Chapter 84: In the Name of Justice [Asking for Custom].

“Hahaha, how are Lu Chen and Karp my opponents?”

“Sooner or later, one day, these two will become my subordinates!”

“If the two of them are not strong enough, even with the navy, I will destroy them together!”

The voice fell.

The golden lion stared at Roger with a rampant smile on his face.

“Roger, just wait for that day to come!”

And these words, Lu Chen and Karp, who had already arrived on the battlefield, naturally heard them clearly.

All the navies looked nervously at Lu Dust and Karp standing in front of everyone, exposed to the torrential rain. They all guessed that the golden lion was shouting at this time, right?

Lord Lu Chen is a hero of the navy, an invincible vice admiral of heavenly punishment, how could he lose at the hands of someone like the golden lion? Thereinto.

Kaji and Kuzan especially despise the golden lion!

Lu Chen is one of their teachers and one of their idols, and they have great trust and respect for Lu Chen’s strength! How could the golden lion defeat a character like the teacher [Lieutenant General Lu Chen]?

It’s just a fool’s dream, I’m afraid you haven’t woken up when you go out, right? In this regard, Lu Chen and Karp did not say a word.

With the prestige of the two of them in the navy now, the clamor of a beam-jumping clown naturally does not need to be ignored. They all believe.

The people on these three warships will certainly not suspect them because of the golden lion’s clamor. At this time.

Whether it is in Lu Chen or in Karp’s eyes, the golden lion is too self-sufficient. He simply doesn’t know what real power is!

Right at this time.

Lu Chen suddenly turned his head to look at Kuzan who was on the side, and his eyes flashed with a dangerous light. Couzin naturally felt Lu Chen’s gaze.

He turned his head a little mechanically, barely squeezing out a smile. I don’t know why.

Although he didn’t know what Lu Chen wanted to do, Kuzan had a premonition in his heart, he always felt that Lu Chen was going to do something not very good to him.

At this time.

Kuzan suddenly thought of the previous incident when Lu Chen had made him freeze the sea. According to Couzin’s strength at this time.

He simply can’t do such a thing without touching the surface of the water!

Even if he falls into the sea himself, he may not be able to freeze the sea water in this entire area! What did Lieutenant General Lu Chen treat me for, General? Only a general can do such a thing, right? It’s just that.

At this time, he thought of this matter, and suddenly realized that Lu Chen Lieutenant General wanted to let himself touch the sea water below?! Don’t, you’re a Devil Fruit Ability.

Once you come into contact with seawater, you will immediately be weak, so even your ability is not easy to exert, right? Kuzan, who thought of what Lu Chen wanted to do, smiled bitterly and wanted to explain.


In his opinion, this is simply to kill himself! However.

Before he could speak.

Lu Chen, who was beside him, turned over and grabbed Kuzan’s wrist and threw him out of the warship with force! This moment.

Couzin only felt that the sky was spinning, and he saw the dark sky, and the thunder and rainstorm above that sky. The next moment.

He fell from the sky and fell into the sea of fierce battle between the Flying Pirates and the Roger Pirates! Both warring sides were confused by this Kuzan that fell from the sky!

Even Roger and the golden lion, who were fighting fiercely, were stunned for a moment, and the two sides stopped a little. It’s a battle for life and death, and suddenly a person falls from the sky?


Looking at the clothes on this person, it seems to be a navy? Oh, then it’s fine.

Although for some reason, this navy will be thrown from the warship.

But they pirates themselves are opposed to the navy. Naturally, there is no reason to save him.

Even Roger and the Golden Lion didn’t care about the person who suddenly threw it out.

Their battle has reached a critical moment, and the torrential rain is getting heavier and heavier at this time.

This made both of them have to pay twelve points of attention to deal with the killing moves that the other party might have! And right now.

Kuzan, who fell into the sea, only felt that under the wrapping of the seawater, his body exuded an incomparable feeling of weakness from the inside out.

The suffocating sensation of not being able to breathe made him particularly uncomfortable.

Looking at his sinking body, Kuzan knew that if he didn’t use his ability to freeze this sea area, he would probably drown here!

After all.

The lieutenant general of heavenly punishment whom he regarded as an idol was also a fruit-bearing ability.

In this case, as long as the other party enters the sea, it will naturally be affected by the seawater, and there is no need to talk about whether to save him.


Forcing himself to calm down, Kuzan calmed down, stretched out his hands, and took his ability to freeze fruits to the extreme! In a flash!

Starting from the part of the seawater that came into contact with Kuzan, the surrounding seawater quickly turned into hard ice! Not long ago, this sea area where the two sides fought fiercely was turned into a field of ice!

And Kuzan himself, turned into ice, blended in, and quickly headed towards the position of the sea surface. This is the moment.

Couzin was so excited!

This was the first time he had used such a shocking ability!

He could feel that his development and control of the fruit had actually improved a lot! And at this time.

On the sea.

A group of pirates finally knew why Kuzan was thrown into the water by road dust before!……

Seeing the place where Kuzan fell into the water, patches of ice rose up, instantly freezing this sea area and becoming unsailable ice.


The temperature has dropped a lot.

The churning waves thus turn into the shape of ice.

The torrential rain that fell from the sky landed on the ice and was quickly frozen.

There was a biting chill in the air, and the rain that was about to fall to the ground turned into sharp ice needles. These pirates were completely panicked, they knew that they had no possibility of escaping!

Perhaps the golden lion can use the fluttering fruit to control the flying pirate group to leave the sky.

But since the naval high-level who led the team dared to break into this sea area, it was naturally possible to fight Roger and the golden lion! Therefore, that naval high-ranking will definitely not allow the golden lion to leave with the pirate group just like that!

And once the battle starts, the golden lion will definitely not be able to control so many pirate ships. These pirates can only be transformed from naval warfare to land warfare!

And there are very few people in the navy who can do such a thing. Roger and the Golden Lion immediately thought of someone.

Vice Admiral of Heavenly Punishment, Road Dust!

“Hunt you down in the name of justice!!”

Lu Chen stood on the bow of the warship and gave the order to fight! The voice fell.

Karp took Kaji, Kuzan and the navy, jumped off the warship, and rushed in the direction of the battlefield! Lu Chen was not with them.

The body turned into an electric light, and in an instant, it passed over everyone and arrived in front of the golden lion! Lu Chen looked at the golden lion, his expression was indifferent, and his battle spirit was surging dry!.

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