Bista involuntarily looked in the direction where Whitebeard was.

Dad! Maybe I can’t beat Hawkeye.

But before I lose my life, I will never let him get close to you!”

Bista gave up the idea of attacking and instead blocked Mihawk with a defensive stance.

These are all battles between top masters, with more tentative moves between each other.

The pirates and navy who really stand on the front line are the most direct fights.

Their attack capabilities are limited, and the means of self-protection are even fewer.

Often the first to become cannon fodder.

Momonosuke had also entered the battlefield long ago, and he was holding a katana in his hand.

Although I don’t know the name, I know from the appearance of this knife that it is not extraordinary.

Momonosuke’s mind was clear, and he knew that he couldn’t run to the execution table in the first place.

Destroying more navies first is what you can do.

So Momonosuke shuttled back and forth on the front line of the battlefield, taking the life of a navy with each shot.

Shooting quickly and ruthlessly is a characteristic of Momonosuke.

Decisive killing, which is completely different from Mitsuki Ota.

Because Momonosuke has heard his father’s story since he was a child, he understands that many times kindness can kill people.

Especially in the face of enemies, kindness is cruelty to oneself.

However, in terms of talent, Momonosuke is no worse than his father.

According to Whitebeard, the current Momonosuke is already much stronger than the equally young Mitsuki Ota.

In addition to the more rigorous training, it is also because Momonosuke works harder.

Mitsuki Ota only practiced because of interest.

But Momonosuke was born with too many things.

This is the motivation for him to force himself to be strong.

Soon Momonosuke’s gaze found another target, and the other party was a major general.

He looks about the same age as himself, does not use any weapons in battle, and can defeat many pirates with physical skills.

And the other party did not notice their existence in the slightest.

“Unlucky fellow, maybe you have a great future in the future, but die here now! If you want to blame, blame you for being too unvigilant on the battlefield ..! Momonosuke meditated in his heart.

The steps under his feet were like ghosts, and in the blink of an eye, he came behind this major general.

The katana plunged straight into the back of the major general.

Momonosuke’s heart was shocked, and he noticed something strange.

There is no feeling of a sword piercing into the body, as if it is cut on the air.

However, Momonosuke had seen it clearly just now, and he couldn’t even be wrong about this.

In the next second, Momonosuke understood what was really going on.

I saw that the other party’s body suddenly turned into a flame.

Feeling the scorching heat, Momonosuke hurriedly retreated.

“Guy who can only sneak attack, I have been waiting for you for a long time!” Ace turned his head and said.

It turned out that Ace had noticed Momonosuke a long time ago and made Momonosuke a target.

But Momonosuke was too cunning to stop in the same place anymore.

That’s why Ace deliberately sold the flaws and waited for Momonosuke to find the door himself.

“The ability to burn fruit, you are Ace!” Momonosuke frowned.

Although Ace is only a rear admiral now, he is very famous in the navy.

Especially the ability to burn fruits made Ace full of topics.

“Well-informed, if I’m not mistaken, you are Momonosuke, I really feel sorry for you.” Ace’s face was full of sympathy.

This sympathy made Momonosuke feel very uncomfortable.

Momonosuke is a dignified samurai and successor to Wano Country.

He needs a lot of things, but he doesn’t need sympathy. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“I know that you are the son of One Piece Roger, and now that you are willing to become a navy, your father will cry in heaven if he finds out!” Momonosuke is also not to be outdone.

“Pathetic! After becoming a pirate, you didn’t even feel humiliated? But it’s no wonder that you don’t have a qualified father by your side. ”

Ace shook his head and sighed, still feeling that Momonosuke was pitiful.

Ace, who grew up in the country of Wano, is also a person with absolute justice in his heart.

Ace is glad that he has road dust around him, so he didn’t go down the wrong path.

It’s a pity that Momonosuke in front of him is different, he grew up in the Whitebeard Pirates.

If you can grow up in Wano Country like yourself, you will definitely not become a pirate.

It’s like Yamato.

Although she is Kaido’s daughter, she is the complete opposite of Kaido.

“Daddy is the most qualified father in the world, and people like you who don’t have a father won’t understand!” Momonosuke said through gritted teeth.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, no one can question Whitebeard.

“I also have a father, and I am not a biological father like you, but he taught me the truth that you will not know!” What Ace was referring to, of course, was road dust.

This is the deepest secret hidden in Ace’s heart, that is, he has always regarded Lu Chen as his father.

This phrase is never said to other people.

But today in the face of Momonosuke, Ace spoke out in his heart.

Perhaps because Momonosuke is an enemy, Ace doesn’t feel shy.

“‘Stop stalling here! I’m going to cut you this time! Momonosuke didn’t want to talk nonsense with Ace.

What the other party said made Momonosuke feel too uncomfortable.

The black armed color domineering covered the katana.

Being able to possess such means at a young age is Momonosuke’s talent as a samurai.

In order to preserve physical strength when he shot just now, Momonosuke did not cover the domineering on the blade.

Now Momonosuke only regretted it.

If you already knew that this guy was Ace, it would be good to hack it to death directly.

“Hmph! That’s it! “Ace’s body is also covered with domineering.

The two sides did it in unison.

Faced with Momonosuke’s samurai sword, Ace knew he couldn’t fight hard.

When encountering an opponent with a weapon, the person who uses physical skills usually suffers a little.

An inch long and an inch stronger, the distance the opponent can attack is longer.

However, Ace also has something that Momonosuke does not have, that is, the ability to burn fruits.

“Fire Fist!”

The burning fist shot out a huge flame and rushed towards Momonosuke.

“One word chop!”

Momonosuke slashed his blade at the flames.

It was able to generate a wind blade and blow away the flames in front of him.

But a real fist smashed through the disappearing flames and hit Momonosuke’s face fiercely.

Momonosuke was smashed and rolled several times before he got up.

Wiping the blood from his nose, Momonosuke stared at Ace viciously.

I didn’t expect that as soon as I made a move, I would fall behind.

“Abominable Navy, let you see my true strength!”

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