Uncle-Master, Please Help Us

Chapter 191: ? Deputy Hall Master Qin Yuan

Su Yin looked around.

A series of forbidden phantoms appeared in the pupils, hung above the city wall, like fishing nets in the sun.

These phantoms are the same as the radio waves in the previous life. If they are not activated, ordinary people can't see them. Unlike him, he has been specially trained and the thin lines hidden in the turbid water can be clearly seen, not to mention these.

The power was concentrated in the eyes, and I immediately saw in mid-air, densely packed "fishing nets", layered on top of each other, I don't know how many suspended, the number is vast, and the variety is huge, as if entering a market for selling fishing nets.

Su Yin was shocked.

To set up so many bans, even for him, it takes at least a few months of effort... No wonder the trolls can’t break through. As long as they have enough power to move these things, the difficulty of breaking open is no less than tearing the world. Domain barrier.

The barrier of the realm, the unique gap between the two realms, is more stable than the normal space, and it is difficult for the real celestial power to break, and the virtual celestial... no matter how much it comes, it is useless!

Perhaps because of this, even though the troll clan is strong, there is no way to break through the defenses here.

Shocked in his heart, Su Yin continued to look at the ends of countless fishing nets, blending together, converging into a thick line, and spreading to the front hall.

"Is it a whole?"

These bans are densely packed, spreading for an unknown number of miles, if there is only one, it will be a bit terrifying, even he may not be able to weave it out!

I couldn't believe it, I looked carefully, and quickly shook his head: "It's a person who is banned by a structure. The method is too strong, and tens of thousands of bans are imperfectly intertwined...Although it is not one, there is no difference. Big!"

If you block them one by one and treat them as electronic components, the person who makes the structure will create a circuit diagram and connect it in series.

In doing so, although it consumes a lot of power, it unites every ban. Once it works, there are fewer defects, and its power explodes several times, or even dozens of times.

Just like the strongest imprisonment ban, under normal circumstances, a virtual fairy peak can be defeated with the immortal weapon, but with other bans combined, let alone one, even if there are ten, it may not be able to Tearing movement.

Many people are powerful, not only people, but also miraculous effects on bans.

A fishing net is easy to break, and when there are too many, even icebergs can be towed away.

However, everyone knows the truth. It is difficult to really make it. With so many bans, but also taking into account their respective attributes and powers, it requires extremely sophisticated ideas and designs. Like the chip architecture of the previous life, it is not simple. It can be done.

The content of his sixth assessment is already involved!

Based on previous experience, it has far surpassed what the Ninth Stage of Qianyuan Continent has learned.

"I don't know who made these bans?" Su Yin couldn't help but looked at the girl beside him.

"Naturally, it was built by many of the forbidden masters in the Forbidden Palace..." I don't know why he asked, Gu Linger said.

"Impossible!" Su Yin shook his head: "This structure is definitely not something that can be made with a large number of people..."

This joint ban has a clear pattern and an ingenious concept. From the beginning, the positions of offense, defense, supplementation, etc. were left behind, and many of the structures and transitions are extremely similar. They are definitely made by one person, not by multiple players.

When I was about to inquire clearly, I heard an unpleasant voice sounded not far away: "Oh? Listen to what you mean, questioning the strength of our banned master?"

Turning his head and looking at it, he was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a half-white beard, a square scarf on his head, a little white washed in a long gown, and his five fingers were slender, clean, and slightly thin.

"Deputy Hall Master Qin..." Seeing the opponent's appearance, Gu Ling'er hurriedly clasped her fists and introduced: "This is the Deputy Hall Master Qin Yuan of the Forbidden Hall, the famous Ninth Pin Peak Forbidden Master in the mainland...Hall Master Qin, this one Su Tianya is my savior!"

"The savior?" After a moment of stunned, Deputy Hall Master Qin Yuan said with a wisp of beard: "I can save Ling'er, it shows some ability, but even so, I can't be arrogant!"

Su Yin smiled: "I didn't mean it, but I just feel that the bans here and the bans outside the city wall are connected together. The structure is exquisite and amazing! I feel that it is not a multi-person collaboration, and it is possible to make this."

"Can you see that the two are related?" Qin Yuan was stunned.

Upon hearing this, Gu Ling'er also looked over in confusion.

When the ban is not in operation, it is difficult to see what, because of this, it is concealed. The ban here and the ban outside the city are connected together. She has stayed for many years. The teacher told him that this one actually saw it at a glance. Came out?

Do you not only know a lot about Zhenwen, but also have a certain understanding of the ban?

"Hmm..." Su Yin nodded.

"tell me the story!"

Without the question just now, Qin Yuan said: "You are still the first one. The first time you come here, you can see the people who are connected. Tell me about it. If you can say the two things right, don’t mind. Make an exception and accept you as a disciple!"

"This... Brother Ya, you might as well promise..."

Excited face flushed, Gu Linger hurriedly passed over.

Although this Qin Yuan is only the deputy hall master, he is definitely above the hall master when it comes to understanding the ban!

It's just that he likes research, doesn't like to show up, and even less likes to deal with trivial matters, so he doesn't want to go to that position... These years, I don't know how many geniuses, want to worship his sect, he dismissed it, never dreamed of it. , Just said this...

It is a huge opportunity for anyone!

Qian Qi and the others also understood this, each of them was short of breath with excitement.

"Just accept the disciple...If you want to listen, you can talk about my opinions and opinions!" Su Yin said when she interrupted the girl.

Although the ban here surprised and admired him, it had not yet reached the point of apprenticeship.


Seeing that he wanted to accept a disciple for the first time, he was rejected, Qin Yuan was also taken aback, showing disappointment: "It is good for young people to be arrogant, but too arrogant, it may not be a good thing! Forget it, you Come on, let me see what kind of insight and understanding can I have about the ban!"

This kind of young man with high self-esteem, he saw a lot and some talents, he felt amazing, in fact... in the eyes of a veteran monk like him, it was nothing.

Who was not a genius when he was young?

Too lazy to care about the other party’s attitude, Su Yin said: "With the forbidden hall as the center, build the entire banned network of Absolute Yuan City. By doing so, we can solve the changes and problems that have occurred in hundreds of miles at the fastest speed, allowing tens of thousands of people The joint construction of the ban is like one... It is a very good idea, but unfortunately, there are some improprieties!"

"First of all, the true essence will increase with the increase of the transmission distance, and the corresponding attenuation, this point does not need to be explained by me, Palace Master Qin should also understand!

Qin Yuan nodded.

The true essence is controlled by the mind and has limitations. The cultivation base can reach the virtual immortal, and it can be easily controlled within a radius of a few miles, or even dozens of miles, but it is not that simple when it is hundreds of miles away.

Moreover, the farther away from the body, the weaker it becomes. In the end, it gradually disappears.

"In order to solve this problem, this ban has increased the path through which power can be input, strengthened the texture, so that it can withstand more and more vigorous true essence, and even incorporates some methods to assist soul control, but... the symptoms are not the root cause. !"

The other party’s approach is like wifi, spreading ten meters or tens of meters, the problem is not big, the signal is also very good, it is difficult to spread hundreds of miles.

At this time, blindly increase the power of the router, even if it can be increased by eighteen meters, it will not cure the symptoms but not the root cause.

Because... the source is the frequency of the signal, which cannot solve this problem. No matter how high the power is, it is impossible to make the signal full of hundreds of miles away.

Seeing that what he was talking about was the most basic problem, Qin Yuan frowned: "It's easy to say, but how easy it is to do it..."

As the world's top banning master, I have been studying here for an unknown number of years. This problem is clear, but unfortunately... if you know it, if you can't solve it, there is no way.

"Actually, it is not difficult. As long as two space bans are arranged here, here, the power can be easily transmitted, and it will become very simple to control the power hundreds of miles away!"

Su Yin followed his finger in two places.

"Space ban?"

For a moment, Qin Yuan shook his head: "This thing is not easy to arrange, and it will break the original ban. If you are not careful, it will become the biggest loophole. The gain is not worth the loss..."

Many people have considered the space ban mentioned by the other party.

It is somewhat similar to the space portal. Once it is arranged, the true element can be easily transmitted hundreds of miles away, with fast speed, low loss, and easy control...

But if this is the case, it is equivalent to digging two holes in the originally enclosed wall, and the troll wants to tear it again, it is simple!

The purpose of the ban is to stop the trolls and dig holes by themselves. Isn't it just to die?

I thought the other party would say something shocking, but I didn't expect it to be this. For a moment, Qin Yuan showed a faint disappointment. It seems that the expectation is still too great...

"What if the space prohibition I said is not a hole or a loophole?" Knowing his thoughts, Su Yin said.

"How to transmit without digging holes?" Qin Yuan frowned.

"You should be aware of the sacrifice of the demons! As long as the items are sufficient, the boundary barrier can be easily torn, but... only the power of the sacrifice can penetrate, and it is almost impossible for other forces to penetrate!"

Su Yin's eyes flashed: "If you add two altars here and use this kind of power to transmit the true essence to hundreds of miles away, will there be no loopholes, and the power will be easier to control?"

"This..." Qin Yuan shook, his eyes widened: "It's okay, but it's not a ban..."

"Is it banned? It doesn't matter if they are integrated together, they can exert greater power. It is not more important than a single ban?" Su Yin nodded: "Think more broadly, don't just be restricted by ban!"

"It makes sense..."

Rudigu empowered, Qin Yuan froze all over, and looked at the boy again, instead of the contempt he had just now, but with admiration instead.

Although what the other party said is only a theory, whether it will succeed is not yet known, but it is tantamount to putting forward a new way of thinking and a new direction.

Research well, it may not be without results.

"Any other ideas?"

Can't help but ask, eyes full of curiosity.

"Second, the entire ban, east, south, west, and north, has the prohibition of gathering spirits, and there are also super-grade spiritual veins, which can maintain operation... The method is no problem, but the loss of spiritual power is too great! Others, just to maintain this ban, one super-grade spirit vein will be lost every year, right?"

Su Yin continued.

Qin Yuan nodded.

The banning power is very strong, enough to block the crazy attacks of the trolls, but it is also a big consumer of spiritual energy, comparable to the loss of five first-class sects.

"Let's not talk about this ban. It is used very little. It may not be used once in a hundred years. It is said that one super-grade spiritual vein a year. If this operation is not maintained and used to cultivate geniuses, how many imaginary peaks can be cultivated? With so many imaginary peaks, can they also have the effect of banning them at the same time?"

Su Yin continued.

The ban is the last barrier for mankind. It is basically not needed, and it is a huge loss in itself to maintain operation if it is not needed.

Of course, there is nothing to do, just like in the previous life, if nuclear weapons are not used, no research and development, no manufacturing?

Certainly not!

With this thing, it can deter other countries and exchange for peace.

This ban is also the same. Because of this, it can make the trolls jealous and hold the balance, so that they can not attack crazy, otherwise... they would have rushed over long ago, and humans would not be able to persist for so many years.

Qin Yuan was about to say this, the boy interrupted him: "I know this thing must be there, but... can you let it absorb spiritual energy when it's running, and don't lose spiritual energy when it's not in use? "

"How can it be……"

Qin Yuan shook his head, before the voice fell, he heard the boy continue to say: "Why is it impossible? Array pattern is like this! When not in use, there is no loss of strength, when used, it immediately exerts its superpower..."

Qin Yuan was speechless again.

This is indeed the advantage of the formation pattern.

Ignoring his expression, Su Yin continued: "Thirdly, these bans are too complicated. Once the enemy strikes, they need the banning division to operate and maintain. No matter how strong ordinary cultivators are, there is no way... if, trolls Using some method to kill all the banned masters in advance, will this thing become a decoration? No effect?"


Qin Yuan opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer.

The ban is too cumbersome, even for him, it takes many years of research to function better. If the banned hall is destroyed, it will indeed become a decoration, and it will have no effect.

Su Yin said: "Fourth, all networks are gathered in the Forbidden Hall, which means that all power is controlled and processed here. Once a super powerhouse sneaks over and destroys the Forbidden Hall, the ban will be useless. Up?"

No matter how wide the Wifi coverage is, if there is only one, it will be very troublesome. As long as the power is cut off, it will become scrap iron, and it will have no effect...

This is also true.

All networks are concentrated here, which seems to be easier to control, but there are also great security risks. Once the forbidden hall is damaged, the entire ban will be paralyzed, and it will not play any role!

To put it bluntly, there is no backup plan.




Too lazy to pay attention to the other party, Su Yin continued to speak, and in just a few minutes, he said more than a dozen questions, such a powerful ban, in front of the other party, seemed to be a waste and worthless.

"It's impossible...impossible..."

His eyes were loose, and he kept shaking his head. Vice-Hall Master Qin Yuan no longer looked like he was just now, but like a rooster falling into the water.

Gu Ling'er, Gan Qi and others stared wide, staring at each other, unable to say a word.

Although I didn't understand anything... but I saw the attitude change of Vice Palace Master Qin with my own eyes. No matter how stupid he was, I knew that this young man was not weaker than the other party in terms of banning.

"Nothing is impossible, no matter how strong things are, there will be loopholes and shortcomings... However, as long as you recognize the problem and deal with it better, it will no longer be a problem, but will become a trap to lure the enemy!"

Su Yin casually pointed: "Don't talk about other things, just say this... If you add a teleportation pattern here, once the enemy comes sneak attack, it will be teleported to a pre-amped trap, will it solve many problems? ? And here, adding two lines, is it possible to control the distance even if the Forbidden Palace is destroyed?"

Looking at the position said by the other party, Qin Yuan's pupils contracted.

He is right. As long as the corresponding bans on integration in these places can indeed achieve excellent results, some hidden dangers will also be lifted...

"No!" Realizing something, Qin Yuan squeezed his fists and trembled involuntarily: "You, can you see these banned lines?"

He knew that there were bans, where and how they were laid out, because they had studied for many years and read the drawings. The other party...the first time they came, these bans didn't work...how could he know so clearly? That's not bad?

I didn't pay attention just now, I just remembered it now.

"Yes!" Su Yin nodded.

"Could it be... [Broken Eyes]?" His eyes widened, Qin Yuan's face was flushed instead of his previous calmness.

According to the legend, some people can see through all falsehoods and see the hidden Internet at birth... These people learn to ban, it is like an open-book exam, it is extremely simple!

Patriarch Lin Xuan, who was 10,000 years ago, said that this was the case, and this was the only way to use the banning technique to its limit, far surpassing others.

Could it be this one too?

If so, it can explain why so many problems were seen as soon as it came.

"What is that?" Su Yin frowned, "Isn't I able to see it after training?"

Anyway, he couldn't see it before. After training for a while, it will do...

I thought it was a very simple thing, is it difficult?

"Training? It's natural. It's impossible to do it after training. It's like a person who is born with an unbalanced color. No matter how you train it, it's impossible to see other colors..."

Qin Yuan shook his head, suddenly remembering something: "Unless..."

Speaking of this, he hurriedly raised his head, looked at the boy in front of him, and turned twice in a row, the shock in his eyes became stronger and stronger: "It really is a congenital Dao body! No wonder..."

"Is there any difference between the Congenital Dao Body?"

"Of course it's different!"

Seeing this one who didn’t understand, Qin Yuan explained: "Innate Dao body, special physique suitable for Dao Dao, [Breaking Eyes] these things that ordinary people cannot cultivate, this physique, as long as you find a suitable method, you can learn... In other words, this kind of body, the ability that is inherently absent, can be learned from the day after tomorrow, and it can be called the first divine body in the spiritual world!"

"So..." Su Yin suddenly realized.

I have been unable to practice, and thought that the so-called Innate Dao Body is very rubbish, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful! It's no wonder that with so many professions, he will be able to learn as soon as he learns, and then he will be refined...I thought it was because of the two lives that he was a human, and he had a great relationship with the innate Taoism after a long period of trouble.

"This one……"

After a moment of silence, Qin Yuan's face turned red, hesitatingly said: "I have an unsympathetic request, I don't know if it's okay or not..."

"Sorry, I already have a teacher, so I don't know how to apprentice!" Su Yin shook his head.

"No..." Qin Yuan said hurriedly, "I just wanted to say... Can you lack disciples? I want to worship you as a teacher?"

"??" Su Yin was blank.

"..." Qian Qi and the others also opened their mouths wide, unable to speak one by one.

This is Vice-Hall Master Qin Yuan. It is not an exaggeration to claim to be the world's first forbidden master. Others are begging to be his disciple and are not allowed, and now they are begging to be someone else's student!

In an instant, everyone felt that their worldview collapsed.

Looking at the boy again, I admired more and more.

The skin trembled, and Gu Linger's face was flushed.

Before, she let the other party seize the opportunity and take the opportunity to apprentice a teacher. As a result...Qin Yuan's deputy hall is the main apprentice, or her vision is too narrow...

"You can discuss with each other, apprentice...Break me down!" Su Yin waved his hand.

"The expert is a teacher, your understanding of the ban is far better than me. If you don't worship a teacher, but ask, it is a stealing art, and a gentleman is not..." Palace Master Qin Yuan shook his head again and again.

"This..." Seeing that the other party was serious and determined to apprentice, Su Yin had a headache.

To conceal the original name is just to keep a low profile, and really want to accept a deputy hall master as a student, how can you keep a low profile?

Doesn't fit his personality...


In the air, the two old men flew in the direction of the forbidden hall.

"You said, can any of them succeed?" Gu Yunqiu asked.

"It's hard to say, I can only say, it's difficult..." The other old man shook his head.

The Lord of the Forbidden Temple, Quan Fengtian!

"Yes, no one has succeeded for thousands of years, and it is indeed a bit whimsical to want to succeed in our period..." Gu Yunqiu nodded.

"Hurry up, you don't know Lao Qin's temper, it's smelly and hard, I'm afraid I'm going to be late and scare away those geniuses!"

Don't worry about this issue, Quan Fengtian smiled.

"This is... this guy is too serious, I'm really afraid that he will take a few people to evaluate, and they will not be allowed to try... In this way, the forbidden stone is refined, and I don't know how long it will be!"

Gu Yunqiu nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ The Vice-Hallmaster of Qin Yuan, even he, had no choice.

It's a pity that the other party has this ability, even if the temper is close, he can only endure it.

Quan Fengtian nodded, thinking of something, his eyes were suddenly full of curiosity: "You said... among these geniuses, is there anyone he can admire and be willing to accept as a disciple?"

"It's unlikely. Ling'er is so talented. He doesn't want it. Other people are even more thought of. It's not bad if you don't ask for trouble..." Gu Yunqiu shook his head.

As the two of them spoke, they had already come to the outside of the forbidden hall. Sure enough, they saw the deputy hall master standing in front of the newcomer Su Tianya, his expression dignified and serious, as if hesitating about something.

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"Sure enough, I'm looking for trouble... Su Tianya, I'm probably going to be unlucky!" Quan Fengtian looked helpless.

It's really a strain. If you don't explain it, you will get into trouble. In any case, it is Gu Linger's lifesaver, and it is the first time to come to Jueyuan City, how can you save face?

"Dissuade it...or else, who would dare to come to the forbidden hall in the future?" Gu Yunqiu smiled bitterly.

"Hmm..." Quan Fengtian nodded, stopped his figure, and his voice rang loudly: "Old Qin, these are the most famous geniuses in the world, don't be embarrassed..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Deputy Hall Master Qin Yuan, his knees softened and he knelt down in front of the boy, with sincerity and tenacity in his eyes: "Please, I'm sincere and hopeful..."


The words choked in his throat, Quan Fengtian and Gu Yunqiu froze in place, their faces dumbfounded.

what's happening?

Even if you don't want to embarrass the other party... it shouldn't be like this...

Kneeling directly and kneeling on the ground, this etiquette is a bit too big...

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