The navy, unlike pirates, itself upholds world justice.

They attacked the country of Wano only by following orders, not to suspect any purpose.

Although the eyes of these overboard navies were still unfriendly, no one laughed at them anymore.

The salvage of the Overboard Navy was delayed a little, but it was still in time.

According to the World Government’s report, Luffy was executed at twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

It’s only eight o’clock in the morning.

The world government does not need to and does not dare to execute in advance, which will only lose its chips and even cause crazy retaliation from the revolutionary army and the country of Wano.

At that time, the scale of the war will spiral out of control, which the world government does not want to see.

Jinping returned to the Heavenly Punishment, and he ~ looked very tired.

As the commander of the Great Strangler Array, Jinping’s consumption is very large.

“Hard work, it’s time for you to rest.” Hancock offered his condolences for the first time.

“Although this formation is powerful, it is too consuming.” Jinping laughed bitterly.

did not refuse Hancock’s proposal, and the fish people had already boarded the boat and began to rest.

Now is not the time to be polite.

“But I have to say that this formation arranged by Master for you is invincible under the water.” Hancock sighed.

Those shells of the Navy smashed into the surface, and the force was offset by the current generated by the vortex.

Other weapons are unlikely to affect the underwater formation.

Only those who are super strong can crack this formation.

For example, pheasants can freeze the surface of the water directly.

No matter how powerful the merfolk is, it is impossible to break the frozen sea.

This is also the power of super combat power in the pirate world, which can ignore the number of troops of the other party.

Therefore, neither the world government nor other countries have hoarded large numbers of troops.

There is no need at all, but it will become a burden in ordinary times.

A general cannot deal with an army of more than a hundred thousand.

“Marshal Heavenly Punishment is really a genius in strategy, and just a suggestion has brought us such a powerful formation.” Jinping couldn’t help but sigh.

If there is no such formation, then the Fish-Terrans really can’t help it encounter this kind of reinforced ship. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“There is nothing that a master cannot do.” Hancock also nodded proudly.

At this moment, a person slowly walked out from the deck.



This person is none other than Lu Chen.

“It seems to be in a little trouble.” Lu Chen smiled and said.

Hancock immediately reported what had happened.

“Good, you guys did a great job.” Lu Chen stepped forward and patted Jinping’s shoulder.

It could be seen from Jinping’s weak face that his domineering spirit had been exhausted.

I’m afraid it’s not just Jinping, but also other merfolk.

“Your Highness Marshal, these are all we should do!” Jinping was very moved.

It is even more clear that the kindness of the Heavenly Punishment Marshal to the Fish-Terran Race is something they will never be able to pay off.

“Master! It is still your strategizing that we can smoothly cross the gate of justice. Hancock said next to him.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that the people of the shadow army came in handy, not to mention that there is no one to guard the city now.” Lu Chen waved his hand and said five.

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