Zuo Xiaoduo brows tightly knit: "Is this number accurate?"

"At least 90% accuracy. At least the old flying people are here. It’s just that there have been no breakthroughs in the last five years, which is relatively vague. Because the repairers who broke through the Flying bottleneck at the beginning have a period of retreat and precipitation, which makes the realm stable."

"General battlefield breakthroughs, roughly It takes three months to stabilize; because at that time, many of them were traumatized and easily fell back to the realm."

"Wang Family people are the most timid and fearful of death, and this naturally becomes more and more. The cautiousness of people means that they will settle for three years and five years, and they will not feel relieved even until they are promoted to the flying middle rank or close to the middle rank."

"So in these five years, as long as they don’t show up, they will naturally It’s impossible to count."

"But in terms of probability, these thirty-seven numbers, plus ten at most, would be terrific." (After considering Wang Family to fly heavenly fate, Reduced to this number. The previous has been modified.)

You Xiaoxia pondered for a moment, and said: "With this number, I can pack a ticket. There is no omission at all."

" By the way, I don’t know if the Wang Family people don’t care about their own cultivation boundary. According to the data, almost none of the Wang Family members and all the people who have children in the Guan Family have suppressed the Profundity Return realm more than seven times. Yes! The most are the first four, which are all seven times; the others are six times and five times...The last one is twice, this is the most unlucky. It is said that when he married a new concubine and had sex Too excited, too comfortable, and suddenly broke through... It is said that after the breakthrough that night, the female martial artist was crushed into meatloaf by the overflowing true origin on the spot, which was cited as a joke..."

You Xiaoxia laughed It's very trivial.

Zuo Xiaonian pretty face blushed, fiercely gave this guy a white look and turned his face away.

Zuo Xiaoduo was in high spirits: "Yeah, there are other things like this? Tell me carefully, I like this kind of gossip the most... in detail."

, The pain of pain deep into bones came from the thigh.

Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly opened his mouth wide, and the pain made his tongue stiff in his mouth, and his whole body was stiff and trembling slightly...

It was Zuo Xiaonian who ran the spirit qi directly. , Fiercely pinched his thigh.

This pinch was really merciless, even Zuo Xiaoduo's well-hardened fleshy body couldn't stand it, and almost didn't scream.

Seeing this scene, You Xiaoxia turned her face pale in fright, and hurriedly shut her mouth, lest she would endanger the pond fish and suffer unreasonable disaster.

The left boss is all of this virtue. If it is replaced with oneself's small arms and legs, it will be cheap if one is screwed off, and it is also frozen into powder when oneself is started, and it is as dust as the sky!

Zuo Xiaonian finally let go and snorted heavily.

Zuo Xiaoduo quickly rubbed both hands on his thighs: "Oh oh oh oh oh oh... Ohhhhhh oh..."

You Xiaoxia Head down, holding up a bowl of honey porridge and drinking.

Oh my god...it must be painful.

But I can’t laugh, I must not laugh, this will laugh, maybe I won’t have the chance to laugh again...


Heaven's Palace After eating this meal for a long time, the three of them talked and ate, accompanied by endless fireworks outside.

After two hours, this gradually came to an end...

The heaven grade spirit wine brought by You Xiaoxia, this will have been drunk to the last two bottles...

The phone rang suddenly, You Xiaoxia didn't neglect, she picked it up quickly, and didn't mean to avoid Zuo Xiaoduo in the slightest.

Something seemed to be said hurriedly over the phone.

You Xiaoxia listened calmly, and finally replied: "Okay, I know."

Hang up the phone and said to Zuo Xiaoduo: "Tonight, a little bit Interesting things, I think you should be interested in the left boss."

Zuo Xiaoduo holding the wine glass, turning in his hand: "Oh? What interesting thing!"

" The latest news report, Lu Family Old Fourth will be arranged to fight Wang Family old fifth tonight, saying that it is to liquidate an old account a few years ago, the life and death situation, the army station in Northern Part of City."

Little Fatty laughed: "Lu Clan, who has never been very competitive, is really crazy this time. It is a sudden burst of anger that has been suppressed for several decades. It is scary."

Zuo Xiaoduo took a deep breath: "Lu Family? They took the initiative to find Wang Family?"

His gaze became serious, and he slowly said: "Why? There must be some reason for it, right?"< /p>

"It is said that He Yuanyue and Old Principal are actually the youngest daughter of Lu Family Family Head..."

You Xiaoxia narrowed his eyes and said: "I have asked them to collect Related news in this area will be rewarded soon."

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed, looked out the window, and said: "It turns out... so."

His Thoughts float away in an instant.

I vaguely remember that He Yuanyue's real name was Lu Qianqian.

That respectable old man turned out to be from such a prestigious clan.

But it also explains from the side that Old Principal has cultivated that many successful students, which may not be the result of the Lu Family's secret efforts.

Is it no cause for one eagle and one peck?

Ten minutes later, a new document was sent to You Xiaoxia's mobile phone.

You Xiaoxia opened it by himself, and he passed it to Zuo Xiaoduo without even looking at it.

It is a very detailed introduction for He Yuanyue, from front to back, from birth to death, from the time she was a lady of the Lu Family, she will meet Qin Fangyang by fate, and then she will suffer. Scheming, swindling death and burying his name, went to Phoenix City, spent the rest of his life, everything experienced in his life, everything was recorded in no detail.

He Yuanyue, whose real name is Lu Qianqian.

Lu Family Family Head is the youngest of Lu Yingfeng’s children and the only daughter.

Since childhood aptitude High Level, when he grew up, he entered the High Martial Academy. After training, he was betrayed and seriously injured.

Lu Family tried their best to find spirit medicine, but failed. After waiting for a few years, Lu Qianqian finally realized that there was no hope. He chose to lie to his death and part ways with his lover, but actually left alone.

Go to Phoenix City and establish Phoenix City Second High in the name of He Yuanyue.

Principal He refused all assistance from the family, and was even more afraid that Qin Fangyang would find oneself because of the family relationship, and begged the family not to contact him.

Lu Family secretly invested 5 billion back and forth, all in the name of charity, smashed into Phoenix City Second High...

and secretly sent an expert to take care of it; I arrived at Qin Fangyang for some reason. After coming to Phoenix City Second High as a teacher, He Yuanyue forced the Lu Family to withdraw for fear of exposure.


Until He Yuanyue passed away, Lu Family Family Head and his wife rushed to Phoenix City and lived in Phoenix City for 15 days.

Finally, looking for an opportunity for a torrential rain, the couple went to visit their daughter’s grave in the torrential rain. It was night and the rain was torrential, but around He Yuanyue’s grave, until the wind stopped and the rain stopped. No water stains.

Afterwards, because of He Yuanyue’s last wish, Lu Family secretly contributed to assist Qin Fangyang to enter Ancestral Dragon High Martial and plan for the group of dragons seize the vein. He Yuanyue's last vision for completion...

The three people who secretly calculated He Yuanyue and Qin Fangyang, two of them have already been killed by Qin Fangyang, and the third person has been under the supervision of Lu Family. The original intention was to leave Qin Fangyang to avenge himself; But after the news of Qin Fangyang's murder was reported, that night, that person was personally attacked by Lu Family Family Head and executed very quickly.

After receiving the news that He Yuanyue's grave was destroyed, Lu Family was full of anger and launched a secret investigation.

Until...The Handsome Zuo Company's actions to denounce Wang Family, Lu Family also after many investigations, finally locked the target of revenge on Wang Family.

After identifying the enemy, Lu Family immediately started and targeted all aspects.

As soon as the students who graduated from Second High arrived in Beijing, they avenged He Yuanyue in various forms. As Wang Family didn't dare to kill him, the capture of people was just to send them all to the legal authorities.

And Lu Family acted in real-time, and came forward to pick up all the people. After the treatment, he let him go.

Lu Yingfeng once said frankly: This is not to buy people's hearts and enhance their heritage, but to Principal He.

The student of Principal He should not be wronged and killed.

Owner, voluntary treatment and placement, did not make any request.

The only plea is: Can you write about the past contact with Principal He?

Lu Family has more than 90 males, in addition to more than 40 in Sun and Moon Pass and more than 20 who have long since passed away, there are also 30 people at home, from all directions, Online and offline, commercial competition, assassinations, frontal arranged fights, and direct end of the field...With various methods, they launched a frantic revenge against Wang Family at every possible means.

"Avenge for the little girl!"

This is the common voice of the Lu Family.

The little girl is dead.

Qin Fangyang is also dead.

The secret of the little girl, the secret that has made us feel sad and guilty for several decades, finally no longer needs to be kept.

Lu Family people only felt a sigh of suffocation for several decades, and suddenly vomited out.

That is the extreme emotion of infinite hatred mixed with sadness, and there must be a catharsis goal.

Wang Family!

This anger, if Wang Family cannot be burned clean, then Lu Family oneself can be burned clean.

Zuo Xiaonian and Zuo Xiaoduo watched quietly, both of them felt their hearts beating on peng peng.

It was a kind of...unspeakable warm excitement.

Zuo Xiaonian whispered: "Old Principal is the world of peaches and plums. After Phoenix Vein is rushing to the soul, as you geniuses step out, the reputation of Old Principal in the entire continent is getting higher and higher... But Lu Family has never made any sound before..."

Zuo Xiaoduo slowly nodded.

He immediately understood what Zuo Xiaonian meant: Lu Family did not intend to take advantage of He Yuanyue's reputation to gain the slightest advantage!

They just silently gave, silently guarded, silently thoughtful, silently watching from a distance...

Finally, today, the revenge of earth shattering has begun!

This is enough to prove his integrity and his heart.

"Lu Family...what exactly does this clan look like? Is there corruption? Is it also using power for personal gain and forgetting righteousness... Those are not to be said, at least for the time being, here In matters, they have done nothing to their hearts."

Zuo Xiaoduo is a rare and deep one: "Especially one thing we can't deny, Lu Family is a boon to us, to the entire Phoenix City. "It's."

Zuo Xiaonian quietly, with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "What do you mean to be honest?"

"Tonight's lively, let's not mix A handful, but it's impossible."

Zuo Xiaoduo laughed: "I still like to watch the fun."

"I also like to join in the fun."

You Xiaoxia I narrowed my eyes, and the eyes of the smile became a gap: "The left boss has a temper with me. I also like to watch the fun, and I prefer to join in the fun."

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