“The redhead is a good friend of mine, don’t allow you to say that about him!” Luffy aimed at Karp and punched it.

Karp shook his head and smiled bitterly, this little guy had just reached his knee.

Just want to hit yourself, it’s too whimsical.

But in the next second, Karp’s face was really ~ punched.

Robin and Ace next to them were surprised to find that Luffy’s fist was able to extend.

Karp was defenseless, and was punched and finally – also covered his mouth.

“You boy, did you eat the devil fruit?” Karp asked.

“That’s right, I ate rubber fruit, it’s rubber man!” Luffy nodded.

For his grandfather, who had just appeared, Luffy had no feelings at all.

In Luffy’s memory, there were only a few relatives of Dadan.

Plus Marcino, the owner of the bar, is also very good for Luffy.

“Look, I can’t manage it anymore!” Da Dan said while holding his forehead next to him.

Ever since Luffy was sent over, he was a very rowdy child.

I can’t imagine that the more I grow up, the more active I become.

He used to play with a kid named Saab and set up a secret base in the mountains, often not returning for days.

That’s it, I can’t imagine that Luffy wants to become a pirate again recently!

Da Dan himself belongs to the retired mountain thief, and has already been reconciled.

It is too clear that if he cultivates Luffy to become a pirate, Karp is probably beating himself.

Da Dan couldn’t contact Long, so he could only call Karp.

“The redhead even gave you the devil fruit to eat, and this hat on your head is also very familiar.” Karp frowned.

Isn’t this the straw hat that Roger wore in the first place?

During the time when Roger disappeared and reappeared, the straw hat was also gone.

It later appeared on the redhead’s head, and now it was given to Luffy.

Maybe it represents some kind of heritage?

Karp didn’t think much about what a straw hat could mean.

Even Roger’s straw hat.

He is not the thoughtful type.

“This was sent to me by the redhead!” Luffy covered his straw hat with his hand, as if afraid of being taken away.

But Luffy also thought too much, and no one was interested in his straw hat at all.

“Redhead, don’t mention redhead!” Karp was anxious and punched Luffy in the head.

Luffy was also beaten and squatted on the ground.

The difference is that he did not cry out, but cried directly.

Then he turned around and ran towards the hill.

Ace and Robin were interested in this stubborn child.

“Ace, this nephew of mine is very similar to when you were a child.” Robin said.

“Where there is, it’s completely different, okay.” Ace shook his head, he wasn’t as squeamish as Luffy.

“I look at them all the same, they are all cryers.” Robin laughed.

Eston blushed, he did cry a lot as a child, all recorded by Robin.

But what little child doesn’t cry?

Karp is preparing to catch up and put his grandson under the devil’s training of the Navy.

Be sure to make him change his mind about becoming a pirate.

“Uncle leave it to me, Ace and I will change him!” Robin stood up and said.

“If you want to go alone, don’t pull me on, I’m not interested in being a nanny.” Ace muttered softly.

“Oh, forget about you going to play with me and peeing your pants before.” Robin laughed.

“That’s all more than ten years ago, don’t mention it again!” Ace was anxious all of a sudden.

What Ace fears Robin the most is that Robin clearly remembers all the embarrassments of his childhood.

Bring it up at every turn and blackmail yourself with these.

In order to get ahead, Ace can only grit his teeth and endure many times.

“Then don’t you go and find Luffy with me.” Robin looked proud.

“Go, I’ll go!” Ace shouted reluctantly.

Only then did Robin look at Karp and indicate that he was going with Ace. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Karp nodded in agreement.

This old man himself is too old, and it is difficult to integrate with Luffy in the first place.

It is only young people who have a common topic.

“Long time no see, come and have a drink.” Da Dan extended an invitation to Karp.

“Well, I really miss the past.” Karp also laughed.

Together with Dadan’s companions, they entered the room.

Robin and Ace followed the trail and soon found Luffy as well.

Luffy was actually in a tree house, twenty-three meters above the ground.

There is no need to worry about wild beasts sneaking up in the middle of the night, no wonder Luffy can live here for days.

“Luffy, hurry down! I’m your aunt! Robin shouted as he stood below.

However, Luffy did not come out, but a boy wearing a noble hat walked out.

“I’m Luffy’s eldest brother, Saab! You dare to bully my brother, leave now quickly, or I will teach you a lesson!” ”

It was Saab who came out!

Because he could not bear his parents’ disregard for civilians, Saab also ran away from home to come here.

He and Luffy meet in the mountains, fight over territory, and eventually become good friends.

Saab, who is one year older than Luffy, naturally became the eldest brother.

Seeing a boy younger than himself saying that he would teach himself a lesson, Ace was also laughed angrily.

“We didn’t bully Luffy, but you actually said that you can protect Luffy, so show your skills.” Ace shouted as he clenched his fists.

“Okay, whoever loses is the other party’s little brother!” Saab jumped down from the air and landed firmly on the ground.

The height of more than twenty meters is nothing at all, which is enough to prove that Saab is not an ordinary child.

Saab defeated Luffy at the beginning, so he became the big brother.

“Okay, let’s have a fight!” Ace is also eager to try.

It was too long to sail from Wano Country to the East China Sea.

There was no one to fight with him, and Ace felt that his fists and feet were rusty.

Robin smiled, he really didn’t come in vain!

It’s so interesting to be able to see two children fighting.

However, the battle between Saab and Ace soon ended, and naturally Ace won the victory.

Ace, who has trained in the navy since childhood, is not a grade in strength and Saab.

“Don’t bully Saab!” Luffy sees Saab being knocked out.

He also jumped down from the tree and blocked in front of Saab.

“Stupid! I’m your brother too, we’re all family! Ace said helplessly.

“That’s right, we’re all his little brothers now.” Saab also smiled wryly.

Admit the gamble and accept the loss, since the fight lost to Ace.

Then he is willing to become Ace’s little brother, and there is no complaint.

“Then I call him big brother?” Luffy looked puzzled.

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