“Hello, do you need any wine?” Bruno looked up at French.

Frankie didn’t know what to say for a moment.

“That, I’m looking for someone.” Frankie said.

“Looking for whom?” Bruno asked.

“Eh, I’m here to find the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment!” French touched his head.

Break in so suddenly, directly find the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment!

Sounds a bit reckless.

“Please come over here!” Bruno was not at all surprised.

He took Frankie to the inner end of the bar, where a wall blocked it.

“What does that mean?” French frowned.

“It’s simple, Marshal of Heavenly Punishment is on the other side.” Bruno said.

“Hey, I’m not kidding you, it’s the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment who gave me something to do and came here to look for him!” A look of displeasure appeared on Frankie’s face.

If it weren’t for Bruno playing on himself.

That is, the marshal of heavenly punishment played himself, and the bartender in front of him did not know about this matter at all.

So kidding yourself here.

But now French has taken the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment as the only lifesaver.

Just count on the road dust to save the iceberg.

“I’m not kidding, please come in.” Bruno made an inviting gesture toward the wall.

“Good! Go in and go into 557! French gritted his teeth and slammed into the wall.

Since he wants to go in by himself, then he breaks the wall.

However, what Franky did not expect was that at the moment he crashed into the wall.

A door automatically appeared on the wall, and Bruno pushed the door open.

The next second, French entered a closed room.

However, there are electric lights in the room, so you can see clearly.

Franky couldn’t control the force, so he fell directly to the ground.

“It turned out to be the Devil Fruit! It seems to be a door fruit? When Frankie got up, he touched his head and said.

“So violent, the secret room of this bar is absolutely safe and no one will find out.” Lu Chen smiled and said.

“Marshal of Heavenly Punishment!” Franky was shocked.

Although it was expected that the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment would appear here.

But when he actually saw it, French couldn’t help but tremble.

“Don’t be nervous and sit down.” Lu Chen pointed to the sofa on the other side and sat down.

Franky was very apprehensive and sat down on the sofa.

“Come for the iceberg thing.” Lu Chen asked.

“That’s right, please save the Ice (AGFC) Mountain! I am willing to be the country of thousands of peace! French stammered.

“No problem, it’s just a small thing.” Lu Chen nodded.

“Really!” Frankie was overjoyed, he didn’t expect Lu Chen to agree so cheerfully.

Lu Chen didn’t talk nonsense either, and took out a phone bug directly from his arms.

After dialing, there was an empty voice from the opposite side.

“Road dust! Is there something going on? Sora asked.

Now Air Force is in charge of commanding the frontline army of the Great Route, and it is also very busy.

“It’s about the water capital, CP9 chief Spandam actually wants to execute the chief iceberg in public, isn’t this a fool! Now the revolutionary army itself has attracted a lot of people, and that fool doing this is equivalent to pushing the people of the water capital to the side of the country of Wazhi! Lu Chen’s tone was serious.

Hearing emptiness was also stunned.

“There is such a thing?” Sora also didn’t think of it at all.

“Now that our navy and even the entire world government have lost their prestige, now is not the time to squander it casually, we should organize that fool of Spandham.” Lu Chen said.

“I know, the hearts of the people of the water capital must not be lost! This is the center of the great shipping route, and the influence caused is very destructive, so I will send people. Sora nodded.

“Spandam killed Tom, the shipwright who built the sea train, and now the tragedy cannot be repeated.” Lu Chen brought up Tom’s matter.

“Don’t worry, I’ll arrange for the pheasant to go over.”

With a red dog going, the identity will definitely be able to suppress Spandam.

“Green pheasants can’t do it, change to red dogs.” Lu Chen said.

“Why?” Now it’s Sora Sora turn to be a little confused.

“Intuition.” Lu Chen explained. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the plot, the green pheasant once granted Spandam the right to use the Demon Slaughter Order.

Of course, it was to hunt down Robin, so this method was used.

It is believed that the pheasant and Spandam have no personal relationship.

But just in case, it’s better to let the red dog go.

The red dog at least absolutely obeys orders and will not disobey yin.

Unlike the pheasant, Robin was released many times in the plot.

“Okay, but how do you think about caring about this, it’s not your style.” Sora asked suspiciously.

What happened in the first half of the Great Voyage in the past had nothing to do with road dust.

“The enemy is almost at the doorstep, you have no way to solve it, I can only point.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“Is this the tone of your voice with the commander.” Sora laughed bitterly.

If he wasn’t too familiar with Lu Chen, he thought that the other party had any opinions.

“Air Commander, I am by no means an opinion about you, but the decision of some people in the Holy Land, Spandam can be so arrogant, I am afraid that the instructions from above are indispensable, maybe to find the legendary Hades blueprint, but you can’t kill the iceberg because of this.” Lu Chen said.

“That’s right, you’re right.” Sora nodded and agreed.

Over the years of naval career, Rang Kong has received many unreasonable orders from the Holy Land.

Sora even believed that now that this situation had come to the fore, these orders of the Holy Land could not be blamed.

It’s just that due to the absolute power of the five old stars, there is no way to say anything.

But this time it is definitely necessary to stop Spandam from killing the iceberg, otherwise the capital of water will be completely out of order.

It is impossible to use the water capital as a base.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chen looked at French.

“Well, I was talking to the Air Commander just now, and he has already sent people to stop Spandam.” Lu Chen said.

“Thank you so much! But I want to see the iceberg released with my own eyes and then go to Wano Country! French said.

“Of course, no problem.”

“Another thing is that I have more than a dozen younger brothers, can they also go with me.” Frankie did not forget these people who had just been accepted.

Once they leave themselves, I am afraid that they will become thieves and so on.

Lu Chen nodded.

“Great!” Frankie clenched his fists and roared.

But the next second, Franky found an awkward problem.

That is, I don’t know how to get out of this room.

You can’t really tear it down.

It seems that this is a secret room, and it will definitely be used in the future.

The road dust did not embarrass Franky for long, and he came to the wall that Franky had just entered.

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