Chapter 192: Lingling, long time no see! 【Customizable】.

Katakuri looked up at the oncoming giant sword.

He was literally unable to move.

Although the last power just now awakened the power of the fruit, it changed the surrounding place. But he no longer has the strength to continue the next move.

The only thing he knew was that he would definitely die if he hit this trick!

“Charlotte Lingling, it’s been a long time.”

A voice faintly appeared in Auntie’s ears, and her figure fell from the air with a shock. Charlotte Lingling.

Except for long bread.

I forgot who the last time I called myself that, it seemed to be Kaido. Because it is feared by the world, it has been called BIG-MOM for a long time. It should be called like an old friend, and it should be very affectionate.

However, there was only fear in Auntie’s heart.

After she landed, she looked left and right, and finally found the source of the sound. It turned out to be above your head.

The Heavenly Punishment General was floating there, looking down at himself.

“You! When did you come! ”

Aunt felt herself shaking.

I thought that I was fully prepared this time, and when I saw the Heavenly Punishment General, I should be very calm. But he did not expect that the fear of facing Lu Chen had long been buried in his heart.

Meet again, all burst out.

“Probably when you and Katakuri just got started.”

Lu Chen thought for a moment and said. During this time, he was indeed not in the warship.

Instead, it is still sitting in Wano Country.

Just in case, some crazy pirate really attacked and caused damage to the country of Wano. Although Lu Chen could also use the Flying Thunder God to rush back immediately, he lost face. He wants to build Wano Country into a holy place that no one dares to attack.

Let everyone know that the end of touching Wano Country is death.

It’s a pity that there are many crazy pirates in these years, and there are few pirates who send them to death. There was no one trying to attack Wano Country at all, which disappointed Lu Chen.

When the warship approached the island of Nations, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to come to the cabin. When the warship was besieged before, Lu Chen was inside.

He didn’t act because he believed that Katakuri and the others could handle it. But that’s the end of it.

Facing his aunt, Katakuri has no chance of winning.

However, this is a great opportunity to practice, with a terrifying opponent like Auntie as a sparring partner. It can also make Katakuri truly feel the feeling between life and death.

During this time in Wano Country, Katakuri’s domineering and strength have increased a lot. But there is not a qualitative breakthrough!? Now facing his aunt, Katakuri has really grown. And it exceeded Lu Chen’s expectations.

Seeing that the domineering man appeared the ability to foresee the future, the glutinous rice fruit completed the awakening state. At this time, Katakuri was already lying upright on the ground.

The moment Lu Chen appeared, he fainted.

“It’s the Heavenly Punishment General! We won! ”

“Come on pirates, the real battle is only now beginning!”

“Mermaids, rush up with me!”

Morale on the side of the Navy has increased greatly.

It has been regrouped and attacked again.

The Charlotte family was immediately on the downside, and they had no intention of fighting. All stared at Lu Chen’s every move.

If the aunt fails, they will immediately try their best to escape.

“Heavenly Punishment General! I’m not the little girl I was anymore! Be sure to destroy you this time! ”

Aunt gritted her teeth and said.

“Is it? I haven’t changed much. ”

Lu Chen smiled.

A collection of life trees between the Six Styles of Upanishment and the Thousand Hand Pillars.

The return of life after improvement is still the secret of staying young. Although it is said to be a secret, Lu Chen has also taught many people.

The only drawback that others use is that they can no longer fight in the future. For this reason, those who came to Qin Miao for help were also some female generals.

“Monster, you are a real monster!”

Aunt also looked incredulous.

Why haven’t they seen each other for many years, Lu Chen is still the same as he was at the beginning.

If it weren’t for the knowledge that Lu Chen’s fruit ability was lightning, he should have the ability to ring the thunder fruit. Then Aunt will definitely suspect that Lu Chen has eaten some devil fruit that can maintain his face.

“Am I a monster? At least I didn’t devour my favorite people, like a nun called Carmelite? ”

Lu Chen said lightly.

“Why do you know the nun’s name, and what do you mean by that!”

The aunt stared at Lu Chen deadly.

“Poor Lingling, you think you were abandoned by the nuns, but in fact, you ate everyone in the Lamb House at that time, so you obtained the ability of the soul fruit.”

Lu Chen sighed.

Don’t look at Aunt is now a complete tyrant, notorious pirate. At a very young age, she was also a kind-hearted child.

It is only because the power is too strong and very clumsy that it often causes destruction. Exiled by his parents on a desert island, fortunately adopted by Carmelite, a nun of the House of the Lamb. On the other party’s body, the aunt felt the warmth of home.

“What are you talking about! Carmelite has just left, and when my nations have taken in all races, Carmelite will return! ”

A look of anticipation appeared on the aunt’s face.

Carmelite once lied to her aunt and told her that she had a dream. That is to build a country where all races are treated equally.

Now my aunt founded the island of Torrant to move forward for this dream.

“Long bread, you are an eyewitness at that time, you come and tell her the truth, this matter cannot be brought into the coffin, that would be too unfair to your captain.”

Lu Chen looked at the long bread.

The long bread was protected by the Charlotte family, and he was only injured but did not lose consciousness. Everyone’s eyes were on the long bread.

Shen Ping also ordered a suspension of the attack at this time, and he guessed that Lu Chen might want to use words to disintegrate Auntie Qiao.

“Long bread, tell me what you saw then!”

The aunt turned her head to look at the long bread and showed a vicious expression. Long Ban and Aunt have been together for decades, and the other party has never seen themselves like this.

He was even more puzzled in his heart, only he was a witness to this matter. Why would Lu Chen know about this.

“Lingling! You are not satisfied after eating the cake, but the eating disorder attacks and eat everyone in the Lamb’s house! ”

The long bread said slowly.

By now, there is nothing to hide.

It was precisely because of Aunt’s super strength and immature mind that Long Bread decided to step forward and win over the other party. Sure enough, the aunt then obeyed the long bread and let the long bread restart his career as a pirate.

If you have long bread that eats fruit, you won’t worry about not being able to provide desserts to your aunt.

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