Chapter 97: Aunt: The old lady’s most perfect masterpiece became the navy? 【Customizable】.

New world.

A huge beluga pirate ship is moving at extreme speed, and the atmosphere on board is a little dull at the moment.

“Golden lion, arrested again?”

The young bromeliad-headed Marco held the newspaper with a look of shock and disbelief. The news comes from the World Economic Journal.

Previously, when the golden lion wanted to invite Roger, it could be said that the whole sea knew it. Unexpectedly, only a few days have passed.

The golden lion took his entire group of flying pirates and disappeared in the sea. This news shook the sea for a long time and could not react.

“Really fake? The golden lion Shiji was captured just like that? ”

Marco still couldn’t believe it.

Not to mention him, the team on the ship felt incredible.

You know, the golden lion is a man with the ability to flutter fruits, if he wants to leave, no one in this world should be able to leave him.

“Aha, it’s this navy called Lu Chen again!”

At this time, Mita, who was sitting next to Whitebeard, dressed in samurai costume, exclaimed. Everyone turned their heads to look over.

“I remember one thing, when I didn’t come out of Wano Country, I saw this deeds of road dust.”

Sensing everyone’s doubtful gazes, Mitsuki Mita said in a deep voice: “But in the past few years since I went to sea, he seems to have fallen silent, but I didn’t expect that when I heard his name again, it caused this sea to shake.” ”

This samurai from Wano Country seemed quite emotional at the moment.

“So it is!”

The team nodded one after another.

For pirates, the name Lu Chen, as long as it appears in the public’s field of vision, will inevitably be accompanied by earthquake-like events.

This time. It is a group of flying pirates.

Next time, I don’t know who it is.

As a pirate, everyone felt Alexander.

In particular, the old members who followed Whitebeard and came from the era of Rocks looked even more solemn to the extreme.

“Haha, heaven punishes Lu Chen, I really look forward to meeting him in the future!”

Mita clenched the double knives at his waist and laughed unruly. This statement came out.

Marko, these young people, suddenly changed his face drastically. Whitebeard, who had been silent, also spoke at this time.

The burly giant sitting on the throne on the deck of the beluga whale pirate ship put down the barrel at this moment, and his expression was full of jealousy.

“Golla-la-la! Mita, you should pray not to meet him, it will be the nightmare of your life! ”

To know.

When he was in the Valley of the Gods, if it wasn’t for Locks sending Whitebeard away from the battlefield before he died, he wasn’t sure if he would have survived to this point.

And when many captains heard Whitebeard’s words, their faces became more solemn. Not long since.

Dad will never make a long-term ambition and destroy his own prestige. But now…

“Haha, I’m just vaguely expecting, but I won’t be stupid enough to take the initiative to find him.” Mita laughed. ”

While speaking, he glanced at the figure standing at the door of the cabin, holding the baby.

“Hehe, if I really meet it, for the sake of my family, I won’t back down!”

In my heart, I silently added.

The white-bearded pirate group, except for a trace of shock, did not feel much about the capture of the golden lion. This naval battle is enough to be documented.

In terms of pirates, in addition to the flying pirate group, there is also the Roger pirate group.

Being able to escape under the joint hands of Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment and General Karp caused a shock to many pirates. The Sea of Nations, Cake Island!!!

Boom – the collapse of the town’s buildings, the dust rushing into the sky.

Charlotte Lingling, like a steel balloon, was in a rage, her eyes were blood-red and she was spewing fire, clenching her fists, and destroying all the people and buildings she saw.

“Damn, the most outstanding work of the old lady has actually become the navy!”

“Monchi S. D. Lu Chen, the old lady will definitely not let you go! ”

“The old lady is going to the headquarters of the Navy…”

While roaring, Charlotte Lingling was like a walking bulldozer, directly destroying the town out of a road and heading straight for the coast in the distance.

This scene stunned everyone.

Even if it is a member of the Charlotte family, the atmosphere does not dare to come out at this moment.

They had never seen her mother angry and furious, it was terrible.

The good thing is.

Click–Hurried footsteps suddenly came from the direction of the kitchen.

The members of Charlotte were suddenly shocked and turned their heads to look over.

I saw that the rather short head baker of the long bread rushed out, and instantly caught up with the angry Charlotte Lingling.

“Lingling stop, don’t be impulsive!”

Long Bread pulled out the long sword at his waist and went straight to the falling fist crossbar.


The huge force directly blasted the long bread out and broke through a mountain before stopping. But the next moment.

The long bread rushed out again, and the long sword swung out, causing the awkward figure of the aunt to fall.

“Have you forgotten what happened to Captain Locks?”

Long Bread stood at the top of a building, looking down at Aunt condescendingly, and said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the aunt’s original irrational anger was suddenly extinguished, and her eyes gradually returned to clarity.

Cloth:… 10011110113081141] Without waiting for the aunt to finish speaking, the long bread waved her small hand to interrupt and laughed: “Even if he becomes the navy, he is also Lingling’s son, what does it matter, he may be able to help you achieve hegemony in the future!” ”


The aunt really regained her senses, and the whole person fell into deep thought. At this time.

Other Charlotte children also came.

“Brother Katakuri has loved us since he was a child, and even if he encounters us in the future, I believe he will not make a move against us.”

“The eldest brother has now become a genius in the navy, and he may be able to become a navy admiral in the future.”

“Even if he assists us in secret, he can help my mother greatly!”

“Mom, please trust Brother Katakuri!”

“Mom, please trust Brother Katakuri!”

Many Charlotte family children spoke one after another.

“Hmph, I haven’t contacted us for so many years, doesn’t the old lady think he will still miss any old love!”

The aunt is not stupid, thinking that Katakuri has been away for many years, and has not contacted the world.

“He’s by the side of the Heavenly Punishment Lieutenant General, don’t you dare to have any thoughts!”

However, the words of the long bread dispelled the aunt’s doubts.

Although I was still very unhappy in my heart, thinking that it was Lu Chen, my anger turned into helplessness. The first half of the Great Voyage.

A kingdom that has just ended its war.

The dragon in a dark green cloak came out of the ruins, newspaper in his hand, tattooed cheeks flushed with excitement.

“Is it the world’s number one sword hero?”

“Uncle really has countless surprises!”

“It seems that we can’t lag too far!”

Dragon whispered to himself.

Behind it is a burned royal palace.

After years of practice, he finally overthrew a rotten kingdom. And this is only the beginning of his revolutionary road.

In the future, there will be more rotten countries that will become stepping stones on his revolutionary path.

“Ivankov, let’s go, prepare for the next target!”

The dragon raised his hand slightly, a hurricane appeared in his palm, shredding the newspaper in his hand, and then turned around and shouted into the depths of the ruins. Not for long.

There were several figures coming from a distance.

The Battle of Ait Wall, shocked the world.

During this time, everyone is discussing. And as the road dust of the parties.

He estimated that the warship should return to the headquarters soon, just to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave. But right now.

Lu Chenjian raised his eyebrows, and immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the coast. On the coast of the desert island, a pirate ship suddenly appeared.

Dozens of pirates looked frightened and were driven ashore by a young man with a combed back and an overcoat.

“Being a pirate with you really makes me feel insulted!”

Words fall.

With a wave of the young man on his back, the grass on the coast immediately withered, instantly turning into a dry desert, and a huge desert scythe shot out of it, directly sweeping through these dozens of pirates.


With just one blow, more than a dozen people flew away.

“Boy, don’t be too arrogant, you want a pirate ship, we have given it to you, what do you want?”

I saw the leader of dozens of pirates, holding a long knife and shouting at the young man behind his back.

Hear this.

The young man with his back smiled.

His smile was very cold.

PS: Ask for some flowers tickets!!!! Customize!!!!。

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