Could it be that his own appearance changed history and became the legendary man who destroyed the world.

In this way, I have become a person who conforms to history?

“I thought it was a dragon before, he also has this ability, and now that you have the idea of destroying Draco, then it must be you, because you can do this!”

Whitebeard’s seriousness about road dust is the strongest in the world and omnipotent.

Even the Draco, who had ruled the world for eight hundred years, would definitely be able to overthrow them.

“Okay, Auntie, I agreed to your request, whether to join me.” Lu Chen no longer hesitated and said to Aunt.

“Dang, of course.” Auntie’s confidence is much weaker.

I didn’t expect that Lu Chen would even dare to make a move.

“Well, you all heard the news, if you leak the wind in advance before I start, you should know that the “053” field is nothing more than thousands of criminals in the world. Lu Chen did not forget to warn the two people.

Thousands of criminals refer to all the men and horses on both sides.

Whitebeard and Aunt both know that this is the most immediate threat.

But they didn’t dare to resist, especially now that they learned of Lu Chen’s plan.

Both of them felt very happy to be able to participate in this plan.

In this world, what commoner doesn’t want to do anything to the Draco!? I heard that before this, there was a Draco family that gave up the identity of the world’s nobles and automatically became ordinary people.

Because they believe that the world is good and that human beings are good.

So they don’t need the status of nobles in this world to live well.

But they did not expect that after leaving the holy place, what awaited them was the people holding torches.

Even if this Draco family did not do anything bad, it was still hung up and burned by the people.

Who let them once be Draco, this hatred is deep in the marrow.

Once there is a chance, no one will let Draco go.

“Lord Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, it is my fault for attacking the country of Wano, and I guarantee that the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group will not have the slightest grudge against you!” Whitebeard said first.

This is expressing one’s loyalty.

“The Aunt Pirates also declare their allegiance to the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment! In my family, my words should still count. Auntie also said.

Lu Chen nodded, and then opened the cell door.

Two legendary pirates covered in stone shackles of the sea tower slowly walked out.

Although his body looks very dirty, his pride is undiminished.

Bang bang!

Lu Chen directly moved and kicked the shackles on their bodies.

The two regained their freedom again, and their first reaction was to kneel in front of Lu Chen.

“I’m Edward Newgate! Always loyal to the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment! ”

“I, Charlotte Lingling, am willing to be loyal to the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment!”

“Okay, you guys get up.” Lu Chen nodded.

Only then did the two people get up and stand beside Lu Chen very respectfully.

Because they all realized that the marshal of the heavenly punishment in front of them was not simply a marshal of the navy.

will be the one who will change the world.

If they can take advantage of this opportunity, they will definitely be able to turn over again.

Not to mention a sinner, he may even become a hero of the world!

When Lu Chen came to the elevator with Whitebeard and Aunt, Magellan and Hannibal were stunned.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen really persuaded the two people to work for themselves.

“Lord Marshal of Heavenly Punishment! Be careful with the two of them, these are vicious pirates, full of lies! Hannibal couldn’t help but say.

“My whitebeard never disdains to lie!” Whitebeard said in a deep voice.

“Hehe, I never had to lie either.” Auntie also smiled at Hannibal.

When they were imprisoned before, Hannibal didn’t feel anything.

When I stood in front of them now, I realized what oppression was.

Whitebeard and Aunt are both owners of overlord-colored domineering.

The domineering energy exuded by his body alone made Hannibal unbearable (read violent novels, go on the Feilu Novel Network!). )

“Daddy! You are surrendering the Navy! Joz trembled his voice, unable to believe that Daddy had surrendered.

What exactly was the battle with the country of Wano before that.

Should the deaths of so many companions be wasted?

“Joz! And Waitibey, do you still believe me? Whitebeard asked.

“I will always believe in Daddy!” Joz and Waitibé said subconsciously.

“Well, this is the most correct judgment I have made, you just have to trust me as before, this time I will definitely not make a mistake!” Whitebeard said slowly 0…

This is using the prestige he has accumulated over the years to forcibly persuade two people.

“Daddy!” When Joz saw the arrogance on Whitebeard’s face, he burst into tears with excitement.

I didn’t expect that after being imprisoned for such a long time, Whitebeard didn’t disappear in the slightest.

It’s not like Joz himself, who has fallen into despair.

It was Joz himself who was seriously wounded and weakened in combat.

He was thrown into the extremely cold hell, and it was not his worth.

“How many people are imprisoned by the Whitebeard Pirates now?” Lu Chen asked Magellan.

“Well, that’s a total of twelve hundred and twenty-one!” Magellan replied.

Magellan’s heart had a faint feeling of bad luck.

This number was familiar to Qin Miao, that is, the number of people captured by the Whitebeard Pirates.

As for the more than five hundred people who were missing, they all died in the battle of Wano Country.

“Release them all, prepare two warships for their use.” Lu Chen said.

Originally, according to Lu Chen’s plan, he was going to release the members of the Whitebeard Pirates in batches.

This threatens Whitebeard so that the other party has to obey his orders.

But now that Whitebeard is completely loyal to himself, then there is no need to blackmail hostages and just let him go.

On the contrary, it is a power that can strengthen the country of Wa.

“Marshal big 0.9 people! Let them all go! Magellan was stunned.

“Yes, didn’t you just say that the prison is overcrowded, I have greatly reduced the burden on you.” Lu Chen smiled.

But Magellan couldn’t laugh, and Hannibal was horrified.

Hannibal was supposed to be the warden, but now he is hiding behind Magellan.

When dealing with such a big scene, Hannibal was still a little tenderer.

“Okay, I see.” Magellan nodded heavily.

Anyway, the people were all arrested by the marshal of heavenly punishment, and let it go.

Even if these pirates do evil again, there will be a marshal of heavenly punishment to punish them.

“By the way, all the imprisoned members of the Aunt Pirate Group have also been released.” Lu Chen added.

Since Auntie has also been loyal to herself, there is no need to imprison her people.

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