Meng Chenyu hearing this was stunned for a moment, and then replied was paused.

"I knew he was my big brother since I remembered things...but it was not until last year, after learning about the layout of Primordial Yin Soul Shifting, that he was not my big brother... "

"But I really don’t know. He is who, what is his origin, and what background."

"Then what do you know?"

"I ......"

Mu Yanyan laughed directly: "You only know that you have robbed your senior sister's status, robbed her of her chances, and robbed her of everything, and then you oneself go to Heaven and Earth, azure cloud going straight up?"

"So, I can't help you!"

Mu Yanyan ice-cold saying: "Meng Chenyu, I, Mu Yanyan, will officially oust you from today Get out of my Kunlun Daoist Sect master gate, drive out my Mu Yanyan gate wall! From now on, you and I have nothing to do with me!"

"Let’s read a little bit of love in the past, I will not take you back martial arts, you go!"

"Master! Save me!"

Meng Chenyu hugged Mu Yanyan's calf abruptly: "I really don't want to die... Eighteen years old...I'm only eighteen, Master......"

Mu Yanyan's body was a soft force gushing out, silently sending Meng Chenyu five steps away, Mu Yanyan's body It floated lightly, and in an instant it was more than ten meters high.

Meng Chenyu yelled freely below: "Master!"

"Master! After so many years of master and disciple love, you just ignored all of them and left them behind. Huh?"

Mu Yanyan, stopped in midair, his eyes were full of pain, the scene after scene since he accepted Meng Chenyu as a disciple, all of them passed by.

"If I don’t kill you or recover your cultivation base, I’m already thinking about the master and disciple feelings of the past."

"Master and disciple, you are the fate of the present. Just do it yourself!"

Mu Yanyan's figure rose to the sky before the words fell, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

On the ground, Meng Chenyu cried loudly.


After Mu Yanyan left, he did not go to Zuo Xiaonian and the others immediately, but hid oneself in the clouds and mist, and passed it quietly for a long time. He wiped his eyes and walked out.

Mu Yanyan knew from at first what it was that Meng Chenyu came to find oneself this time, but there was always the last glimmer of hope: Was she cheated? Is it too stupid to be deceived? Don’t you know the whole story? He didn't have a murderous heart against Zuo Xiaonian, and wanted to replace it!

This meeting can be said to be a farewell to Meng Chenyu and an explanation from Mu Yanyan to oneself.

But now, there is only the most complete disappointment, nausea, and disgust!


Zuo Xiaoduo is carrying two Star Iron blocks weighing more than eight thousand kilograms in the Gravity Room to perform actions, such as flat lifting, waving, smashing and falling. Fighting... There are so many different kinds of tricks.

After a pass of practice, Zuo Xiaoduo found frustrated that oneself seemed to be a little overwhelmed.

The two hammers used by Wu Tiejiang, one of them, cost nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine kilograms. It looks like...oneself is seeking death — it’s too heavy and far beyond oneself. Load.

You can lift up to two hundred catties with one hand, but it does not mean that you can hold fifty catties with one hand and wave it casually.

You can hit an explosive force of 300,000 catties in one punch, but it does not mean that you can wield 10,000 catties of weapons at will and even fight flexibly!

The momentary explosive power of the whole body concentration, and the continuous power of an arm, are completely two different things, the slightest can't be used for comparison, or even reference.

Zuo Xiaoduo's current situation is like this, not to mention that his double hammer weighs more than 10,000 catties, but a little 20,000 catties!

And this, at the moment when he has broken through the Innate bottleneck, his strength has increased significantly compared to before, but he is still incapable!

"I seem to be making a big joke..."

He is now working hard to exercise his strength, while practicing, while muttering in his heart.

"After hitting the weapon, oneself could not be used to fight for a short time... Others asked: Why? Lao Tzu replied: It is too heavy to hold! This is so special that it will be difficult to wash away for a lifetime The idiot thing..."

The more Zuo Xiaoduo thinks about it, the more he feels that oneself’s face is probably going to be lost, ashamed and unable to show one's face!

The key point is that not only oneself knows this matter well, but the old sister of father Mother Wu Tiejiang knows all of them too well!

Especially Niannian Cat, it is estimated that she can laugh for a lifetime with this terrier.

No matter how glorious and glorious in the future, with this dark history, it is conceivable to be suppressed for a lifetime!

Zuo Xiaoduo was thinking, full of sorrow.

The phone rang suddenly.

Hey, it turned out to be a call from father!

"Your hammer has been hit. Come and get it this afternoon."

Sure enough, what one fears is what comes to pass, Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly fell into the trouble of happiness in.

Oh, this Great Master is embarrassed this time!

But it doesn’t matter, now I’m just embarrassed in front of the father...

What can I do? !

"When I was a child, I was hugged and played naked by him. I didn't feel embarrassed. What is this thing now?!"

"Well, not ashamed."

After thinking about this, Mr. Zuo suddenly felt: Hey, if there is a choice, of course it will be ashamed in front of father, apart from this, are there any other choices? Still want to be ashamed in front of other people?

Being ashamed in front of father, that should be lost! Lost glory!

I lost my righteousness!

This though arises, Lord Zuo immediately calmed down.

I was even a little triumphant and embarrassed, I just laughed to fight father.

Have a smile, less than ten years!

I am a filial son.

Follow the cultivation and ask for leave in the afternoon to get the hammer.


Mo Xuanyi has been walking for a long time in the east city wall nearby.

Here, it is a slum area.

as far as the eye can see, everywhere are dilapidated houses, and there are... all kinds of unpleasant smells mixed together.

She came very early.

It happened to see a lot of people coming out of the dilapidated little house, dressed in glamorous clothes, looking forward to hope, going to work, going to work, and working hard for the vision.

After eight o'clock, this group of people disappeared, and all they saw were very ordinary, even plain or worn-out clothes.

The streets in this area seem very narrow, or the original streets are not narrow, but at this time they are invaded by a lot of things——

Various fragrances, wild and colorful Snacks, all kinds of food, all kinds of small restaurants and cafes, are dazzling and dizzying.

For Mo Xuanyi, although Zuo Xiaoduo pointed out the direction, it is in this area, but this area...just look at the buildings of this slum, at least the least, there are hundreds of thousands of people ...

How can I find this?

When do I have to find it?

However, in Mo Xuanyi's mind, there was no irritation at all, and instead settled down.

She looked at the to-and-fro crowd and felt an inexplicable intimacy. My father mother should be just like them, right?

Hidden among these people, it is the most ordinary ordinary person!

Like these people...

She wandered back and forth in this area with special emotions surging in her heart.

It seems to be aimless, but it seems to have a clear goal direction.

So I got here from around 6 o'clock in the morning until 11:30 noon, wandering back and forth like Nether Soul, one family after another watched it.

I never talked to anyone, and ignored any kind or other kind of talk.

At this time, the unusually strong food scent spread again.

I was rushed by the scent of various colors at first, she finally regained some attention, looked up, it was already noon now; after thinking about it, strolling into a house on the side of the road Small shop.

Well, it seems that I stopped in front of this store just now.

"Girl, what do you want to eat? Our specialty mutton soup..."

"Just mutton soup."

Mo Xuanyi walked around and entered the eyes In the blink of an eye, I saw that this small shop was only a few square meters in total, and it sold the same thing: mutton soup with biscuits.

Of course, you can also order biscuits or mutton soup.

The owner is the husband and wife two people, and he looks at the forty-fifty year. His simple face is full of fatigue and vicissitudes, as well as a little hope for the future.

The mutton soup was brought up. Mo Xuanyi was not eager to start, but turned around and asked: "Auntie, I want to ask you something, I wonder if it is convenient for you?"


"If the guest has anything to say, just say it."

Lady Boss wiped her hands.

"Have you heard of anyone in this area who lost a child? It's been about thirty years..." Mo Xuanyi asked.

"This...we have too many people who have lost their children..."

Lady Boss's thin face showed sympathy: "Basically every year there are so many...unfathomable Mystery’s child is gone. Many of them were taken away by some Master. If they were told by the family when they left, they would come back and have a look. More directly, there is no news, and I don’t know that they were killed. It’s still eaten, or..."


Mo Xuanyi, but I never thought that there would be so many people who lost children. Oneself thought it would be a useful clue. , Totally useless.

This answer surprised her and lost her.

"Girl, are you back...looking for relatives?" Looking at Mo Xuanyi's expression, Lady Boss asked carefully.

Mo Xuanyi hesitated for a moment, and slowly nodded.

"I...I...I was the child who was separated from my parents..."

Mo Xuanyi only felt a surge of sourness and said: "I have been listening for many years. , I recently got a more accurate message that my parents live in this area..."

"Girl, what is the difference between doing this and finding a needle in a haystack, maybe it’s because someone with a heart knows that you want to find Dear, I set up a trap to deceive you. You also said that you have been away from home for more than 30 years. Where did you get the exact news..."

Lady Boss expressed sympathy and politely encouraged her. The words and sentences are all for Mo Xuanyi's consideration.

"It was the Great Master Zuo who said...My parents are in this area of ​​the East City. He is very accurate and never missed..."

Mo Xuanyi Said sadly: "But I have been here for most of the day...Although there is a rough area, there are still too many people..."

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