Chapter 120: Come and come, then leave them all! 【Customizable】.

Not to mention the pirates.

Even Sakaski and the others, who were ready to fight a vicious battle, looked at Roger in surprise.

Now that the other party has a huge advantage in numbers, why would they suddenly give up resistance, and this person who gave up resistance is still the legendary One Piece.

One Piece, they know the meaning of this identity.

Once the news of One Piece’s capture comes out, both the navy and Lu Chen will gain unprecedented prestige. For the pirates, this will be an extremely heavy blow.

“Really fake? Why did you suddenly surrender? ”

Jinweimen stammered, the whole person was completely confused.

“Captain of His Royal Highness Mita, isn’t it the One Piece of this sea?”

“Although this navy seems to be very strong, but surrendering like this, is it too underestimating our samurai?”

“Damn, the courtiers are incompetent and cannot protect the lord and the captain of the lord duke!”

The Red Sheath Nine Exclaimed one after another.

Even Tiangetsu in the mansion held Momosuke and Hiyo, and his cheeks were full of amazement. Although I don’t know why.

But one thing is certain.

They understood why Mitsuki Oda admired his captain so much. Willing to surrender and become a prisoner of the Navy!

Give up all the aura!

But it gives his companions hope to live.

This is indeed a strong man worthy of respect. But right then.

“Face the surrender and surrender conditions of One Piece.”

On the basis of what?

Lu Chen spoke lightly and spat out three words. On the basis of what?

Hearing this, not only Roger was stunned. Everyone was stunned.

Even the red dog and the others behind Lu Chen were all stunned. Frankly.

Even the Admiral’s future hardline hawk Sakaski, if he faced Roger’s surrender, only made a simple request to release his companions.

Sakaski was sure he would say yes right away. This request.

Don’t say that he is a navy, even if the world government comes, he will agree without hesitation. But now.

Lu Chen did not answer the rhetorical question. On the basis of what?

Roger’s expression changed slightly, and he immediately grinned.

“By virtue of me being One Piece!”

The tone, full of endless confidence. One Piece three words!

It is a temptation that this world, whether it is an individual or a force, cannot refuse. However.

Lu Chen smiled. That smile is very bright.

His eyes looked at Roger with a hint of scrutiny and scrutiny.

“One Piece?”

“That’s still a thief!”

“A pirate, even if he becomes a king, then………..”

Lu Chen paused slightly, looked at Roger with blazing eyes, and said in a deep voice: “What qualifications do you have, negotiate conditions with the navy?” ”

As soon as these words came out, the scene was suddenly dead silent.

After a long time, I don’t know who let out an exclamation.

Everyone looked at Lu Chen incredulously, and they saw a monster. Whether it was the Roger Pirate Group or the samurai of the Moonlight Family, even Kaido looked at Lu Chen with shocked eyes.

“This guy, what kind of immortal is it?”

“It’s crazy to actively refuse One Piece’s surrender, right?.”

“Is this looking down on us? This arrogant guy really makes people want to hack to death. ”

Everyone was incredible.

Even Gion and the others, who were for the navy, also looked at the young naval senior in front of them in confusion.

“Lord Lu Chen is too handsome, worthy of being my idol.”

Gion held his heart in his hands, and his big eyes shimmered with a moving luster.

“Hey, do you know the meaning of Lord Lu Chen’s words?”

“The Navy rejected One Piece Roger’s initiative to turn himself in! If you let the marshal and the Draco people in the Holy Land know, it is estimated that they will be angry. ”

Klokdal said in an exaggerated tone.

“Is this a legend? Even One Piece didn’t put it in his eyes, he really wanted to see the true strength of Lord Lu Chen. ”

Sakaski’s eyes were full of anticipation.

“Hahaha, worthy of being a man who once defeated Uncle Ben, is really arrogant as always.”

Kedoha burst out laughing, his laughter containing a fanatical war intent. He looked at Lu Chen with fiery eyes, and the battle intent in his heart had reached the point where he could not be suppressed.

“Roger, you should know the strength of that guy.”

“Just because you want to resist his footsteps, it’s a fool’s dream. Only if you and I join forces can we have a chance to kill this guy. ”

At this time, Kaido turned his head and shouted at Roger.

Hearing Kaido so contemptuous of his side, the samurai of Wano Country showed a look of resentment. Mitsuki Mita gritted his teeth and glared at him.

“I just don’t want Wano Country to fall into the hands of the navy in vain, this is the territory that Uncle Ben fancy.”

Kaido said, not hiding his ambitions for Wano Kuni at all.


Mitsuki Mita’s face turned angry.

If it weren’t for the imminent threat of the navy, Mitsuki Ota would have raised his sword and cut it by now.

“Who temporarily put aside the territory of Wano Country, the most important thing is to solve this bastard first.”

Kaido said in a deep voice. Roger heard Kaido’s proposal and showed a serious thoughtful expression.

If it had been in the past, he would have rejected Kaido’s proposal.

But now he is facing the strongest legendary navy, the man known as “Heavenly Punishment”, even Roger, one of the most powerful pirates in the world, Roger, who is named One Piece, feels extremely pressured.


“Oh, join forces…”

Lu Chen smiled proudly: “Useless struggle, even if you join forces, your outcome will not change in any way.” ”

Kaido was excited by Lu Chen’s contemptuous attitude, and roared, the ground under his feet instantly crumbled, and his majestic and tall body slammed into the sky, he had already ignored the proposal to join forces with Roger, the anger of being despised and the humiliation of once losing his dignity made him want to tear this hateful bastard navy immediately.

At the same time, sailing ships flying pirate flags were rapidly approaching the Jiuli coast, and a skull with bull horns on the flag was on it. It was under the leadership of Ember and Quinn that they rushed from the Ghost Island to support Kaido’s group of beast pirates.

Ember looked up to see a tall figure soaring into the sky, heading towards another young man in a navy uniform in the sky.

“It’s Kaido-sama!”

He was shocked in his heart and said to Quinn: “I’ll go to support Lord Kaido first, and it may not be good for Lord Kaido to face that monster alone.” ”

Without waiting for Quinn’s consent, he immediately transformed into a pterosaur form and flew towards the Mitsuki Family Mansion at the top of the mountain. Bang!

Lu Chen and Kaido collided with punches, and the terrifying power of the two exploded the air, and even the dark clouds overhead were torn apart by a crack of a thousand meters in front of them.

The road dust stood still, but Kaido flew out upside down and was smashed back to the ground.

“Tsk, it seems that your subordinates are quite loyal.”

Lu Chen found the group of hundred beast pirates that had landed in the distance, with an indifferent smile on his face. There was not the slightest surprise on his face, as if this situation had long been expected by 3.4.

“Since everyone has gathered, let’s all stay.”

Lu Chen’s gaze swept over the Roger Pirate Group and the Guangyue Family, and finally fell to the Hundred Beast Pirates on the coast.

“Mu Duan, Flower and Tree Realm is coming!”

Lu Chen let out a loud sigh, and a terrifying aura bloomed from his body.

In an instant, the earth trembled violently, as if it had encountered a strong earthquake.

The entire nine miles shook with it, the sea water on the coast churned, the earth tore apart, and countless thick tree roots drilled out of the ground and grew wildly.

In the blink of an eye, these roots have stretched into the sky, and countless towering giant trees have enveloped the entire nine miles.

In the terrified eyes of the Hundred Beast Pirates and the samurai, Jiuli completely turned into a huge cage shrouded in the forest.

The moment Roger saw Lu Chen’s Flower Tree Realm descending, he realized that something was wrong, and the battle when he first encountered Lu Chen poured out from the depths of his memories.

“Stop him!”

Roger roared, and then soared into the sky and headed towards Lu Chen.

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