"Because we have experienced birth, aging, sickness and death, experience raising children, such as mortal world life, ordinary person experience, we have really experienced it."

Zuo Changlu pondered then said: "Perhaps this is the real mortal world robbery."

Wu Yuting pondered: "So, the birth of Xiaoduo is certainly a An absolute accident, but this accident that was not in our plan has become the last link in our completion?"

Zuo Changlu smiled helplessly: "You have been a baby pet since you were a child. Now, I really don’t want to be spoiled in vain...Ah, now I just think of you when you are in a happy mood, I can’t help but give the child the nickname. At that time, you clearly regarded Xiaoduo as a toy. It’s also the kind that grew up playing. When did you say I was like you?"

Wu Yuting pursed his lips: "Just hello, just hello, I seem to say nothing You don’t really love children."

Zuo Changlu laughed and said, "Don’t think about the long-term, and don’t think about...cultivation base help, um; the only thing we have to think about is to recognize It’s good to live your life seriously, let everything go as it is, and pass this level."

"I think when we pass the level, Xiaoduo and Xiaonian have grown up, and the best of both worlds is the best of both worlds. "

Wu Yuting dreamed about the future, couldn't help but smile softly, and said: "I sincerely hope that these two children will be safe..."

Zuo Changlu nodded, Said: "Actually, my incomprehension is the real mystery... Ordinarily, our Birth By Transformation in the Mortal World, our cultivation base has been locked by Heavenly Dao, and our luck is still very different from ordinary people. Essence, qi, The spirit trinity should remain constant. With this premise, how can there be a child?!"

Wu Yuting rolled his eyes and did not answer.

Zuo Changlu muttered to himself, "At that time, you didn't pay attention to oneself, and it didn't feel right until three months...because we didn't think about it at all, we all knew that it was impossible. ."

Wu Yuting rolled the eyes again.

"But there is Xiaoduo." Zuo Changlu frowns: "And since Xiaoduo, we have worked hard for so many years, but there is no movement anymore... Isn't it weird? "

Wu Yuting blushed immediately and rolled his eyes even more.

"I think twice..." Zuo Changlu looked thoughtful, holding Wu Yuting in his arms, and in a very deep tone, he asked seriously as if studying academic issues: "Is it a posture? Isn't it right?"


"If there is another...it's Zuo Xiaoyu, right?"

"Go away!...Um... …"


2nd day!

Second High.

Hongqi recruits vast crowd.

Besides the crowds, countless parents came to the Second High campus, with the music playing around, it sounds like a sports meeting.

Many of the students who were taken away, after experiencing the Crystal Pass and Mind Purifying Lake, have been released back to this meeting. There are still some people who were alarmed. They have this opportunity, so naturally the whole family will participate. , Actively participate in school activities.

Of course, two people did not come back.

Zheng Deyi.

Cheng Fangzhi.

Zheng Deyi and Eldest Young Master Cheng have died silently in the Star Shield Bureau prison.

This incident made Bureau Head Jiang Changbin thunder furious, but there was no vent!

He doesn't care about Zheng Deyi's death. But Cheng Fangzhi's death made Bureau Head Jiang furious!

Only this one is confirmed!

I want to use this as a breakthrough.

But this one just died!

During this time, everyone in the Star Shield Bureau is powerless to defend himself, Bureau Head Jiang's eyes, looking at everyone is like watching Shaman Alliance's hidden traitors!

The guard on the day Cheng Fangzhi died suddenly was thrown into prison by Bureau Head Jiang immediately after the incident!

Cheng Fangzhi’s family, Bureau Head Jiang, has also set up inescapable net monitoring, just waiting for the Shaman Alliance to come.

In fact, on the night of Cheng Fangzhi's death, Shaman Alliance did come, and two great experts came in, one on the left and the other on the right.

Star Shield Bureau, the expert belonging to the city guard house, fought desperately, only to kill Heaven and Earth dim, sun and moon without light.

Finally, the two Shaman Alliance experts who could not break through the heavy defenses chose to withdraw.

But when the guardian went in to see Cheng Fangzhi's family... They were surprised to find that the family, together with the seven experts of the Star Shield Bureau in ambush, had all died cleanly!

This is where the other party knows the opportunity and withdraws, it is basically knowing that the purpose has been achieved, and it has gone away!

It was also on this day, Phoenix City ignited a lot of fires, mourning everywhere.

All the senior executives of Cheng Fangzhi clan company died this night, and no one was spared!

The headquarters building of the Cheng Group medicine ingredient company was ignited as a whole. I don't know how many igniting objects were dropped. In addition, the firetruck that came after hearing the news was intercepted and killed on the road. All the fire hydrants within a radius of six kilometers were destroyed!

That’s why this building, when dawn broke the next day, it had been burned to a complete ruined wall, beyond recognition!

According to an afterthought, there should have been a lot of burning objects in this building in advance!

And this one incident made Governor Wan Pingyuan absolutely terrified shudder!

Perhaps all of this for the people, it just feels that something has happened, it’s lively, there is a fire, people are dead, and so on.

But anyone with a little brain can think of--

Who can come and go freely in the heavily guarded Star Shield Bureau, and kill people calmly?

Who again killed Cheng Fangzhi's family silently?

Who can set off a fire in the downtown area and intercept the firetruck more blatantly. As for arranging incinerators in advance and destroying all the fire hydrants, it is almost the end.

But the most frightening thing is that the Shaman Alliance's manpower can withdraw every time before the arrival of our own army!

All these carefully arranged, let Governor Wan feel oneself's ass, sitting on a volcanic crater!

And this volcano has already begun to erupt, and it may be oneself like that building at any time, burn to ashes!

"It seems that the entire Phoenix City has been infiltrated into a sieve!"

In Governor Wan, I had to admit this, and when he asked for help from above, it was very clear. Said: "The Shaman Alliance's hands are immobile for a long time, but they are shaking the sky. With the dynamic theory they created in Phoenix City, the hidden battle strength can be imagined, and what is more conceivable is that they must have more The big move is coming!"

"I suspect that the Shaman Alliance has a huge plan!"

"I request that the leaders pay attention to what He Yuanyue Old Principal put forward. "Phoenix Vein"!"

"Phoenix City, there will be a major event soon! Please pay attention to the peak!!"

Wan Pingyuan finally made this decision; For him, it is very difficult.

The chaos under the rule has reached such a level. For the officials on the ruling party, it is already hard to blame!

Who doesn't want to cure stability? Who wants to report something that can be suppressed?

Report good news rather than worry, rather than trying to avoid making mistakes, but rather trying to avoid making mistakes; this is the unwritten rules recognized by all parties in the officialdom; but now, Wan Pingyuan dare not press it anymore!

He is more frightened now.

Phoenix City, this small place, what is hidden?

Can the Shaman Alliance send so many people in?

The current state of affairs is obvious, and things are far from the stage where they really started.

The host-level figure of Shaman Alliance has not come yet.

But even so, the situation has reached the point where it is now close to being out of control!

So, what will Phoenix City become when the other party’s plan really starts?

Wan Pingyuan can't even think about it.

He just vaguely felt that an unprecedented bloody storm was about to set off in Phoenix City!

And how big this storm is, no one dare to speak arrogantly!

He Yuanyue has worked hard for years without results. Zuo Xiaoduo, this little butterfly just slapped its wings slightly; it slapped it!

Or it may be a coincidence, or the time has come; but all this is just such a ridiculous little thing that opened the curtain!

Time and fate are also fortune!

After a series of actions, the Shaman Alliance has already retracted its minions after achieving the set goals. They also paid a considerable price, and they are also licking their wounds; and the Governor Residence City Guard Star Shield Bureau is even more Like an enemy.

"I am now, really no one can believe it!"

Bureau Head Jiang reported to the superior Star Shield Bureau: "Military, City Guard, Governor Residence, Inspection The Bureau...I suspect that they have been infiltrated by the Shaman Alliance!"

"Even inside the Phoenix City Star Shield Bureau, there are probably insiders! I can't believe it!"

"Please send an expert from your superiors for assistance! Focus on checking, He Yuanyue Old Principal once said about the Phoenix Vein!"

"I ask the superiors to pay attention! Shaman Alliance Northern Dipper! Southern Dipper gathers together, how can there be trivial things? I request that the most high level mighty figure be sent to the town! I request the Dragon Blood Team to settle in Phoenix City!!!"

Bureau Head Jiang Holding the phone, he was almost shouting, shiny scalp, with fine sweat stains; the few strands of hair left on both sides were grabbed off by him oneself.

"I beg, right now! Now! Right now! Quickly!"


Originally, this grand event of Second High, even if it was seen in Old Principal In terms of the face, Bureau Head Jiang, Bureau Head Sun and Governor Wan will be there; but now, Phoenix City has become a mess.

Everyone in Bureau Head Jiang Governor Wan has been exhausted to the extreme. In fact, too busy to spare time for a separate task came to participate in this commendation meeting.

The only one who came was Martial Education Bureau Bureau Head Sun.

But even if Bureau Head Sun came here, his face was still not good-looking. After he arrived, he went to He Yuanyue's office to report the current situation.

"Finally...is it going to be unveiled..." He Yuanyue listened to Bureau Head Sun's words and was startled for a long time before breathing out a sigh of relief. His eyes were complicated.

"It turns out that what I said was not unbelief. It was...not enough yet..."

The old lady gave a wry smile.

"teacher, look at this..." Bureau Head Sun cautiously said.

"that's all..." He Yuanyue said after a long time in a daze, "I hope, it's still time!"


Zuo Changlu Walking into the campus with Wu Yuting and Zuo Xiaonian, he was suddenly surprised!


It will be updated in the afternoon. It's too hot, and it's almost a heat stroke. So ask for a monthly ticket subscription recommendation ticket.

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