The preparation of the Navy is carried out in an orderly manner, and preparations are already underway for the coming big war.

At the same time, the Whitebeard Pirates are also heading in the direction of Wano Country.

This war of the century seems inevitable.

Casinos around the world have already opened.

Let people make choices.

Whether Mitsuki Ota is executed, whether Whitebeard dies.

Is it the large casualties of the Navy, or the large casualties of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It even includes an article on whether the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment will die in this war.

It can be said that it covers everything from start to finish.

But no one is stupid enough to suppress this.

It’s like comparing the size, no one will suppress the sudden death of the person shaking the color, this game is the same.

Because it’s impossible to happen.

North Sea.

“Interesting, I didn’t expect that my uncle would be a big deal as soon as he made a move, and he actually wanted to execute Mitsuki Ota to insult Whitebeard, this big war is inevitable, but it is a good thing for our revolutionary army.”

Long Zheng was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, leisurely drinking coffee 05 coffee.

Talk about the situation in the world today.

There is not at all the tension of a wanted man.

“That’s right, this big war will attract all the power of the navy, and the world government will probably have to help, giving us time to continue to grow!” Ivankov shouted excitedly next to him with a newspaper.

He even wondered if Lu Chen was helping the dragon.

However, this idea was quickly forgotten by Ivankov.

They haven’t forgotten what happened in the East China Sea a few months ago.

Marshal of Heavenly Punishment actually sent so many lieutenants to track them down, and also handed over the Smog Slayer Order!

Demon Slaughter Order!

This is a bloody trick that makes everyone shudder.

I don’t know how many people and countries were destroyed under the fire of the demon slaughter order.

That’s real.

If it weren’t for the fact that they had planned their retreat route long ago, they would have started retreating as soon as they were attacked.

So now it is very likely that he will be in jail in the city.

Or like Mitsuki Ota, he was publicly executed.

Ivankov did not know if he had been treated publicly for execution.

But the dragon definitely can’t run.

Once the dragon is lost, the revolutionary army will become a scattered sand.

Only to spin around like a headless fly, and finally be eliminated one by one.

Without the dragon’s unique mind to arm them, they know that they will never be able to defeat the world government and fulfill their long-cherished wish.

“So we want to use this time to let members of the revolutionary army around the world continue to print and distribute materials on endurance and guerrilla warfare, which is our most important work now.”

The dragon has realized that these two things are the most powerful weapons in his hands.

People in many countries are spontaneously joining the revolutionary army and creating branches of the revolutionary army on the spot.

When the flame of revolution blows to them, a roaring flame will immediately burn.

“Yes, in the past, no matter what country we went to, we had to start from scratch, the process was too long, but now as long as we go to the past, we immediately have allies!” Ivankov nodded in agreement.

There are even people in many countries who invite them to come over and help them overthrow the old state power.

The preparation and research work required in the early stage can be eliminated in the past.

There is no need to worry about the people being afraid of the revolutionary army.

After all, in the propaganda of the world government, the dragon is like a heinous demon.

Everywhere he went, there was a mountain of corpses.

Dragon and Ivankov, they thoroughly understood the importance of propaganda.? This piece of high and low must be preempted.

“But are we going to meddle in this upcoming war?” Ivankov began to think. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s called fishing in troubled waters.

It’s a shame not to take advantage of this opportunity.

“It’s not necessary, it can’t bring us any good.” The dragon shook his head.

Pirates and navy, dragons do not have any good feelings.

Moreover, Long did not think that his uncle would lose the war.

“Okay, listen to you.” Ivankov gave up thinking.

He was never a strategist, but he was qualified as a helper.

Time passed day by day, and the eyes of the whole world were firmly fixed on the country of Wano and the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates.

A large number of lieutenant generals, major generals, etc., returned to Wano Country to prepare for the coming big war.

In contrast, the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates are much more mysterious.

A large number of Whitebeard’s subordinate teams have already been spotted.

In this regard, many people said that it must be the white-bearded pirate group that had civil unrest.

Some people were afraid to face the next battle, so they sneaked away.

But people familiar with the Whitebeard Pirates scoff at this statement.

If the Whitebeard Pirates are so weak, they can’t be worth the Navy with caution.

It must be some kind of intrigue or trickery.

There will be big moves next.

“Report Your Majesty! We have lost some of the traces of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates! ”

Standing in front of Lu Chen was his intelligence chief, Kariku.

Because it belongs to Lu Chen’s private intelligence system, Kakuri even avoided the eyes of others when they met.

“I see, is there anything else?” Lu Chen nodded.

“No more.” Kakuri’s lips were dry and nervous.

“Then go down 030.” Lu Chen waved his hand.

Lu Chen thought it was something, and asked Kakuri to come and run specifically.

“Lord Marshal! Don’t you punish me? Kakuri asked.

It turned out that many years ago, Lu Chen had already assigned a task to Kakuli.

Let him send someone to infiltrate the ranks of some sea pirates and act as spies.

There are some loosely structured pirate groups that are easier.

But pirate groups like redheads, which have relatively few core members, can’t do anything.

As for the Whitebeard Pirates, Kakuri did succeed in inserting spies into it.

Also observers the every move of the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, this time, part of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly disappeared, and Kakuri had no clue about this.

The people he installed are not in these disappearing ranks.

Now that the Whitebeard Pirates are about to attack the country of Wa, it is the biggest crisis that the country of Wano has encountered after it came under the jurisdiction of Luchen.

Under this crisis, the person in charge of intelligence was unable to help.

Kakuri believes that this is a huge dereliction of duty, and he is ashamed of the kindness that Lu Chen left him with a life.

In order to keep himself alive for so many years.

“The New World has been able to be so stable over the years, and your intelligence has a lot of merit, and it will not punish you for the matter of Whitebeard.” Lu Chen smiled and said.

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