Chapter 74: Unknown Devil Fruit.

The dragon’s heart fluttered, his breathing became rapid, and he stared at Lu Chen with wide eyes. At this moment, the atmosphere became quite solemn.

“Once used, there is no turning back until the original world is overthrown.”

Lu Chen’s expression was very serious, and his eyes were brighter than ever.

In this world of ideological impoverishedness, it is completely inappropriate to publish it until there is not enough revolutionary soil. After all, if it is announced in advance, it will be easy to be targeted.

Therefore, this ultimate killer must wait until the critical moment to be announced. At that time, no one could stop the end result of the revolution.

Even if everyone knows, if they don’t make changes, they still can’t get back from losing. But if change can be made, what does it matter if the world is overthrown or not!

Know its cause and effect, but can’t stop its process!!! This is the mystery of protracted debate!!!

Although Long didn’t know what it was, when he heard Lu Chen’s explanation at this time, the expectation in his heart instantly soared to several heights and once it was announced, he couldn’t stop it, forming a mighty general trend moving forward.

What kind of fairy controversy is this?

Long could not imagine, nor did he dare to imagine, there was such a magical and wonderful thing in this world. For a moment, he suspected that it was some kind of ability of Lu Chen.

To this.

Lu Chen directly denied it and told him very directly that it was a simple theory and thought.


Receiving Lu Chen’s answer, Long was directly stunned, his face was full of shock, and the whole thing seemed to be a dream. What kind of theories and ideas can break through the centuries-old rule of the world government?

It’s terrible!

How did the uncle know about this possible theory? Long looked at Lu Chen’s eyes, blazing.


In the Chambord Islands, the uncle and nephew discussed their future plans before saying goodbye. Empty pirate ships on the coast.

The pirate flag on the mast has been shattered and is now setting sail.

Standing on the side of the ship, Long looked at Lu Chen who watched him leave, his slightly mature face was filled with reluctance and gratitude.

“Uncle, goodbye!”

Jumping on the bow of the boat, as the pirate group drifted into the distance, the dragon bowed in the direction of the shore to express his gratitude.

“Don’t let me meet you in the future!”

Lu Chen smiled faintly, took out a cigarette and lit it and said.

“Before I have the strength to deter the world government, I don’t have the face to come to my uncle.”

Dragon shouted with a smile.

After a while, the pirate ship disappeared into the sea. It also disappeared into the sight of Lu Chen.

After a long time, he sighed softly, then turned around and walked straight towards the depths of the island. The navy that followed him before was driven back to the headquarters by him.

At this time, taking off the navy’s cloak of justice, the whole person instantly relaxed, just like an ordinary person, walking everywhere in the Chambord Islands.

These days.

It is the safest and calmest day in the Chambord Islands, and the residents are not worried about the bad guys anymore, and it is more lively and bustling than ever.

“Bring me a glass of rum!”

Walking into a bar, Lu Chen sat at the bar and said to the bartender inside. At this moment, he had never felt more relaxed.

“Yes, please wait for a moment!”

The bartender was a middle-aged man who was slightly surprised when he saw Lu Chen, but quickly poured out a glass of rum and pushed it over.

“The guests don’t look like residents here!”

He looked at Lu Chen and asked.

“Oh, I’m just a tourist!”

Lu Chen picked up the wine glass and took a sip gently.

The sweet drink reverberates between the taste buds, some spicy, some sweet.


Hearing this, it was not only the bartender who was surprised.

Even the guests of the original bar turned their heads to look over. The eyes were full of incredulity.

“Is there a problem?”

Lu Chenjian raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

“Ah, no, it seems that the little brother is not an ordinary person!”

The bartender hurriedly shook his head, and his tone became slightly more respectful.

“How do you see that?”

Lu Chen asked.

“Guests dare to go to sea alone, even if they take a merchant ship, they are definitely not ordinary people, after all, except for the islands where the navy is stationed, all other seas are paradises for pirates!”

“It seems to be too!”

Hearing the bartender’s explanation, Lu Chen nodded thoughtfully and said with a smile: “Then it seems that I am not an ordinary person!” ”

After speaking, he also finished his rum.

Casually put down Bailey, turned around and walked out of the bar. Before I knew it, I came to the amusement park again.

The amusement park in the past few days seems to be more lively than usual, apparently because of the cleaning up of pirates and gangsters. Sitting in a bench, Lu Chen watched the fun of tourists, and his mind was more empty than ever.


But at this moment, a cough came from beside him.

Immediately after, an intellectual crisp voice came.

“Ah, there are no pirates and bad guys recently, what a peaceful island!”

Lu Chen: “………”

Thinking about the future of life.

“You say, how good would it be if there were no pirates in this world?”

Lu Chen: “………”

The planning of his future life was interrupted, and he glanced sideways at the past, then withdrew his gaze and continued to think about the vacation arrangement. But there are some doubts in my heart.

The girl next to him seemed to have a hint of familiarity.

Long silver-white hair, delicate and picturesque features, fair skin, tall and slender figure, big eyes are very bright, shining with intelligent light.

Wearing an old coat, almost covering the whole body, but the exposed skin is extremely snow-white. Seventeen or eighteen-year-old youth, both in character and mind, looks relatively mature.

It seems that I have experienced a lot, so I look indifferent. However, Lu Chen recalled for a moment and really didn’t know.

“I don’t know you!”

He said very straight. Then, continue to watch the tourists have fun and continue to think about how to arrange the long vacation. When the girl heard this, her face was slightly stunned, and she opened her mouth in surprise, and she was speechless for a while.

“But I know you!”


“You’re Lu Chen, right?”

“I want to ask you for help!”

The girl clasped her hands into fists in her heart and said with a pitiful look. But.

Lu Chen didn’t make any waves about this, and he didn’t even look at the past.

“Since you know that I am a vice admiral, you should know that if there is no major incident, I hope not to ask a vice admiral to help!”

“Is it about the Devil Fruit?”

The girl said with big eyes. In my heart, I felt helpless.

Sure enough, although this lieutenant general has a great sense of justice, he cannot be asked casually.

“Devil Fruit?”

Lu Chen sat up straight and officially turned his head to look over.

In his eyes, the girl in front of him was very pure, without any malice and bad intentions. Clearly not a lie.

“Say it!”

Lu Chen raised his chin and asked very casually.

“Yes, actually, it is………..”

As the girl’s intellectual voice fell, Lu Chen also understood what was asking for help.


It turned out that she once landed on a desert island and found a devil fruit there, but because she took it with her, she was inadvertently seen by unscrupulous merchants, so she wanted to make money and kill her.

After a lot of hardship, she escaped from the pursuit of pirates colluded by merchants and finally came to this island. However, in the process of escaping, the devil fruit was hidden by her on a desert island.

If she went back alone, she was afraid of encountering pirates and unscrupulous merchants, so when she saw Lu Chen, she summoned up the courage to come and ask. But no matter how Lu Chen looked at it, he didn’t see that this girl was such a timid person.

“Okay, so what’s in it that way?”

He said with a faint smile.

“Damn, you are for justice, how can you think of benefits?”

“I’m on vacation!”

“Nani? If you don’t wait to buy the Devil Fruit in the future, I can share half of you!” ”

The silver-white long-haired girl was slightly stunned, and then said with insufficient confidence.

Lu Chen did not answer, but looked at her, his eyes flashing with a strange light. Forget it, I still don’t remember.

“What’s your name?”


“Okay, then it’s a word, Biya!”

Lu Chen slowly stood up, stretched lazily, and turned his head: “Let’s go!” ”


While boring, I was curious, what devil fruit. After all, although he has the ability to ring thunder fruits.

But that is the reward of the system, so I have never seen any devil fruit in this world for so many years. The main thing is that in this era, there are not many people who eat the devil fruit.

Ordinary people avoid this like a snake and scorpion.

I can’t wait to throw all the fruits that will be cursed by the devil into the sea after eating them.


The girl was very dissatisfied with the correction, Lu Chen nodded,

“Got it Ol!”

“Damn, you did it on purpose, right?”

“Or else?”

Lu Chen shook his head and looked at her with an idiotic look.

Although I don’t remember the name, how long has I heard it, how can I forget. However, this name seems a little familiar.

But for a while and a half, I can’t remember. Always feel, almost something.

Olbia followed behind Lu Chen, looking at him triumphantly, his little face puffed out angrily, but his eyes rippled with a trace of blue waves. The two came to the shore, and the breeze blew in.

Lu Chen tilted his head to look at the girl beside him and frowned, “What about your ship?” ”


Orbia was stunned, looking back with big eyes, a pair of you are a vice admiral, is there no warship?

“I’m on vacation and don’t want to use a warship so high-profile!”

Lu Chen frowned and said dissatisfiedly: “You won’t even have a ship, right?” ”

“I… I! ”

Being stared at by Lu Chen, Olbia’s cheeks were flushed, and she was shyly speechless.

Fortunately, not far away, a huge merchant ship with more than ten strong men jumped down with swords and clubs. When they saw Olbia, their eyes lit up suddenly.

“Here, haha, really here.”

“Hand over the Devil Fruit.”

“Oh, I actually found a companion, hehe, then it’s good, take it together, and sell it as a slave if you don’t obey.”

“Hahaha, look how you ran away this time!”

More than a dozen strong men galloped over, but as the distance got closer and closer, when he saw the road dust beside Olbia, he let out a sneer.

“It seems that we are lucky, and a ship just arrived.”

Lu Chenjian raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth. Deep in the pupils, there is lightning circulating.


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