Chapter 80: Roger: Teaming Up? You defeat Lu Chen, let’s talk about it [ask for customization].

Three huge naval warships broke away from the military dock, crossed the red earth continent, and disappeared into the vast new world. In this military operation, the supreme commander is naturally Karp.

For Karp, though.

He was too lazy to think about it so much, so he transferred this power to Lu Chen’s body.

“If you want to make a move, you have the final say, I will bear any consequences!”

In Karp’s words.

You can call him in battle, but don’t think he can think except for the other mess of fighting. The attitude towards General Karp.

Many people have adapted, only Kuzan and Kaji, and their faces have become very exciting. But think about it.

These are two brothers, and everything is relieved.

And when they learned that this operation was related to the Roger Pirate Group and the Flying Pirate Group, Kuzan and Kaji were shocked to know.

The sea of this era, the most prestigious, is these two people. The second is the big aunt pirate group.

The relatively senior generals in the navy even have a voice, if the three legendary pirates unite, their terrifying strength is enough to compare with the Locks Pirates of the past.

Moreover, the strength of the individual captain will appear more powerful.

After all, when the Valley of the Gods was born, Locks was already very old, and his mental and physical fitness showed deep fatigue.

But whether it’s Roger, or Whitebeard, or even the Golden Lion. At this time, they are at their peak age and state.

No doubt.

The high-profile contact between the Golden Lion and the Roger Pirates was indeed given the greatest importance by the Navy. After all, a admiral, a legendary hero no less than a general.

Whether it is status or strength, it is the top existence of this sea.

“So nervous, I can actually go on a military mission with two idols.”

Kuzan stood restrained to the side, looking at Lu Chen and Karp’s backs helplessly, nervous and excited.

“The Golden Lion and Roger?”

Ka Er frowned tightly, slightly relieved in his heart. Fortunately, it was not facing my mother.

Although he already thinks of himself as a navy from the inside out, he is not willing to face his relatives so quickly. Or rather, he’s not ready.

And during this period of following Lu Chen, Lu Chen never mentioned the Aunt Pirate Group in front of Ka Er, obviously intending to let Ka Er take the initiative to face it.

However, the golden lion is actually very familiar to Kaji. When I was in the Locks Pirates.

I have seen each other before, but during the period of the Valley of the Gods, I was imprisoned.

However, even in the era of Locks, the Golden Lion and Roger were famous sea thieves. Now so many years have passed.

How powerful have these two sea thieves become? No one knows!

But the importance attached by the Navy headquarters to this is enough to speculate about one or two, and the degree of attention is no less than that of Locks wanting to recruit Roger back then, and even more cautious.

After all, it was the Monchi family brothers who sent it!!! That’s it.

A few days passed.

Three warships quietly appeared in a sea area.

“Report that General Karp, Lieutenant General Lu Chen, has tracked the signal of the flying pirate group, the distance is about twenty nautical miles, do you want to continue to approach?”

“Approach half the distance, turn on the bugging bug!”

Hearing the deputy’s report, Lu Chen glanced at Karp, who was standing and sleeping next to him, and immediately flew helplessly.


The deputy was ordered to return to the cabin.

Kuzan and Katakuri’s expressions changed slightly, and their breathing suddenly became rapid. For the first time, it is necessary to face such a major military operation at close range.

Even though they were called naval monsters, they still felt uncontrollably nervous.

“As long as you follow the Flying Pirate Group, you can find the location of Roger Pirates.”

Lu Chen said lightly, as if talking to himself, and as if complaining, and said with a faint smile: “It’s really strange, two legendary pirates want to contact, those CP spies can be clear, and you can’t even find the whereabouts of the sea pirates in normal times!” ”


Kuzan and Katakuri, two young people, couldn’t help but change their expressions, and their eyes looked towards Lu Chen with doubts and complexity. I don’t know why.

They always feel that Lu Chen’s words seem to mean something. But it didn’t seem to say anything.


At this time, Karp, who was standing sleeping next to him, burst his snot bubbles, and woke up sleepy-eyed.

“Is it coming?”

He turned his head towards Lu Chen and asked.

“Almost there!”

Lu Chen said with a smile. Less than half an hour.

The three warships stopped ten nautical miles away, and at the end of the sea level, turned on the eavesdropping bug. Capture subtle sounds from afar and play them back.

This is the scientific and technological strength of the navy, or in other words, the world government.

“Hahahaha, Roger, I ask you again, join forces with me to rule the world, and the Supreme Throne can sit side by side.”

It didn’t take long to accurately capture the sound of the golden lion.

When they heard these words, everyone couldn’t help but be shocked. Ready to start?

New World Seas.

In the endless blue sea, dense pirate ships appeared, gathering from all directions, forming a huge fleet, sailing mightily against the wind and waves.

There is no doubt that this is a very terrifying fleet.

The number of ships traveling on the sea surface alone exceeds twenty. And at low altitude, it is as high as eighteen.

One of them was larger than the Navy’s warships, with a mud-covered hull and a golden lion’s head on the bow. Before coming close, even if they are far away, they can feel the horror and oppression in it.

And correspondingly.

But it is a lone pirate ship.

It is the Roger Pirates’ [Oro Jackson].

“Ah……………. It turns out that the rumors are true! The flying pirates are coming. ”

On the mast, the red-nosed clown Bucky raised his lookout glasses, saw the golden lion standing at the bow of the ship, and suddenly his frightened eyeballs fell to the ground, and he couldn’t help but scream.

To know.

The powerful flying pirate group has deliberately spread the news since a long time ago, wanting to unite with the Roger pirates. Moreover, the large-scale gathering of the flying pirate group can be described as pouring out.

No doubt.

At this time, the Golden Lion’s flying pirate group, if you talk about the number of pirate fleets, is definitely the strongest of the three legendary pirates.

“Really fake, is it coming?”

Hearing Bucky’s screams, the red-haired boy wearing a straw hat on the deck immediately rushed to the bow of the boat, raised his hand and looked at the sea in the distance to know that the golden lion was coming.

It’s another thing to see it with your own eyes.

In particular, the huge number of fleets, covering the sky, was full of a strong sense of oppression. The distance between them can make people feel terrified.

“Roger Ship…………. Captain, the golden lion is really coming. ”

Shanks’ face changed drastically, and he immediately turned around, waving his hands and shouting anxiously.

As an intern of Roger’s Pirates, He had seen such a big scene that he was almost scared to urinate.

“Captain Roger, Mr. Renly, get ready for battle!”

Bucky climbed down from the watchtower on the mast and hissed and shouted. However.

Compared to the shouts of the two interns, everyone on the deck, including Roger and Renly, and Jabba and other high-ranking officials, sat very calmly on the side and drank.

“What, didn’t I refuse on the phone? Why did Shi Ji still have to find this guy? ”

Roger grinned.

In his opinion, it seems that the seriousness of the matter has not been predicted. But soon.

When the fleet of the flying pirate group approached, the vast sense of oppression suddenly made everyone on the ship feel heavy.

“This guy, are you going to war with us?”

Jabba threw the wine bottle, immediately pulled out two axes, and looked over with a solemn expression.

“It seems that it can’t be good today!”

Renly, whose blond hair stood up on his back, smiled bitterly.

“Captain before, did you refuse too hard?”

“I feel bad listening to it.”

“Roger, don’t talk nonsense, otherwise it will be difficult to solve it today.”

“Shiji, this guy, do you want a decisive battle if you don’t agree with each other?”

“I heard rumors a long time ago, I thought it was fake, but I didn’t expect this guy to really gather the entire pirate group here.”

“It’s too much!”

“We’re unprepared!”

Everyone in the Roger Pirate Group on the Jackson suddenly did not dare to relax, and they all stood up and ran to their respective combat posts. In the face of the golden lion pouring out, no one dared to despise it.

“Is this another legendary pirate?”

A strong blond curly-haired boy doing push-ups under the side of the boat stood up with his hands propped up and turned his head to look at the sea in the distance. The mighty fleet, before it arrived, was already frightening.

Among them, the low-flying lion-headed pirate ship, above the bow, was standing a blond man. He is tall, with long golden hair like a lion’s mane fluffy, and looks majestic.

It is the golden lion Shiji.

“Roger, you bastard, you actually dare to refuse my invitation!”

The golden lion clasped his hands and looked down condescendingly at the pirate ship below.

When he saw Roger and everyone on the deck of the Jackson, his face suddenly turned cold, and he glared at Rogerden. Think of him as a sea thief, a strong man in this sea alone after Locks’ death.

Inviting each other with a sincere attitude, but being rejected by the other party quite plainly, is too damaging to the self-esteem of the golden lion.

“Hahahaha, Roger, I ask you again, join forces with me to rule the world, and the Supreme Throne can sit side by side.”

The golden lion opened his hands and laughed loudly to the sky.

At this moment, the flying pirate fleet has surrounded the Jackson from the sea and sky, completely blocking all the ways up and down in all directions.

Even if the Jackson plugs in a pair of wings, it will be difficult to break through the blockade. It can be said that as soon as he appeared, he directly left Roger with no way back.

And everyone in Roger’s pirate group, after hearing the golden lion’s words, their faces changed drastically, and they looked at Roger in horror one by one.

“Roger, don’t say stupid things!”

Renly next to him reminded in a low voice.

Even Jabba’s hands holding the axe oozed cold sweat.

Not to mention, the rest of the crew members, their backs sweating coldly, their eyes were round, staring at Roger’s back.

“What’s wrong?”

Bucky’s reflex arc was relatively long, and he noticed that the atmosphere on the ship was wrong, and immediately asked with a puzzled face.

“Even if you want to refuse, it depends on the time!”

Shanks whispered a reminder from the side. Hearsay.

Bucky looked around, and then at Captain Roger’s back, almost startled to pee.

As an intern, although I didn’t stay long, I knew the character of my captain very well. Really.

Roger looked up at the golden lion and grinned, “Shiji, didn’t I refuse before?” Why are you still asking such boring questions? ”

This statement came out.

Everyone around was suddenly frightened and their hearts twitched.

Bucky and Shanks were directly petrified, and tears almost came out.


The terrifying momentum suddenly erupted from the golden lion’s body, like a king of the grassland, releasing a domineering energy that swallowed thousands of miles. However, he did not immediately take action.

Instead, his eyes were cold, looking at Roger indifferently, and asked in a deep voice: “Give me a reason!” ”

Between talks.

The golden lion slowly raised his hands, holding the hilt of the sword at his waist, and his whole body was as imposing as a divine sword. As soon as it comes out of the sheath, it will be shattering.

To this.

Roger didn’t hear it, shook his head and smiled: “Don’t you understand how Locks failed in the first place?” ”

“Of course I understand!”

“Oh? I didn’t expect you to grow over the years, now that you know the reason, why do you have to think about conquering so boring. ”

Hearing the golden lion’s words, Roger’s curly beard picked up, and he was a little surprised by the golden lion’s consciousness.

But soon, he realized he was wrong.

I saw a crazy and radical smile on the face of the golden lion.

“Locks’ failure is too arrogant, he didn’t do his best to recruit you, but I gathered the entire flying fleet today, and that’s the difference between me and Locks.”

The more the golden lion spoke, the more crazy and excited he became, and he opened his hands and laughed wildly: “Roger, as long as you join forces with me, you will definitely be able to conquer this world.” ”

“How? If you refuse, I can immediately sink your pirates to the bottom of the sea. ”

Words fall.

The fleet floating in the air, more than a dozen floating ships, slowly turned the hull and directly surrounded the Jackson. The 2.6 guns mounted on the side of the ship were all aimed at Roger’s pirates.

As long as you fire, it will definitely cause terrifying power. At the same time, more than a dozen pirate warships on the sea surface also spread their hulls one after another, and their artillery was completely aimed at the past.

“Join forces?”

Facing the artillery aiming of the flying fleet, the smile on Roger’s face did not decrease, and he grinned: “Shiji, it’s not impossible to think that I join forces.” This sentence is not finished. ”

The golden lion had already shrunk his pupils and subconsciously listened carefully. And everyone in the Roger Pirates on the Jackson turned their heads to look over.

Renly and Jabba’s faces changed slightly, but the next moment they were relieved, and a faint smile rose at the corner of their mouths. Bucky and Shanks stared straight at each other.

Is the captain’s attitude trying to agree? Really fake?

Two legendary sea thieves joined forces, what a storm that shook the world?

“Before conquering the world, there is still a very important problem to face!”

Roger looked at the golden lion and said in a deep voice.

“What’s the problem, the two of us can’t solve?”

The golden lion was full of disdain.

After the collapse of the Locks Pirates, he continued to recruit his subordinates, and the number of fleets under his command at this time was enough to match the original Locks Pirates.

If Roger agrees to join forces with him. Gee.

The Golden Lion has absolute confidence that it will be able to surpass the former Locks. But.

Roger’s next words made the smile on the golden lion’s face immediately solidify.

“It’s not difficult for me to join forces with you to conquer the world, but you have to defeat Lu Chen first, right?”

Words fall.

The murderous atmosphere just now seemed to be extinguished by cold water, and became strange and inexplicable.

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