It was the call of the sons that calmed Whitebeard again.

Detached from the horrors of the past.

Momonosuke and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

There can be no surprises at this critical time.

In particular, Whitebeard is the highest combat power on their side, and it is also the only means to deal with Lu Chen.

“Haha, Whitebeard is scared to pee!”

“Yes, I must have been scared by the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment and did not dare to speak.”

“Looking at his pale face, I’m afraid he has fainted.”

The navy began to make mocking words~.

Of course, the Whitebeard Pirates were not to be outdone, and fought back towards the opposite side-.

The whitebeard, after waking up, was also angered by this group of chattering navies.

When would he be so disrespected.

The fists that had just been clenched together again.

The soldiers, standing at the front of the coastline, suddenly noticed that there was an anomaly in the inland sea.

It is simply unreasonable that the sea level has begun to decline rapidly.

Although it is said that in the Great Route, the weather is inherently changeable.

One moment it may be a sunny day, and the next second a storm will come.

But over time, people still find some experience.

Many excellent navigators can predict changes in the weather in advance based on clouds, currents and so on.

Wano Country itself has had many weather changes, but the Inland Sea of Kuri has never changed much.

“Could it be a tidal phenomenon?” Some navies couldn’t help but say.

A tidal scene that precurses a tsunami.

Hearing this, people around him said that he was a fool.

However, before thirty seconds had passed, they discovered that the clown turned out to be themselves!

The tide, which had originally receded, suddenly rose sharply.

The rapid push of the sea brought a strong wind, which rushed towards you.

“It’s not good, it’s a tsunami!”

“It’s the ability of the Earthquake Fruit, that monster caused an undersea earthquake!”

“Hurry up and run, or it’ll be too late!”

The navy at the forefront of the coast began to flee towards the back, and in the face of the power of heaven and earth, it was no longer possible for manpower to compete.

Fierce winds, earthquakes, volcanoes and extreme cold, these natural phenomena are still impossible for humans to compete with.

Every one that reaches the extreme is enough to destroy the world.

Therefore, although the Shock Fruit is not a natural fruit, its power is the most powerful of all the Devil Fruits.

In the face of a huge tsunami, human beings are like ants.

It seems to be overwhelming from the end of the sky.

Looking down from above, the entire inland sea set off this huge wave.

The goal is not just the headquarters of the Navy, but the entire country of Wano!

This is a huge wave at the level of destroying the country, and it is the entire country to be destroyed!

Whitebeard has the ability to destroy the world.

In the past, when the Navy heard this sentence, it couldn’t help but scoff.

It’s just a pirate, and you can brag like this, it’s just a joke.

But when they saw the Great Wave, everyone understood that it was not a joke.

It’s a very accurate assessment of Whitebeard.

In the face of this earth-destroying force, no one can survive.

All the navies turned their eyes to Marshal Heavenly Punishment, praying that Marshal Heavenly Punishment would intervene to prevent this great crisis that was coming.

But what they didn’t expect was that Lu Chen stood on the viewing platform and did not react.

Even the look on his face and his footsteps did not move in the slightest.

Could it be that the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment has no way!

A sense of despair welled up in their hearts, and many navies held their heads and waited for the end to come.

They didn’t expect to die like this one day.

“Ice Age!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Suddenly a calm voice sounded.

The pheasant didn’t know when it had disappeared from its chair and came to the square.

The huge wave in front of the pheasant suddenly stopped as if pressing the pause button.

Click, click, click.

Remembered with the sound of freezing.

Everyone discovered that this huge wave had actually condensed into ice cubes.

And not only this wave, but even the sea water behind has condensed into ice.

It has long been heard that the General Pheasant has the ability to freeze an island.

If it weren’t for seeing it with their own eyes now, I’m afraid no one would believe this.

But there was a heaven-shaking cheer from the navy.

“The green pheasant general is too powerful!”

“This is the highest battle of the Navy!”

“With the general here, we won’t worry, hahaha!”

“No wonder the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment didn’t move, and he didn’t need Marshal Heavenly Punishment to do it himself!”

In the face of these praises, the pheasant’s face was still expressionless.

The red dog, who was still sitting in his seat, showed a hint of unhappy expression.

In fact, the red dog can also step forward to solve this wave, and he can use the ability of magma fruit to directly evaporate the giant wave.

But the damage might be even greater!

The waves are gone, but they all turn into hot raindrops and fall.

At that time, it is possible that the navy below will be cooked directly.

“Oops, Whitebeard’s purpose has been achieved!” Sengoku suddenly exclaimed.

“What’s wrong?” Karp didn’t notice what was happening.

“Look at these pirate ships with white beards, they have already come to the square by the tsunami!” Sengoku pointed to the square in front of him and said.

Behind the head of the huge wave just now, one pirate ship after another is hiding behind.

It turned out that Whitebeard did not think that such a tsunami would wipe out the entire country of Wano.

After all, there are many people in the navy who are capable of stopping him.

The real purpose of this blow just now was to let the entire pirate group reach the square!

Now the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group is less than five hundred meters away from the execution table!?” Whitebeard really has two hands, it’s not so simple to give in, hahaha. Karp laughed directly.

“What are you laughing at, didn’t you see how embarrassed the navy was just now?” Sengoku almost went crazy.

“Sorry sorry, I’m just excited, at least this guy with Whitebeard hasn’t been killed directly.” Karp scratched his head embarrassed.

As a navy, he really shouldn’t have had that reaction just now.

But as a witness, Karp wants more to see a great fight.

If Whitebeard is too weak, then none of this makes sense

“Hmph! If it weren’t for the fact that you have now retreated to the second line, I will definitely punish you!” Warring States could only say helplessly.

He knows the temper of his old partner too well, but he didn’t expect to be so out of tune when he was older.

“Stop bickering, hurry up and see that the Whitebeard Pirates have already started to act.” Tsuru looked ahead and said.

Karp and Sengoku both looked over, and sure enough, they saw that the members of the Whitebeard Pirates had disembarked and entered the square for a long time.

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