Lú Wangsheng immediately sealed all the holes in oneself's body by the fresh life force that came in, but only his mouth was left because he wanted to keep his mouth. Speak and tell Zuo Xiaoduo the last words.

"I think you must have a lot of things to say to me."

Zuo Xiaoduo pressed his mouth and said, "But your time is running out. Depending on your status, you have at most one minute left, so take the last chance!"

Lú Wangsheng closed his mouth, nodded.

"You can pick the important ones."

Zuo Xiaoduo said deeply: "What do you say, what I listen to, I will consider it properly."

Lú Wangsheng has white hair and bleak eyes, and his eyes are bleak and desperate. He still keeps his mouth closed, nodded, to signal oneself to hear it, and to know it.

Zuo Xiaoduo let go.

"Qin Fangyang's matter, there is another murderer behind the scenes."

Lú Wangsheng's voice is a bit vague, his eyes are fixed on Zuo Xiaoduo's face, and he says with difficulty: "group of dragons seize the vein, just an excuse to be on the surface...Qin Fangyang's real cause of death, and other love."

"Someone is controlling...pu..."

Lú Wangsheng spoke, but a blue flame came out from his mouth.

The internal organs and blood have turned into blue flames, gushing along the only acupuncture point that is still open.

Very poisonous, it can't be suppressed completely.

But he struggled hard, his lips opened and closed, and he spared his last strength to speak desperately, because he knew that this would be the last time in his life.

"Qin Fangyang's death was not due to the group of dragons seize the vein. The black hand just used the gimmick of group of dragons seize the vein, and people’s inertial thinking... Matter; but the truth of the matter has little to do with group of dragons seize the vein."

"If it’s just for a quota, there is no need to start, or start early, let Qin Fangyang know the difficulties. And retreat..."

"I can even assert...The black hand's goal is not Qin Fangyang itself, nor is it group of dragons seize the vein..."


Lú Wangsheng spouted a large group of blue flames, and his whole body dried up, but his staring eyes suddenly brightened.

At the last moment of life, the spirit light flashed suddenly, which reminded him of something.

He stared at Zuo Xiaoduo's face, desperately exhausting his last strength and said: "I suspect, the black hand's goal is..."

The voice suddenly stopped.

His eyes are still nailed to Zuo Xiaoduo's face, but he can't say a word or a word anymore.

He is dead.

In his mouth, there is no longer a blue flame gushing out, but after all, what he wants to say is still not finished.


Zuo Xiaoduo said heavily to Zuo Xiaonian who had just rushed over.

"What did you say?"

"Similar to what I guessed."

Zuo Xiaoduo has several points of regret in his heart, he should be in Lú Wangsheng Saying oneself's judgment and guess before speaking, Lú Wangsheng can save a lot of tongue.

Lú Wangsheng's words overwhelming majority are consistent with oneself's guesses, but they did not say the most critical suspicion object.

But in that way, it is also possible that oneself wasted time. On the contrary, Lú Wangsheng would die without a word...

Now people are dead, and there is no regret. Usefulness, I can’t help but start to think about the last sentence and the unfinished sentence Lú Wangsheng said.

Lú Wangsheng's eyes are still fixed on Zuo Xiaoduo's face.

He desperately wanted to finish talking about the last spirit light in oneself's life, but after all, he didn't finish talking.

"What is the situation?" Zuo Xiaonian looked at Zuo Xiaoduo.

"The last person Qin teacher contacted was you, and then he disappeared. According to the calculation based on time... The time when Qin teacher was killed should be... I was at the Shaman Alliance and just came out of Demon. At the time of Spirit Forest..."

"In other words, I was actually safe at that time, but you have not yet received the exact information that I am safe, and because of the double variation, the situation It has evolved into the current situation..."

Zuo Xiaoduo analyzed it carefully and carefully.

"The first variation of the first layer was that I didn’t know the identity of my grandfather at that time. I stayed away for two days, which delayed the report of safety... But the teacher Qin had an accident. It was in two days."

"Will it have something to do with this?"

"Now, what we can be sure of is... Qin teacher's death is definitely not Because the group of dragons seize the vein, one and a half places."

"The last person he contacted was you, but he was killed in the time after I escaped...Then, the real murderer behind the scenes The real goal is either you or me!"

Zuo Xiaoduo's brains are spinning fast, thinking: "I think their goal is my probability, at least 90%!"


Lower your head, looking at Lú Wangsheng, still looking at oneself's hollow eyes.

Zuo Xiaoduo gently put out a breath: "It is ninety percent possible...The other party's real goal is me. They have figured out the ultimate goal of the Qin teacher...in order to bring me to Beijing! "

Zuo Xiaonian frowned and said, "But Master Heaven Patrolling Throne has already determined...this matter is the hands of the vested interests of group of dragons seize the vein..."

"This is the second variation. Throne-sama's intervention is a random entry that is unexpected to everyone."

Zuo Xiaoduo said: "And in fact, the hands-on people cover people. The surface concealment of the ears is also the group of dragons seize the vein; it is also an excuse that can be excused if there is an accidental change, but those who are caught, if I guess there is no error, it is just for people being used as a tool The front pawn... the real secret mastermind did not even move his hands, and used them to achieve his goal!"

"As far as secret mastermind is concerned, even if it is a group of dragons seize the vein, all vested It doesn’t matter if all the stakeholders die out... it’s just a group of back-pot men, all dead, but all relevant clues will be annihilated. He will only clap his hands and cheer!"

"The secret mastermind , Using the habit and inertia that the major clans have formed, to contribute to this situation."

"After that, no matter how things develop, whether there will be a mighty figure involved, his purpose , Has been reached, because I have come to Shangjing now! I am here, there is Qin teacher's hatred here, before the revenge is reported, I will be impossible to go!"

"So the other party, There is enough time to work and start a new game against me."

"If there is something that the other party did not expect, it is probably our true background. It is not ordinary, more Grandpa Demon Ancestor’s super support, as well as our own strength!"

"It’s just that these all are uncontrollable unexpected variations, as far as the opponent’s layout so far, if I give a comment , Only two words-perfect!"

After hearing Zuo Xiaoduo's judgment and evaluation, Zuo Xiaonian's instinctive suck in a breath of cold air.

She knows that this younger brother of oneself seldom has such a high evaluation of people, but after thinking about the plan, she couldn't help being absolutely terrified.

"So, who is the other party?"

Zuo Xiaonian frowned.

"I don't know yet, I think...this Lú Family person also doesn't know." Zuo Xiaoduo looked at Lú Wangsheng, lightly sighed.

Although the facts have proved that oneself's related guesses are correct, there is still a feeling of hard to describe in my heart.

He has a faint feeling: Maybe... Maybe the last words Lú Wangsheng said to oneself were also in the other's expectations.

Only in this way can oneself be able to determine the truth, and will not go even more. It will stay in Shangjing for a long time and continue to investigate.

And this result is what the other party likes and hopes to see!

If, if the other party really counts this point... then it is not pure perfection, but terrifying and appalling.

"The other three...are you still going?"

Zuo Xiaonian put his hesitation gaze on Zuo Xiaoduo's face.

"I think it doesn’t make much sense to go now."

Zuo Xiaoduo smiled bitterly: "The enemy has acted meticulously so far. Since it is killing the mouth, it will not only kill the family. ."

Facts have proved that Zuo Xiaoduo's conjecture is still not bad at all.

After a while, police sirens sounded everywhere, and the entire Capital City suddenly became chaotic.

Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian looked at each other, sighed then said, directly melted into the void, and walked around Capital City in a full circle above the night sky, and the other three also went to see For a moment, just don't have to look in person.

Because these four houses also lost half a living person, obviously at a glance, at a glance!

Whether it is a dying old man, a child still in his infancy, or an innocent servant girl guard and the others, they are all dead and clean, even chicken and dog doesn' t remain, nothing left!

Originally, the big clans were all super big clans with deep and leafy roots, and many of their descendants were not in the capital. When it comes to the destruction of the whole family overnight, it is actually quite difficult.

But now the situation is that the order of Heaven Patrolling Throne has been fulfilled like a god: after the order, several families were dismissed from office one after another, and then they had to rush back to clan one by one to discuss. What about the follow-up of this matter?

Those who were dismissed from their posts, beat the drums and beat people, and no one dared to leave oneself’s family members in the area where they were employed, and brought back all their brains; the current state of the four major clans is unprecedented. Great reunion.

Even the clan seeds that stood out in the group of dragons seize the vein were not spared, and they were also dismissed and returned home.

Everyone up and down is quietly waiting for the final processing result above, as well as the follow-up response of clan.

At this time, no matter how far away it is, I have already returned...

at this time, at this time, there is a poison...

A true family, neat and tidy, go to the netherworld together.


Capital City is in chaos on all sides!

Lú Family, Bai Family, Fan Family, Yin Family, and the four major clans. In the same day, the whole family is destroyed, and there is no more livelihood!

Even the relevant people who have been arrested were simultaneously killed in a similar time and were wiped out in prison!

In one afternoon, more than 13,000 people went to Beijing to evaporate!

Among these three thousand people, more than 90% are martial artists, and many of them are profound cultivators!

This is a super big case!

The four major clans, even chicken and dog doesn't remain, and bloodline.

The whole Beijing was shocked, shocked, shocked!

The first homicide in Capital City in thousands of years!

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