The creation of a water train is just an unprecedented feat.

In the end, Tom was killed because of the crime committed by his apprentice.

For many years, it has been a pain in the hearts of the people of the water capital.

Because of this matter, the world government’s prestige in the hearts of the people of the water capital has been reduced to the extreme.

Now even the iceberg is going to be executed, which has caused a lot of opposition.

The decline in the prestige of the world government has led the people to directly conclude that the iceberg has been wronged.

There is nothing to trade with the revolutionary army.

They marched directly into the streets chanting the release of icebergs.

All the way to the square of the water capital, this is where Sam was killed.

Now it’s back on the gallows, just four hours before the iceberg was executed!

But what awaits them here are heavily armed naval soldiers.

and Spendham, the leader of CP9.

Seeing so many people gathered, Spandham looked a little impatient.

“An iceberg is actually loved by so many people, and there must be a revolutionary army in it!”

In Spandam’s view, the people’s rise against the execution of the iceberg must be the reason for the revolutionary army. 06

Otherwise, how dare these fools go against the world government!

“Expulsion, I will expel them all!” Spandam roared angrily.

Because someone is already angrily scolding him as a chief.

How could Spandam, who was born proud, endure such invective.

“My lord! We don’t have to worry about these civilians, but the more people we have, the better, in order to attract attention. Carifa said from the side.

Now that the world line has changed, Lifa has become the mainstay of the 9 members.

Although Kalifa is the chief on the façade, everyone admires Kalifa.

“Whew! You’re right, our goal is the Hades blueprint, and we can’t get along with these civilians. Spandam calmed down, nodded and said.

The reason why it is so powerful, Spandham also has his own reasons.

Although the matter of Iceberg handing over the Hades blueprints to the revolutionary army is a fabrication.

At the time, Carifa was sure that what had happened to the iceberg sneaking out yesterday night was not normal.

Maybe it was the Pluto blueprints that were handed over to someone else.

Now that the public execution is more about letting the people who got the design drawings of Hades come forward.

So that the Hades design plan can be taken out and exchanged for the life of the iceberg.

At this time, the revolutionary army also received this intelligence.

In the stronghold of the revolutionaries, Ryu is still negotiating with Ivankov and Big Bear.

“Make a deal with a revolutionary? Dragon, didn’t you get the Hades blueprint? Ivankov asked curiously.

Ivankov, of course, believed that the dragons would not deceive them in this matter.

“Yes, this should be Spandam’s trick, he always likes to use this method.” Dragon nodded and said.

Ryu also did not tell Ivankov and the others that the Hades design blueprint had been taken by Cheng.

When it comes to his uncle, the dragon can’t say it casually.

“Interesting, I just didn’t expect that the navy-controlled city of the water capital also has so many rebels.” Ivankov thoughtfully.

“This only proves the brutality and incompetence of the Navy.” Big Bear added.

Even the water capital is so dissatisfied, no wonder most countries in the world look like this.

The rapid expansion of the revolutionary army to this point was also due to the fact that the world was too brutal.

There are so many unfair things that people have to stand up and resist.

“Great, this has allowed our plan to be executed smoothly, and the decisive day of this evening will be more certain!” The dragon smiled slightly.

“That’s right, the people are our helpers.” Ivankov laughed too.

Now Ivankov likes the quotes of the dragon more and more.

It all seems to be some correct nonsense.

However, when I can really use it, I find that these are all golden words. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It turned out that Long learned that the red dog and the green pheasant were stationed here, not because he discovered the revolutionary army.

A second plan was immediately made.

That is, when the big wave comes, strike at the naval stronghold of the water capital.

If you eliminate two generals, the combat effectiveness of the navy will also be greatly weakened.

The enemy is in the open and in the dark, and the probability of success is very high.

“Before this, let everyone go out and blend in with the people, and mobilize the atmosphere as much as possible to keep the navy busy, and we will be more sure when we go to the general offensive in the evening.” Dragon nodded.

The success of fishing in troubled waters is always the highest.

“This is God help me, the world government is shooting itself in the foot.” Ivankov can’t wait.

“At the end of the day, there are too many incompetent people in the navy who were born to get to where they are today, which makes us warn.” Long sighed.

Spandam’s father was himself the former CP9 chief, and Spandham inherited the position.

If this were not the case, Spendham would not have had the ability to control a spy agency as large as CP9.

Until now, Spandham could only rely on his official position to control the people of his subordinates.

French is wandering inside the water capital.

In order to ensure that his identity was not easily recognized, he specially added a robe to the outside.

Fortunately, the water capital is mixed, and there are not a few wanted sea thieves.

These people walk the streets with dignity, not afraid of being discovered.

And no one noticed Franky.

“It’s quite powerful, now the capital of water 667 is quite good under the governance of the iceberg, no wonder he doesn’t want to leave.” French muttered as he walked.

But even in places like this, there are still homeless people.

French soon spotted several thieves stealing bread.

The bakery owner didn’t even notice that an extra hand was sticking out under his stall.

“Hey!” Frankie yelled loudly.

The voice attracted the attention of the bakery owner, who immediately discovered that the thief appeared in his father.

“Damn, you guys are here again!” The bakery owner was so angry that he smoked his mind.

However, the thieves had already succeeded, each holding two loaves of bread in his hand.

He ran towards an alley.

Before leaving, he had not forgotten to look at Franky viciously.

“Nosy guy, don’t let us see you!”

“Want to go? Leave it all to me! French held out a hand.

Immediately it was fired like a cannonball.

But this time Franky’s goal was not to attack them, but to tie them all up with the chains behind his fists and pull them to his side.

“What a headache, you guys!” The bakery owner was also helpless when he looked at these thieves.

What a felony is stealing bread, even if you are locked up, you will be released every few days.

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