Especially the erased history, which is something that even they, who have the authority of generals, do not know.

However, the reason why Akainu and others are still sitting here is that they still have trust in the world government.

Otherwise, they would have left the headquarters of the Navy long ago and went to Wano Country to join the new Navy.

It is true that many navies have been inspired by the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, and now they have joined the new navy of Wano Country.

“What now, let’s come over and sigh just here.” The yellow ape was the most relaxed among the several people.

This is entirely due to the yellow ape’s personality, and he is not such a nervous person.

Because the yellow ape has been called a monster since the day he joined the navy.

With the ability of the shining fruit, 150 allows the yellow ape to show great power just by relying on the ability of the fruit.

It can be said that the strength of the yellow ape is not weaker than that of the green pheasant and the red dog, and they all belong to the same level of combat effectiveness.

So in the face of crisis, it is normal for yellow apes to show ease.

This is a representation based on strength.

“Of course, the Holy Land has developed a variety of strategies, this is one of them, you can see.” The air general placed several documents in front of the three generals.

When the three generals picked it up, they were all stunned.

“Isn’t this plan rejected in the early years, His Majesty the Seven Seas Plan?” Akainu couldn’t help but say.

Although they were still lieutenant generals at that time, they also knew about the abolished plan.

Designed to fight against the many pirates who were attracted by Roger’s words before his death and threw themselves into the Great Voyage.

At that time, the strength of the Navy was not enough to deal with so many pirates.

The existence of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai can balance the power gap between the navy and the pirates.

It is said that the person who was most opposed at the beginning was Lu Chen!

It was also under Lu Chen’s resolute opposition that the plan was stillborn in the end.

As it turned out, the resolution was very correct.

Even without His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, the navy guarded the tranquility of the New World.

The first credit is also road dust.

“Yes, now we have to need this force.” Sora nodded solemnly.

To be fair, Sora did not like the system of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

Under this system, there are legal pirates who can be burned and killed at will. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is contrary to the justice that the Navy espodes.

“Even the candidates have been chosen?” The green pheasant has already read the information.

It was found that many people’s names had been arranged on the documents.

Among them, the first seven are the best among pirates.

As for the back is the replacement list of Qiwu Hai, there are more than a dozen people in total.

The reason for listing so many people is also the fear that someone will directly refuse the invitation of the world government.

However, Sora is very confident, and these people should not refuse this beautiful job.

This is equivalent to directly obtaining the world government’s death-free gold medal, and there is no need to worry about recruiting any attacks from the navy.

“This Blackbeard is actually ranked first, is this guy very powerful!”

Looking at Blackbeard, Akainu fell into doubt.

Now Blackbeard has just escaped from Whitebeard’s ship for more than half a year, and has escaped participating in the Battle of Wano Country.

Just found a few like-minded companions, far from causing any major incidents, and there is no fame to speak of.

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