Chapter 103: Grumpy Brother Karp [Customized].

New World, an island in a certain sea.

The huge beluga pirate ship landed and happened to meet another pirate ship that had just rested. This is a battle that belongs to the legendary pirates.

Three days and three nights later.

The fighting subsided, and the two sides sat shoulder to shoulder around the campfire to celebrate.

“Gollum-la-la, I was shocked to hear that you and Shi Kee’s guy encountered Lu Chen!”

The burly white-bearded man sat on the boulder, carrying the wine barrel in one hand, and looked at Roger after taking a sip and sighed: “You can escape from the hands of the Monchi brothers, it seems that you have great luck!” ”

“Hehe, if you’re willing to borrow luck for me, Newgate, I’ll be grateful to you for the rest of my life!”

Roger laughed with a wine glass, looked at the samurai next to Whitebeard, and grinned: “One day with road dust, this sea will not be calm, but I want to do an unprecedented big event in the last moments of my life!” ”

“This kind of text is a code text passed down by my Guangyue family for generations!”

At this time, Mita, who had been immersed in research, raised his head in surprise.

Hear this.

It strengthened Roger’s determination.

He turned his head to stare at Whitebeard, his eyes more solemn than ever. And then.

In the astonished eyes of Mitsuki Mita and Whitebeard, he knelt down directly on his knees and kowtowed to Whitebeard.

“Please, please lend me this kid for a year, this is the biggest request in my life, it’s okay to kneel for this reason!”

After speaking, he turned to Mita’s approach and knelt down and kowtowed again.

The movement here instantly alarmed the people and horses of the two pirate groups, and they were all stunned and full of disbelief.

“Damn, that’s our captain, how can he kneel to others.”

“Captain Roger hurry up, don’t kneel to the enemy!”

Including Jabba, they were shocked beyond comprehension and yelled at Roger. However.

Roger ignored the shouts of the crowd. His gaze was only Whitebeard and Mita. The look was unprecedented and apprehensive.

“What are you kidding Roger!? You’re planning to rob my family!” ”

At this time, Whitebeard also reacted, and couldn’t help but be angry.

A momentum as vast as the sea suddenly erupted from this burly giant, shaking the entire sea. I saw the sea surface rising layer by layer, like a ribbon ring 883 around the entire island.

Terrifying waves rise, casting a large shadow over the island.

No one doubts that if the sea falls, it will directly submerge the island. At that time, no one will be spared.

“Newgate, I’m dying, this is my last chance.”

“If you can’t do it, you will definitely die with regret.”

“In the previous battle of the Wall Sea, Lu Chen brought me too much shock, if we only rely on our strength, we can’t contribute to this sea, only by going to the final island, we have the opportunity to break the current situation!”

Facing Whitebeard’s anger, Roger looked dead on his face and said anxiously. Even Yutian next to him was frightened and hurriedly waved.

“Xiao Baiji, I want to go with him to see, let me go!”

“You’re my brother, how is it possible!”

“Just one year, Xiaobaiji please!”

Mita begged bitterly.

He knows Whitebeard’s character very well, and it is absolutely impossible to send his family to the enemy. However, the reason why Roger borrowed this time is to circle the world.

So although I am angry, I can still keep my senses!!

After hearing Mita’s words at this time, Whitebeard was silent, gritting his teeth with unhappiness on his face.

“Newgate, after I circle the world at most, I’ll give you the number one in the world!”

Roger next to him said.

“What nonsense are you talking about, who is rare for your so-called number one in the world!”

Whitebeard snorted coldly.

Although the tone was still grumpy, it was finally softened than just now.

“Whether successful or not, in a year, I will definitely return Mita!”

Seeing that Whitebeard was loose, Roger said while the iron was hot.


The answer to Roger was an arrogant cold snort. Apparently, things are settled.

“Although I don’t know what the final island has, I always have a hunch that there must be all the secrets of the world buried there!”

Roger laughed, looking forward to the journey ahead.

That’s it.

After the two pirate groups got along for a few days, they left separately. It’s the same as when we met.

The only difference is that the samurai from Wano Country, Mitsuki Mita, got on Roger’s pirate ship.


Marin Fando, Navy Headquarters.

“According to intelligence information from the New World, the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates had brief contact.”

Marshal Air held his forehead with a headache and said in a deep voice: “However, they soon separated, but according to intelligence, the samurai on the ship of the Whitebeard Pirate Group also disappeared.” ”

“Yes, according to the information provided by the New World, I suspect that the samurai has already boarded the ship of the Roger Pirates.”

Lieutenant General He opened the information on the desktop, bowed his head and said lightly: “As for why, I don’t know for the time being!” ”

The voice fell.

The originally solemn atmosphere relaxed slightly.

The brief contact between the two legendary pirate groups caused great tension and apprehension for these naval leaders. Lu Chen, who was sitting on the side, had a strange light in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, it was finally about to start.

“Lu Chen, what do you think is the reason for the samurai’s gone?”

At this time, Marshal Kong glanced at Lu Chen.

What he wanted to hear most now was the naval hero’s analysis. To this.

Lu Chen bowed his head slightly, his eyes scanned the conference room, and then he began to speak.

“Perhaps, this samurai named Mitsuki Ota has the ability that Roger has to value!”

“Samurai from Wano Country, the Mitsuki family, if you have a chance, you can go and investigate!”

After speaking, he sat quietly on the side. After hearing his words, everyone in the conference room fell into thought and silence. Marshal Kong looked at Lu Chen’s eyes and was slightly surprised.

Wano Country, Mitsuki Family!!

This is very little known to ordinary people, but unexpectedly, Lu Chen actually pointed it out. In the eyes of Marshal Kong, Lu Chen definitely knew something.

However, the Wano Country Navy could not set foot at will.

There are always some big figures involved in the Holy Land, even the naval marshals, who do not want to provoke if it is not necessary. Moreover, the kingdom of samurai has great power.

Unless the Navy sends high-end combat power, how many navies are sent is equivalent to sending food.

“In fact, no matter what the reason, it’s always right to keep an eye on it.”

Lu Chen added.

Everyone agreed.

However, in the vast sea, wanting to know the whereabouts of a pirate ship without territory is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack. This time, it was also because, it happened to be a navy, and it encountered the Roger Pirates.

Although the Navy was defeated.

But after that, it was the arrival of the white-bearded pirate group that the news was delivered back. The meeting dispersed.

After everyone left, Marshal Air left the road dust.

“Wano Country involves some big figures in the Holy Land, and if you want to investigate, you can’t use the open power of the navy.”

“Mr. Sora wants to investigate Wano Country?”

Lu Chen asked curiously.

“Yes, the samurai of Wano Country, as well as the current situation of Wano Country, according to some intelligence of CP spies, it seems that there are sea thieves stationed in Wano Country.”

“And the samurai who jumped from the Whitebeard Pirates to the Roger Pirates, the Mitsuki family, that is the surname of General Wano Country.”

“So, the Navy needs to know what’s going on there.”

“Why did the samurai of the Mitsuki clan of Wano Country board the ship of the sea thief.”

Marshal Kong said in a deep voice.

Obviously, after Lu Chen’s reminder, he also found that there must be something special about the samurai who can force two legendary pirates to compete.

“If Mr. Sora wants to secretly investigate Wano Country, I do have an undercover agent with a personal contact.”

Reaching the marshal’s doubtful eyes, Lu Chen said calmly: “As for his identity, I can’t reveal it!” ”

“Haha, don’t worry, I only need the results of the investigation, I don’t care who the undercover agent you use is!”

“That’s good, I’ll let him go to Wano Country to investigate everything secretly!”

“Well, then please!”

Marshal Kong nodded in thanks, and then walked out of the conference room.

After watching the marshal’s back leave, Lu Chen took out a delicate telephone worm directly from the inside of his clothes. To know.

If you want to make phone calls over long distances, you need to amplify the signal indefinitely. And as a person with the ability to resound thunder fruit, it is easy to expand the electromagnetic signal.

“Lord Lu Chen?!”

After the phone worm was unplugged, it turned into a face full of horror. The tone is also full of incredulity.

It seems that he didn’t expect that Lu Chen would contact his appearance.

“The navy has already tacitly allowed the investigation of Wano Country!”

Lu Chen said straight to the point.

“What, what message does that require me to deliver?”

“No need for any news, you continue to stay over there and wait for my notification!”

After speaking, Lu Chen took the initiative to hang up the phone worm.

Putting the phone bug back in his clothes, he slowly stood up and walked towards the outside of the conference room. On the way, every navy encountered respectfully saluted.

The prestige of naval heroes is rare in ancient and modern times!!! Back to the Naval Scientific Research Department.

According to Lu Chen’s thinking prompts, the group led by Berga Punk has built a small assault boat. Fully electric drive with terrifying power.

Once fully activated, it is as fast as a swordfish.

“Lieutenant General Lu Chen, how do you look at this finished product?”

Seeing the appearance of road dust, Bergapunk and the others immediately stopped their work and gathered around. It looked like waiting for the leaders to inspect and give them praise for these workers

“Not bad, it’s about the same as I thought!”

Looking at the built boat, Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then advised: “Of course, other research should not be left behind, especially the warships that cross the windless belt, hoping to double the performance of the navy’s warships within a year!” ”

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Klokdal and ordered: “Take this small boat and go to the West Sea before taking a warship, and I will arrive later!” ”

“Ah… Yes, teacher! ”

Klokdal was slightly stunned, reacted quickly, and quickly agreed.

“Teacher, what about me?”

Katakuri asked, standing aside.

“Let’s go together!”

Lu Chen held his forehead, turned his head and shouted to the Gion of the Miaoling girl: “If you don’t mind, you stay and watch the dot, and you can find me at any time if you have anything.” ”

“Yes, Lord Lu Chen!”

Gion readily agreed. After all, with her current strength, there is no need to follow Lu Chen’s side at all, but it is better to continue to hone in the headquarters. After arranging everyone.

Lu Chen came to his scientific research department’s office.

“Another missing lap?!”

When he took out his life card and looked at it, his expression changed slightly.

Snow-white life card, the signs of burning at the edges are more serious, and occasionally a few sparks float out. From the original slap size, now only half of the slap is left.

“What the hell happened?”

He whispered to himself.

Although I really want to rush to the West Sea immediately, I can’t reach it for a while. That’s why Klokdal and Kaji will be one step ahead.

When he reached the West Sea, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport over. But.

It’s only been a few days.

Brother Karp, who had disappeared for many days, hurried over. Bang!

Roughly pushed open the office door.

Karp, who had two gray sideburns, grabbed a newspaper, walked in with a puff, and then sat down on the sofa with a big grin.

“You tell me the truth, where did the dragon boy go?”

Karp stared at Lu Chen, his eyes questioning unkindly. To this.

Lu Chen looked innocent and asked rhetorically, “Brother, didn’t he say it very clearly before he left the headquarters?” My nephew is pursuing his dream! ”


It’s okay not to say these two words, at this time, Karp was immediately stimulated, and he suddenly stood up and directly slapped the newspaper in his hand in front of Lu Chen.

He roared: “Brother, you tell the truth, the so-called dreams can’t be these, right?” ”

Lu Chenjian raised his eyebrows, sensing that Karp was really angry. So I seriously picked up the newspaper and read it carefully.

However, as he watched the news content, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but hook an arc. Looking at this look, Karp was almost angry with seven holes.

“Okay, I know now!”

Lu Chen put down the newspaper and said in a good time.

“So is there anything you want to tell me?”

Karp asked.

“What reason to stop a man’s dream, brother, it’s your son’s dream!”

“So, these overthrown kingdoms are his dreams? Lu Chen, did you know about it a long time ago? ”

“Calm down, what is called a few kingdoms, what he wants to do is to revolutionize the whole world!”


“Overthrow the decadent world and build an ideal world, that is revolution!”

“I’ll kill you!”

“Even if you kill me, there is no way to stop it!”

Looking at the thunderous Brother Karp, Lu Chen said very calmly.

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