Chapter 94: You like to persuade pirates to be good [Ask for Custom].

“Lion Wei Crack Sky Slash!”

Accompanied by a burst of the golden lion.

The two famous knives in his hand slashed out two sky-soaring sword qi, directly tore through the ice and snow, cut through the ice, and came to Lu Chen’s approach in an instant.

This slash was enough to break the sea. But.

When he came to Lu Chen’s approach, the thunder light long sword he held was able to resist the terrifying slash of the golden lion. Not even half a minute back.

The terrifying hurricane that was enough to blow away the warship lifted the cloak of justice, but it could not make Lu Chen move for half a minute.

“Shiji, surrender”

“It’s all navy outside!”

Lu Chen’s eyes rose upward, penetrating the misty wind and snow, and fell on the golden lion who was scarred and breathing heavily. To be honest, he also felt helpless.

People in this world are always so paranoid and extreme.

Lu Chen used the golden lion’s best kendo to force him into a desperate situation, just to make the sea thief surrender himself. Unexpectedly, the golden lion is so stubborn.

If you want to defeat the opponent forcefully and leave your life, it is really a little difficult for Lu Chen, just like controlling the strength without stepping on the ants.

“Hahahaha, Lu Chen, it seems that you like to persuade pirates to be good!”

The golden lion holds two swords, his arms trembling faintly, obviously physically exerting, but his self-esteem does not allow himself to flee or surrender, and the pirate he refers to is Katakuri. But to this.

Lu Chen didn’t care, but smiled.

“Persuade pirates to be good? That’s a good saying! ”

“Of course, a heinous pirate like you is not qualified to be good!”

“Let’s stop here, when your strength does not match ambition, the so-called dream is as desperate as an abyss, right?”

Lu Chen spoke lightly.

The thunder light long sword in his hand, the arc of electricity, became more intense. The pale light reflected the surroundings as bright as day.

“Cut, compared to the evil of our pirates, the power of the world is the real evil!”

The golden lion sneered: “Lu Chen, you are not qualified to define Lao Tzu’s dream!” ”


Lu Chen, who just wanted to make a move, slammed his hands slightly, his eyes looked at the golden lion, and his expression gradually became solemn.

“You are very similar to Locks, but you are all going the wrong way!”

“Of course, I really don’t want to define the dreams of you scumbags, because that would stain my justice.”

“The pirates who caused countless deaths, in my opinion, are not qualified to chase their dreams at all.”

Lu Chen raised his chin slightly, stared at the golden lion, and said with a bright smile: “As for the world authorities you mentioned, they will all have their own destination in the end, but you should not see it.” ”

The previous words are the division between good and evil.

But the last sentence made the golden lion’s pupils shrink. As a legendary hero of the Navy.

But saying such words is not shocking to the golden lion, a pirate. Just like the Valley of the Gods incident back then, Locks was as desperate and shocking.

But soon, the golden lion sneered and retorted.

“Isn’t the navy a lackey of the world government? What qualifications are there to say these words! ”

“As a navy, I didn’t sell my soul!”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile: “Moreover, the difference between the navy and pirates lies in moral constraints, but this is also the difference between people and animals.” The seemingly plain words were fiercely counterattacked. ”

However, the golden lion did not become angry, but was more relieved. It seems that only in this way is the courage of the man in front of him.

“Hahahaha, you are such a monster, no wonder even Locks died in your hands.”

The golden lion’s feet slowly broke away from the ice, and the whole person floated in the air, allowing the wind and snow to sweep in, unable to stop half a minute. Just like Lu Chen said before, a sea thief like him is very paranoid and extreme.

If strength really can’t match ambition, the only end is to perish. It’s no different from Locks back then. The only difference is that the golden lion did not do it, and the world’s sensational deeds like Locks did. But what does it matter?

If there is a mountain blocking the way, it is to stand still or go forward. For a sea thief like the golden lion, there is only one choice.

It’s the courage to move forward! Even if you pay the price of your life, you will not give up!!!

“It seems that you are ready for death consciousness!”

Lu Chen smiled faintly, his eyes raised, stared at the golden lion and said, “So, are there any last words?” ”

“Last words? No, there are regrets, but you shouldn’t help me do it. ”

“Let’s hear it!”

“I just want to know what your future will be, I think Locks must also be curious before.”

“I do my best!”

In this regard, Lu Chen nodded, and immediately collected his mind, and the whole person fell into absolute concentration.

If outsiders hear these conversations and don’t know, I’m afraid they will think that the two are old friends for many years. But for road dust and golden lions.

The strong people who have reached their level naturally do not be angry or shouting like ordinary people, and some are very calmly facing challenges or death!!!

Boom – accompanied by the figure of the golden lion out of the ice, the frozen sea, at this moment, completely collapsed.

Endless ice and snow flew and swirled in the air, finally outlining a lion’s head as large as a mountain.

At the same time, the violently undulating sea, the stormy waves, became more violent. This heaven and earth are completely stormed.

If you look at it from the outside world, you can clearly see that the sea water seems to be free from the shackles of gravity and slowly rises.

“Ah, what is it?”

The three warships that had just escaped the storm, and the countless navies on board, were all shocked. I saw that in the sea area behind, the sea water was rising, like a city wall, blocking their direction. There, it seems to have completely lost gravity and become quite chaotic.

“It’s going to fight to the death!”

Karp stood at the bow of the boat, wrapped his arms around his arms, and said through gritted teeth.

Although he is very relieved about Lu Chen’s strength, the golden lion is not vegetarian, and in his mind, Locks, who has entered old age three times in the seventh year, is even stronger.

At least this fluttering fruit ability makes people feel very headache.


“Lieutenant General Lu Chen, will it be dangerous?”

“It’s terrifying, is this the strength of the legendary pirates?”

“It’s too terrifying to change this heaven and earth!”

Many generals were horrified.

Kuzan’s eyes were complicated, and he clenched his fists, if only he could freeze this sea. Unfortunately, it’s still a little closer.

“Worthy of being a teacher, so far he has only performed kendo!”

Katakuri shouted with an excited look.

Hearing these words, everyone reacted.

Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment seems to have only used the way of the sword from beginning to end, and this alone is enough to force a legendary sea thief into a desperate situation.

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