Chapter 90: Roger’s Pirates in a Desperate Situation [Customized].

“Your kendo…”

The golden lion, who recovered from the shock, stammered and said a word. The kendo strength displayed by Lu Chen has exceeded everyone’s imagination.


The kendos that the golden lion knows are inferior to Lu Chen. However, soon, the golden lion regained its composure. He felt.

No matter what means Lu Chen used, after such a terrifying attack, the other party should have exhausted its strength.

“It’s just swordsmanship.”

Lu Chen smiled faintly, and the clouds were light and breezy.

The hurricane was even more raging and terrifying, blowing his black hair flying, and his whole body flashed with electricity, exuding peerless majesty. Like heaven and earth punishing, all the pirates couldn’t help but feel fear.

He has the world’s No. 1 swordsmanship throne, and slashing at will is the most terrifying swordsmanship in this world!

If the swordsmanship did not reach a certain realm, there was no way to understand Lu Chen’s sword at all. Instead.

Those who have cultivated swordsmanship to an extremely high realm can understand something from this plain sword. However, even so.

They can’t surpass road dust!

Lu Chen thinks that the one who can do this may be the future Hawkeye, right? However.

For Lu Chen’s statement, the golden lion naturally did not believe it.

The golden lion himself has swordsmanship and has his own judgment on swordsmanship. In his opinion.

The previous road dust was just a random slash.

As for that kind of strong power, it should be some kind of ability of the other party, right? As for swordsmanship?

If you say this is swordsmanship, then what is it called what I practice?


After figuring it out.

The golden lion laughed a little reluctantly.

A complete road dust, he naturally has to be a little jealous. But.

Lu Chen actually took on his lion Chikiriya in order to protect others, and used such a powerful move. This kind of person is really a complete fool!

Isn’t a partner or something used to take advantage of it?

“Lu Chen, it’s good, you’re good, no wonder Locks will lose to you, but Lao Tzu, it’s not just kendo.”

The golden lion laughed wildly, and then suddenly disappeared from the place, this time, he actually planned to get close and fight with Lu Chen! Lu Chen instantly reacted and greeted him!

At this moment, the battle between the two can be regarded as the real beginning! In an instant.

Lu Chen and the golden lion used swordsmanship to pass dozens of moves! Fortunately, there were not many people around the two before. Otherwise.

As soon as others are involved in the battle, they will be killed immediately!




At the position where the two were fighting, the sword qi was crisscrossing, the ice field was crumbling, and even the powerful sword qi swept straight into the firmament clouds, and cracks seemed to appear in the sky!

This is a real heavenly collapse!

Not long after, the cold ice under the feet of the two shattered into countless powders and drifted away, revealing the deep sea below.

Although both of them are fruit ability, whether it is the fluttering fruit of the golden lion or the thunder fruit of Lu Chen, they all show very terrifying power.

A lion’s head made of ice, snow and seawater, like a warship and meteorite, soared into the sky, and then fell towards the road dust at great speed.

The ice immediately collapsed, as terrifying as the apocalypse. The battlefield of the two is constantly shifting from the ice to the sky.

The sword energy released by each collision was enough to cut through everything, which was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, neither the navy nor the pirates dared to get too close, and they were far away from the battlefield of the two. And extreme climates.

As if affected by the battle between the two, the hurricane that swept through the place became more and more powerful. Even.

Some weak people are unable to stabilize their figure!

Even the sturdy warships and pirate ships were somewhat unable to withstand this frantic storm and began to be damaged! Thanks to the influence of the battle between Road Dust and the Golden Lion.

The Roger Pirates managed to temporarily leave the battlefield, leaving some to drag the navy and others to gather in the position of the Jackson.


After such a battle, those high-end combat forces that Roger Pirates participated in the battle all had different degrees of scars on their bodies.

Jaba, who was fighting with Kuzan, was already frozen in cold ice at this time, and for a while, there was no way to break free. And Renly also has blood hanging from the corners of his mouth, his clothes are torn a lot, and most of the places are faintly oozing blood!

“Renly, Jabba, how are you all doing?”

“Kulokas, come and see, they are all seriously injured!”

“Abominable navy!”

The rest of Roger’s Pirates hurriedly put down their own affairs and took these people on the boat, Kuzan and Katakuri really couldn’t win against Jabba and Renly, but the navy involved in this battle was not only Kuzan and Katakuri!

Since Lu Chen was allowed to investigate the movements of the two pirate groups, the naval headquarters would naturally not only send these people over.

Among these three battleships, there are a large number of masters, and these people cooperate with Kuzan and Katakuri, which is enough to make the notorious Jabba and Renly suffer a little.

The same was true of the other high-ranking members of the Roger Pirates who participated in the war, and some of them had wounds on their bodies and even deep bones.

When everyone gathered, they looked into the distance, led by Katakuri and Kuzan, the navy chasing, for a while, they were a little desperate!

They are really in a desperate situation at this time!

After all, the scope of the battle between Lu Chen and the Golden Lion is limited. At this time, on the side of the Jackson, the cold ice is still extremely hard!

And the Jackson is still firmly frozen on the sea, unable to make any movement!

At least, with them, in a short time, there is no way to move this ship out without harming the Jackson!

And those navies that came after them naturally did not give them enough time.

“What to do, isn’t this already in a desperate situation?”

Shanks said a little anxiously after watching the people below try their best to push the Jackson, but still did not move.

“What a joke, Lao Tzu hasn’t gotten all the treasures in the world, how can he die here!”

Bucky shouted 0.5 with his feet jumping next to Shanks!

“What to do, what to do… Ahh By the way, otherwise, let’s go and rob the navy’s ship and escape! ”

Bucky pondered, suddenly clapped his palm, and said with wide eyes.

Shanks didn’t hesitate to slap Bucky on the head.

“What a joke, Mr. Renly and they’re all hurt!”

“Moreover, there must be people on the navy’s warships who are left behind, and now we can’t withstand such a big war!”

“Then what can you do!”

Bucky immediately turned his head to glare at Shanks, and his red nose looked particularly funny.


Shanks was stunned for a moment.

In the current situation, he can’t think of any way.

The two turned their heads to glance at the navy that was already very close, and their hearts were very anxious. If there is no way to get out of trouble, they will not be able to get out of here!

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