Chapter 72: The Sea of the Post-Locks Era.

After the fall of the Locks Pirates, the new world fell into chaos again, and the territory once ruled by Locks fell into a vacuum, and the result was that the pirates fought each other.

The navy is busy expanding its military strength and building bases in various places.

However, there is still no more progress in the control of the new world, after all, there are too many pirates who can enter the new world.

If the tough penetrates into it, the navy will definitely lose a lot.

Therefore, we can only rely on the personal prestige of the navy to deter these pirates, so as not to be too rampant. Generally.

Since the death of Locks, his influence has gradually disappeared from the public eye with the rise of some pirate groups, and the sea is still wonderful, even better than before.

All kinds of sea thieves have stepped onto the stage of history.

Among them, the most famous is naturally the Roger Pirates, and the Whitebeard Pirates and the Flying Pirates that used to be the crew of Locks, which can be described as the three forces that form a new world are colliding with each other and producing brilliant sparks.

There are also some very famous sea thieves, such as Red Count, Green Pepper and so on……. But even these sea thieves dare not be too presumptuous in the new world.

After all, the naval hero guarding the G2 branch would come out on a warship from time to time to wander around, harvest some pirates with high bounties, and then quiet the fiercely fighting new world for a while.

That’s it.

Without the sea of Locks, nothing has changed. Pirates are still appearing in an endless stream.

The Navy is still struggling to cope with chaos around the world.

To completely cut off pirates is an impossible thing for the world. The eternal sea carries the dreams of countless people.

These dreams are both good and bad. But it’s a dream!!!!

Spring goes to autumn.

Boom – The border currents of Wano Country, the violent waves, slap the decaying wreckage of a ship ashore. And this scene was also known to Mitsuki Ota who ruled Jiuli for the first time.

Click–Footsteps came quickly, and samurai wearing double swords rushed towards them.

The samurai who were sorting out the wreckage stood up one after another and saluted respectfully to the comers.


For everyone’s shouts, Mitsuki Ota was unobtrusive.

His gaze was focused on this pirate ship that had washed up on the shore and had long decayed, and the blurred pirate flag pattern could no longer be seen from its original appearance.

“What, it’s actually wreckage!”

There was no expected living person, and Ota suddenly looked disappointed.

At this time, nine figures behind caught up, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Mita was still on the coast and the ship that rushed up was wreckage.

“Mita-sama, here is a diary soaked in water, eh, and something that looks like a newspaper.”

A resident scavenged from the wreckage to a good diary wrapped in oiled paper.

This statement came out.

The samurai, who were still relieved just now, suddenly showed shocked faces.

And Mitsuki Ota was full of joy and hurriedly rushed to snatch the notebook.

“Hahaha, God help me, this diary has been sleeping in the sea for many years, but it is still well protected, it seems that the diary must have great significance to its owner.”

“Probably, it’s a record of navigation!”

Mita, who was holding a notebook in both hands, seemed to be holding the most precious treasure, and carefully opened it.

“It may also be the owner’s daily record!”

“Lord Mita, just give up, Wano Country has laws that prohibit you from leaving the country.”

“Yes, although the outside world is wonderful, it may also be an unknown danger for us.”

“We alone can’t go to sea.”

“Unless there is a ship that has broken in from the outside world, and the people on board are still alive, it is possible to take you out.”

“Mita-sama, you will die this heart!”

The future Red Sheath Nine Heroes expressed their dissatisfaction with this. To this.

Mitsuki Ota directly ignored it, but instead took out a piece of paper full of handwriting from his notebook, which was very similar to the legendary newspaper in the outside world.

“This is a newspaper, you all come and read it.”

Spread out the newspaper and write a huge headline on the front page.

Moreover, this newspaper has a unique symbol that is unfamiliar to the samurai of Wano Country. However, in order to go to sea, Mita has been looking for information from the outside world.

“It’s a notice that belongs to the world government!”

With just one glance, Mitsuki Ota said with emotion on his face. However, the Red Sheath Nine Heroes looked confused.

“Hmph, the world government is a behemoth, controlling seventy percent of the world’s territory, including this sea.”

Mita explained.

Hearing this, these hillbillies who had never seen the outside world suddenly exclaimed. Then, they all got close to the newspaper and read it.

In fact, this newspaper has been around for a certain age, and the content in it represents several years ago.

“Lieutenant General of Heavenly Punishment?”

“Monchi S. D. road dust? ”

“What is a lieutenant general?”

“And what is the Navy?”

“Is the power of the lieutenant general of heavenly punishment mentioned in this newspaper so terrifying? One person is enough to destroy a country? ”

“Oh my God, it’s fake!”

“Does this sea really have such a powerful existence?”

Looking at the contents of the newspaper, these Wano Country samurai were stunned. All of them looked incredulous.

Some people even think that it must be an exaggerated description.

Only Mitsuki Ota saw with a solemn face and frowns, but there was light in his eyes, which was the expectation of this.

“Why are there newspapers in the diary?”

He wondered.

So, I opened the diary and started watching from the first page. This is a desperate record of a sea thief.

It describes the daily record of this pirate group galloping through the sea, just when the mood was blowing, but it encountered the daily record of the navy being chased to heaven without a way and hell without a door.

In the second half of the diary, there is handwriting that is repeated many times.

“Heavenly punishment demon, heavenly punishment demon, heavenly punishment demon…”

Just looking at the names that keep being written is enough to make people feel the despair of the time. The samurai of Wano Country fell silent.

“This demon seems terrible!”

“But no, the owner of this diary, according to his own records, is already the top powerhouse of the new world.”

“Yes, his pirate group once crippled half of the kingdom.”

“What a terrifying strength!”

“But when encountering the heavenly punishment of this navy, I can only rush into the turbulence under despair!”

“The outside world is so terrible, Lord Mita, don’t think about going out!”

“Yes, isn’t it bad in Wano Country?”

“There are many nice girls over there on the flower street, why do you think about going to sea?”

The Red Sheath Nine Heroes trembled in their hearts, and saw the danger of the outside world from the diary. However, for their words, Mita naturally did not take it to heart.

He laughed and said, “What are you afraid of, if I can go to sea, I will also gather a group of partners who are not weaker than others, hehe, I am looking forward to meeting this Heavenly Punishment Demon.” ”

Hearing this, everyone was petrified.

The only good thing is that for so many years, there have been no outside ships that can withstand the violent turbulence and reach the coast of Wano Country safely.

Ota looked at the sea in the distance, his eyes were firm, and he believed that in the near future, a ship would take him out of here and into the endless and vast world.

In the same year. A sea in the New World.

A huge beluga whale pirate ship, docked in the town’s harbor.

The burly and huge white-bearded man wearing the captain’s hat and costume looked at the teenage pineapple-headed boy in front of him, and his strong and powerful palm passed over and made a gesture of coming over.

“Be my son!”

Covered in dirt, but still cheerful and optimistic, Marco laughed and nodded. On the beluga whale pirate ship at the dock, the cheers of Whitebeard’s sons were heard.


The most prestigious and legendary sea pirate Roger Pirates.

At this moment, he is also in a certain sea area of the New World, and he has also taken in two eight- and nine-year-old children one after another.

Roger specially gave the straw hat he once wore to one of the red-haired children, saying that the straw hat represented the will to inherit freedom.

Also in the same year.

Naval Academy in Marin Fando.

Took off the youthful youth, and gradually had a trace of stability on his face. D. Long, looking back again, this place where he had lived for several years.

Then, he waved his hand silently, and his head disappeared into the night without looking back.

Lurked on the Navy dock on top of a warship leaving the port and disappeared from the headquarters of the Navy. A few days later.

The disappearance of the trainees alarmed many of Marin Fando’s high-ranking officials. Without him.

Because that’s the Monchi child.

He is the son of General Karp and the nephew of Lieutenant General Lu Chen.

For this reason, the navy also launched a lot of manpower and material searches, but in the end it was fruitless.

However, as the eldest brother of the Monchi family, Karp was not worried for the first time after learning that the dragon was missing, but immediately called his own brother’s Shen Worm.

And this time.

G2 branch, extensive training grounds.

A naval soldier with a black and white pattern scarf wrapped around his neck and chin, his figure moved and dodged, constantly dodging the attacks of tree roots from the ground, and the thumping sound was continuous, so fast that it almost turned into an afterimage and flickered in the school grounds.

“Hehe, I see and smell domineering, but the strongest one here, these trainings have no effect on me.”

Kataku is like a phantom, jumping nimbly among the roots of trees that break through the earth.


There was a light from the firmament, and the blazing thunder suddenly fell, and the reflected school field was dazzling. The corners of Kataku’s mouth curved, and the whole person was full of confidence.

“Is that the trick again? I won’t be fooled again! ”

When the words fell, his figure retreated violently, and in an instant, he appeared ten meters away. According to previous training, ten meters is just the distance to avoid lightning. This time, though, he was wrong.

Because the thunder and lightning pillar was thirty meters straight, it rushed straight down like a thunder dragon, and in an instant, it drowned his figure. It was almost too late to scream, and Kaji fainted with white eyes.

“The battlefield is changing rapidly, don’t take your previous experience seriously!”

In the distance, Lu Chen sat up from the beach chair, picked up the iced juice and took a sip, and lightly admonished. The scorched black Kaer was covered in white eyes, and his body trembled a few times, and he didn’t slow down for a long time. Seeing this, the surrounding generals and colonels all felt ashamed.

Even Colonel Rick broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart was not enough.

After all, except for Lu Chen, Katakuri’s current strength is not weak to anyone in the upper branch. Porphyry! Porphyry!!

At this time, the phone bug placed on the desktop suddenly rang. Lu Chen put down the juice and picked it up to answer.

“What a bastard brother, I haven’t called my brother to say hello for so many years!”

The phone bug turned into Karp’s face full of unhappiness.

“Say it brother, what’s going on again!”

In this regard, Lu Chen was too lazy to talk, but directly asked straight to the point.

“Hey, you kid!”

After being exposed, Karp grinned, quickly retracted his smile, and asked: “Your nephew left the Naval Academy, secretly left last night, do you know where this bastard kid went?” ”

“I don’t know!”

Lu Chen was slightly stunned, and then smiled, already having a guess in his heart.

“But you can rest assured that he will definitely not become a pirate.”

After thinking about it, Lu Chen added.

“I know!”

Karp sighed and said, “I’ve visited him many times in the past few years, but this stinky boy says that the Navy can’t fulfill his dream. ”

At this moment, this legendary general of the navy, like an old father, poured out to Lu Chen the contradictions between his father and son. Talked about for a long time.

It wasn’t until after venting that Karp continued.

“The headquarters has adjusted your vacation, or will you come back now?” It’s a vacation anyway! ”


In this regard, Lu Chen said directly.

Hearing this, Karp on the other side seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. A few more small talks.

After hanging up the phone worm, Lu Chen ordered, and left with Ka Er on the warship.

“To the headquarters of the Navy?”

Ka Er’s eyes lit up, and he clenched his fists excitedly: “I heard that the navy has recently produced several monsters, I don’t know what the gap is compared to me!” ”

Lu Chen next to him glanced obliquely, and wanted to tell him that the gap was very large.

After all, the three great generals in the future are real monsters with no flaws in all directions, and when they fully grow, Lu Chen does not dare to say that he can easily defeat them.

Of course.

Katakuri is actually not bad, but compared with the creature of the general, it is a little worse after all. But if you continue to work hard, this gap can be closed indefinitely.

After taking the nearest route, it took a few days to return to the headquarters of the Navy.

At this time, the huge headquarters building, magnificent and magnificent, and the sacred momentum of justice, instantly rushed to the face.

“Is this the headquarters of the Navy?”

Kaji was like a hillbilly, shocked by the huge building in front of him. The surrounding warships are densely packed, and compared with the Locks era, the sea power of the naval headquarters alone has increased several times.

“Colonel Rick!”


“Take the guy to the Naval Academy, well, let him see what the real monster of the Navy is like.”

Lu Chen said with a smile.


Colonel Rick’s expression suddenly became wonderful.

Katakuri, on the other hand, was full of excitement and excitement, and had already begun to rub his fists and was eager to try out. Soon.

After the two guys left, Lu Chen walked off the warship alone, and there were unfamiliar faces along the way.

However, even the young-looking soldiers could recognize Lu Chen’s identity at a glance, and from the port dock, it instantly spread throughout the entire naval headquarters.

“Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment, Lord Lu Chen is back!”

As if the star effect, in an instant, in the headquarters of the Navy, caused a huge sensation.

PS: Thank you for the big flower tickets, as well as the monthly tickets for reminder tickets, and the support of local tycoons!!!。

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