Chapter 139: I’m not interested in extending the butcher knife to the weak [Custom].

Before seeing Roger, Lu Chen ordered Kariku to drive to the ship in the South China Sea, which had already left the mark of the Flying Thunder God. Therefore, after he finished talking with Roger, in an instant, he came to the town where Lu Jiu was.

Hearing the sudden voice behind him, Lu Jiu was first stunned, and then a helpless fear grew from the bottom of his heart.

“After all, can’t you escape the pursuit of the navy?”

Lu Jiu thought in her heart.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not interested in extending the butcher knife to the weak.”

Lu Chen explained. Hearing this, Lu Jiu felt a little relieved, and at this time, the other party must have disdained to lie to her. She turned around and saw that in front of her was a very young navy.

However, she recognized in the next second that the other party was the legendary navy that captured her husband Roger.

“Monchi S. D. Road Dust, I know you. ”

Lu Jiu said.

The first time I saw the legendary navy, I didn’t expect it to be in such a situation. At the moment, she couldn’t describe her mood, it was an extremely complicated emotion.

“What are you here for?”

Lu Jiu asked.

“Ah, there is just one thing that needs Miss Lu Jiu’s cooperation.”

Lu Chen smiled.


Lu Jiu looked at each other suspiciously.

Since Lu Chen was able to find himself and knew that the fetus in his womb was Roger’s bloodline. From his standpoint, he must never let himself go.

And the other party said that she would cooperate with him, which made her unable to understand and did not understand what the navy in front of her was thinking.

“Do you think I’ll believe you? Lieutenant General Road Dust! ”

Lu Jiu looked at Lu Chen warily.

“You already know whose blood I have in my womb, and how can you let it go. Even if you don’t embarrass me, how can the world government let his child be born smoothly? ”

Lu Jiu asked.

“Hehe, I know you won’t trust me easily.”

“However, in my opinion, the navy is good, and the pirates are not. What does the evil doer have to do with the unborn child? ”

“There are also a few little guys around me, all of whom are born among pirates, and their origins will be shocking even in the navy.”

“Of course, they’re all pretty good now, at least a very good navy.”

Lu Chen said lightly.

Lu Jiu still did not let down her guard, even if the other party was a legendary navy, she would not be captured.

“You should know that if I make a move against you, no one can stop me.”

“But I don’t want to do that yet, at least not until you decide to resist.”

Lu Chen said.

Lu Jiu knew that Lu Chen was telling the truth, and in the face of this man, even his husband and countless powerful pirates around him could only flee.

“Well, what do you need me to do?”

Lu Jiu asked helplessly. Whether what Lu Chen said was true or not, he had no choice.

“What do you need me to do?”

“You don’t need to know, it won’t be long before you understand.”

Lu Chen said. Before Lu Jiu could react, Lu Chen had disappeared in front of her in an instant.

Looking at the empty room in front of her, Lu Jiu felt as if she had a dream.

She quickly pushed open the door, but there was no road dust in the street, as if the vice admiral had really disappeared out of thin air. Such strange means made her feel even more frightened in her heart.

Leaving Batriilla Island, Lu Chen did not return to the naval headquarters, but returned to O’Hara. He hadn’t been home for some time since he had been on a mission to conquer Wano Country. As soon as I entered the door, I saw little Robin lying on the floor, carefully fiddling with toys.

Hearing the sound, little Robin turned his head to see Lu Chen, shouted, and threw himself towards Lu Chen’s thigh.


“Little Robin, did you listen to your mother?”

Lu Chen picked up his daughter and nodded the little girl’s face with a smile.

“Yes, little Robin is very obedient!”

Little Robin tilted his head and said in a milky voice.

Then, she suddenly became serious, mysteriously hugged Lu Chen’s neck, and said solemnly: “Dad, little Robin, can do magic.” ”

Magic? Lu Chenjian’s eyebrows frowned slightly.

For some reason, a sense of foreboding appeared in his heart. Just the next moment.

Little Robin closed his eyes in his arms, crossed his hands, and shouted, “Come out! ”

Words fall.

Lu Chen noticed that his waist clothes suddenly had two more chubby little hands, constantly scratching him.


Flower and fruit ability?

At this time, Olbia also heard the movement in the living room, and came out of the kitchen to see this scene. Her cheeks instantly turned crimson, and she was a little underwhelmed: “This girl, secretly ate that fruit!” ”


“Robin is hungry and eats fruit, mom is angry and unpalatable!”



Lu Chen hugged Robin and froze directly in place. After a long time, I slowly digested the news, and I couldn’t help but feel crying and laughing.

In the following days, the road dust remained on O’Hara Island. There are several Sakaski people in Wano Country, so there is no need to worry at all.

As for Roger’s matter, this matter will be left to Steel Bone to give it a headache.

Anyway, he had already handed over Roger to headquarters, and the rest was left to them.

When the day of public execution arrives, he can comfortably enjoy a rare vacation. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it is September, and Roger’s execution is getting closer.

Lu Chen also returned to the headquarters and followed the headquarters warship to Rogue Town.

The town looks ordinary, with no tall buildings and no overly bustling streets, just like an ordinary town everywhere.

However, under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, Lu Chen knew that today’s small island was far from as simple as it seemed. He clearly sensed that there were many powerful auras that were hovering in the town.

Among them, there are several breaths that are very familiar.

In fact, in recent days, Rogue Town has been much more lively than before.

There were many unfamiliar faces in the streets, all carrying weapons. Some face the fierce, some are tall and powerful, and some look harmless to people and animals, no different from ordinary people.

But without exception, these people are pirates gathered from all over the world. Needless to say, the reason is that it is all for Roger, the One Piece.

The arrival of these pirates made the originally peaceful town lively.

These pirates are domineering on weekdays and have a lot of fame in their respective seas. Especially the pirates on the great voyage did not put the other pirates in the four seas in their eyes.

This also leads to frequent conflicts between pirates, and naturally some bloodshed is indispensable. Fortunately, they also knew that there was a heavy naval guard here, and there was not much movement.

The tavern on a certain street in Rogue Town, a slightly clean tavern on weekdays, is very lively at this time.

More than a dozen tables were filled with people, many of them unfamiliar faces, they were not local residents of the town, but pirates who had only come here in recent days.

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