrifying momentum erupted from his body, and the entire desert island shook. Feeling this guy’s almost collapsed heart, everyone in the Roger Pirates Group looked solemn.

“Shiji, you look at the back content, times have really changed.”

Roger, who was sitting on the side, said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the golden lion hurriedly reversed the newspaper.

Just a glance, this sea thief couldn’t help but gasp. This is a notification from a world government.

In order to prevent the pirates from deteriorating, the world government decided to expand the position of admiral to three. For pirates, no one can stand alone.

“Lao Tzu is going back!”

As if thinking of something, the golden lion left a word, directly rushed into the sky, and flew away in an instant. He was going back to the New World, to Hive Island.

Let’s see, once partners, how much is left now.

Looking at the disappearing back of the golden lion, everyone in the Roger Pirate Group felt terrible. In this era, it seems that it is not friendly to pirates!!!!!

PS: Thank you for your big flower ticket support, thank you for!!! Mountain!.

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