
The inspection team arrived soon.

Seeing Zuo Xiaoduo and the family again, the faces of several inspectors were a little weird.

The incident is investigated.

The situation is obvious at a glance.

Doctors and nurses enthusiastically stood up to testify.

"This family is too much! Too rubbish!"

"This young man took the initiative to give money, but was scolded by the family for social scum, scum on the world, young man I was impulsive as soon as I heard it... Hey, I was excusable, but I was also impulsive. I was blackmailed and scolded as a scum after saving people. Who is the scum?" A doctor was filled with righteous indignation.

"The family scolded Zuo Xiaoduo first! The scolding was terrible, and Zuo Xiaoduo broke out..." A nurse testified bravely.

"That is, this family is too much, too bully, this is something that people can do, it's too unscrupulous..." The patient in the same ward testified.

"The young man seems to have drunk...Hey, after encountering such a bad thing, whoever does not worry about it, it is even more worrying by drinking to relieve the worry." Another nurse: "If it was me When you encounter this mess, you may just go crazy."

But this time Zuo Xiaoduo's shot seemed to be a bit too cruel. There were actually two in that family who had their bones broken, and more than one. For one, punishment based solely on sentencing is sufficient to constitute a crime.

In view of this, the inspection team continued to investigate and collect evidence.

As the incident expanded and the media intervened, reporters began interviewing relevant people.

Faced with the interview, the family’s neighbor stood up: "The young man came to his house to deliver money on the day of the incident. They were not at home, and the young man went to the hospital to deliver the money. I remember very much. Clearly, that young man said that people can’t stand without credibility. What a good young man... just cursing others? Does this family have a conscience! Bah, their family has long since had no conscience and was beaten? Deserve it! If I say I beat them lightly, not many of them are killed, and they have been killed for the people!"

"I am their neighbor. It is said that I should not make trouble for oneself, but I see That poor young man, when I heard those words, my conscience did not allow me to remain silent. This family is purely a scumbag!"

Investigated the hotel where Zuo Xiaoduo worked.

"The young man is very diligent when he works, not just to get rid of the family as soon as possible to make more money..." Lady Boss said.

"Hey, this month the young man’s mood is getting worse and worse. He cried secretly several times... But he did all the work, and didn’t pick the dirty work... Nothing to say." A colleague said.

"Before I went out, I drank some alcohol, but I was still in a stable mood... hit someone? No, he was very stable at the time. Isn’t he being bullied and squeezed again? I can’t bear it anymore. Such an honest child will not be forced to be anxious, he will not be able to beat people. Besides, rabbits bite when they are anxious. If you encounter this kind of thing for a person, don’t talk about beating, I think killing is understandable. "Boss said.

"The young man told me before he left, why is it so difficult to be a good person in this world?"

Boss sighed and looked at the reporter's camera: "Yeah, I would also like to ask, in this world, how is it so difficult to be a good person? To save people kindly, but to be blackmailed and blackmailed, forced to deliver money to the door, but also to be insulted and bullied... Good people should be Can you bear this?"

"Humans, there is always a load limit. I can't bear it. How can I bear it?"

"Although it is not right to hit someone, but this time, I support young man Hit someone!"

"I support it too!"

"Me too!"

"That's right!"

"Good fight!"


Some passers-by were indignant after learning what happened.

"What's wrong with hitting them? Playing well! Playing too lightly!"

"It should be hit!"

"I want to ask if I change Ask, this World, what's the matter? Be a good person, why is it so difficult?!"


Soon, the reporter compiled and published articles about the collected information. .

On the front page of the local newspaper, the headline was bold and bold: "In this world, is it so difficult to be a good person?!!!"

After the question mark, then Three huge exclamation marks are particularly conspicuous.

Below are three photos.

The first picture is Zuo Xiaoduo muttering to himself with a broken face: "I just want to be a good person, why is it so difficult?!" Note: The kind young man who saves people and is blackmailed.

The second picture is of a young and beautiful nurse surrounded by a group of white clothed angels. Facing the camera, he asked with doubts: "in this world, be a good person, really very Difficult?"

In the third picture, Boss sighed: "What's the matter with this world?!"

The following is a description of the entire incident.

At the end of the related article, the reporter wrote: "Now, Zuo Xiaoduo, who saved the life, is still locked up in the Inspection Bureau because of the beating. We don’t know what will be the fate of waiting for this young man? Neither do we Know how this event will end? For the follow-up of this event, we will wait and see, because we believe that in this world, beauty always exists, justice always exists, we believe even more, to be good people, not what we imagined So difficult!"

"We are waiting for the verdict! A fair verdict!"

As soon as the article came out, there was an uproar!

These ugly things actually happened under the broad daylight of a civilized society, especially now that the young man who was kind to save people has been locked in a bureau!

The public sentiment is surging, and the people's resentment is boiling!

"This is the shame of our entire city, extraordinary shame and humiliation!"

"Please be kind and fair!"

"Please tell us, In this world, it is not difficult to be a good person!"

Many people simply went to the entrance of the Inspection Bureau to protest.

"Why can those scumbags get away with it? Why do you want to lock up good people?"

"If you don't give good people a chance, what kind of world is this?"

"Quickly let go!"

"Don't let the good people chill, bleed and shed tears!"

The turbulent crowd became more and more intensified, and the local government departments were finally alerted to actively intervene to investigate the matter.

Although the incident has passed more than two months, with the strong intervention of the relevant departments, within just two days, the truth was told As the water recedes, the rocks appear.

Even the real perpetrator was found.

All kinds of evidence show that Zuo Xiaoduo was kind to save people at the beginning, and then he was blackmailed by the family, and has gradually developed to the present day.

The people are full of sincere and sympathy for a good-hearted teenager. Even for Zuo Xiaoduo's emotional breakdown and beating people in the hospital, they did not feel anger, or even no disgust. .

As for that family from old to young, Zuo Xiaoduo was beaten into the hospital. There was no sympathy at all. Instead, they were all screaming for what they deserved!

Such human dregs should be beaten!

Call from all parties: Zuo Xiaoduo is released immediately!

That night, this matter appeared on the evening news.

The whole city is boiling!

"We need to know, be a good person, it's not difficult!"

"Please tell us, be a good person, it's not difficult!"

" Why conceal the information of the family? The big guy came out!"

"I know, this family is..."

The matter was completely public.

The name of the family is exposed to the world.

Faced with all the angry people who rushed into the ward every day, the family lay shiver coldly on the hospital bed, speechless: We were beaten so badly, don’t you see? The one who beat us turned out to be a hero...What kind of world is this...

Countless people angrily demanded: "Release the hero! Free the good-hearted people!"

"Severely punish this family! "

In the face of the tide of public opinion, Zuo Xiaoduo was finally released.

When Zuo Xiaoduo walked out, he received a heroic welcome. Numerous media reporters gathered at the entrance of the Inspection Bureau to greet him. When he came out, everyone cheered in unison.

Justice finally defeated evil!

The hero is out!

Zuo Xiaoduo seemed to be extremely touched, with a snot and tears: "I am free? I am not a murderer? I clarified?" He couldn't believe it with a dreamy face.

The masses were sad and shouted together: "You are free! You are all right!"

Zuo Xiaoduo burst into tears and trembled, and finally suppressed the voice to the extreme: "I was I've been wronged for so long, can I beat them?"

Everyone was silent for an instant.

Go to fight again?

A reporter coughed embarrassingly: "Schoolmate Zuo Xiaoduo, you...come down, don’t be impulsive..."

Zuo Xiaoduo roared in grief and indignation: "I must come out This breath!"

Suddenly rushed out.

The direction is the direction of the hospital where the family is located.

He has an anxious look on his face, an angry look on his face, and an impatient look on his face.

He knew that the trial was about to end. He was afraid that he would not be able to beat him up late...

Suddenly, the picture froze.

The trial is over.

The freeze-frame picture is exactly Zuo Xiaoduo's unfinished face, and that face is full of eagerness. And, the fist that has been clenched tightly.


The trial is over.

The screen freezes.

Li Changjiang and Hu Ruoyun looked at each other in blank dismay. The couple had a strange feeling at the same time.

That is a feeling of infinite mess in the wind.


Forgot to ask for votes in the last chapter! I'm so angry! I'm so angry! A few more sentences in this chapter.

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