Zuo Xiaoduo can't put it down, and feels more and more groping. This will be my future partner for life.

"The swords on both sides are similar to the one in your hand; it is also made of flame iron mixed with Inextinguishable Gold, but it is coated with a layer of Eternal Iron."

"Built-in The chain, I’ve put enough length for you... The best off-hand attack range is 15 meters, and the farthest attack range can reach 30 meters. It also has considerable lethality. Although the built-in chain is still very long, it is against the enemy. The longest attack distance, the farthest you can go to 50 meters, but this distance will reduce the lethality a lot, and it is not easy to recover, easy to give the enemy a chance."


"Since you have this setting, you have to consider it yourself, but you still have to pay attention to one point: the hidden weapon in the hammer head, every time you use it, even if you only use a cone needle, it should be filled immediately afterwards. !"

"This is to train you to ensure sufficient firepower at all times. Understand?"


"Your cone Needles, of the same quality, I have prepared fifty thousand for you. The bigger one is only ten thousand, all of the same quality, there will be no difference."

"Other spares , I have made as many as possible, the texture may be slightly worse, but it is still much better than the general metal material, one million cones, cones, one hundred thousand."

"many thanks Uncle Uncle Wu is so caring."

Zuo Xiaoduo again seriously said thank you.

These were not in the agreement, but Wu Tiejiang was still prepared. All these extra parts are from Wu Tiejiang's private possessions.

This is a huge favor!

Perhaps the old man has a friendship with Uncle Wu, you can take it whatever you want, but as oneself, you must know how to measure it.

Humanity debts are the hardest to pay. The relationship between my father and Uncle Wu is the same thing, and oneself doesn’t have such a friendship with him...

Wu Tiejiang laughed with satisfaction, seems to listen By this thank you, I am already satisfied.

Zuo Changlu said indifferently: "You, Uncle Wu, have worked hard for you, and spared no expense. You have to remember this kindness; under Heavenly Dao, you have your own cause and effect. You Zuo Xiaoduo will be in the future. Always mediocre, that's all. But after successfully cultivating it, don't forget your uncle Wu's kindness today!"

Zuo Changlu this remark, he said very solemnly and very seriously.

Zuo Xiaoduo listens to the training: "Yes, I must firmly remember that I will not dare or forget in this life!"

"Well, don't forget your Uncle Wu. In the future. , Don’t lose face for me!"

"Yes! Father."

This will make Wu Tiejiang stand up and say: "Elder Brother Zuo, how can I say this? Solemnly, it's been over."

"But, not the least."

Zuo Changlu stood up and said, "You and I have our friendship, but you What kind of friendship do you have with this kid? It just bears the shade of your parents; with his kid have what skills and abilities, can you let Wu Tiejiang do it yourself? This kindness should be repaid no matter what."

"He has to bear the cause at this time, and he must bear the share of the future!"

"So, I have suffered."

Wu Tiejiang is full The face is radiant, and even has several points of excitement.

Zuo Xiaoduo may not know what the two big guys are talking about at the moment.

But what is Wu Tiejiang and the others?

Since this pair of hammers came out under his hands, but only the soaring murderous aura that came out of that time has shocked Wu Tiejiang's heart infinitely!

divine weapon is born, aura is born by itself!

Using Wu Tiejiang's vision and experience, it can be concluded that this will be a divine weapon that will set off a heinous killing in the future!

Such weapons, as well as their owners, will surely stay in history, shaking the old and illuminating the new!

As for his soldiers and their masters, Wu Tiejiang can't assert or imagine what he can go to in the future!

Oneself, by fate, by chance, by chance, when this and the others are still weak, forge this good karma; the future is bound to be good!

And this matter was decided by Zuo Changlu, the father of the soldier himself.

How can Wu Tiejiang, who knows the key point well, not be excited?

To calm down, Wu Tiejiang continued to introduce: "Come on, I will teach you how to disassemble and fill the hidden weapon."

"Uncle Wu has trouble."

"So, so, so, so...Have you remembered?"


"Well, actually these two For the handle hammer, I originally wanted to engrave the hammer surface pattern, but at the moment when it was finally formed, I didn’t control the true fire strength, and I was in a daze."

Wu Tiejiang was talking. oneself was in a trance for a moment, but there was a sincere and proud smile on his face.

"It's probably wrong, it's the trance... the pattern of the two hammers has unexpected changes. One of them is Rizhao Shanhe; the other is , Is the moon illuminating the mountains and rivers."

"The patterns and textures of the two hammers are exactly the same, but I did not deliberately carve them, but the divine weapon has spirit and forms the texture on its own."

"What happened?"

Hearing this, even Zuo Changlu was surprised, and got up and leaned over to watch.

On the hammer surface, it seems that there is nothing at first glance, but if you look closely at it, the mountains and rivers are faintly visible. There is a round of blazing sun, shining everywhere, reflecting everything .

The look and feel of the other handle is exactly the same, except that the one that shines in all directions becomes the moon, and the atmosphere becomes cold and radiant.

Zuo Changlu clicking one's tongue in wonder: "Tiejiang, did you engrave this pattern on purpose?"

Wu Tiejiang smiled bitterly: "Elder Brother Zuo, you are too You can count on me. If you look at this pattern carefully, it looks like a photo. If I want to carve it like this... No one hundred or eighty years of work can't be done without cutting it."

Zuo Changlu is nodded again and again, looking at it. dignified.

Wu Tiejiang smiled: "Do you understand now, that's why I said that Elder Brother Zuo, the promise you made to the child just now is too heavy."

Seriously, you Wu Tiejiang, it's worth it!" Zuo Changlu smiled in his eyes, carefully touched the pair of hammers, his face couldn't help but smile.

This is...divine item!

Zuo Changlu glanced at it and saw it.

"I just carved two kittens on the handle of the hammer..." Wu Tiejiang's face turned twisted.

To engrave two incredibly moe moe kittens on such a deadly weapon, Wu Tiejiang feels that oneself’s morality is gone.

But Zuo Xiaoduo hearing this suddenly shined, stepped forward and watched carefully, the more I watched, the more I liked it, laughed heartily: "It's great, I will hold Niannian Cat in the palm of my hand. …Rare, ah, Uncle Wu’s craftsmanship is really ingenious, especially there is some fluffy silky smooth feeling here, hahahaha...good!"


Zuo Changlu sprays tea up to the sky.

Wu Tiejiang didn't know whether to cry or laugh!

Change the subject hurriedly, saying: "What you have to do now is to determine the name, true spirit blood essence recognizing Master."

"The name... is called..."< /p>

Zuo Xiaoduo's Nine By Nine Catcat Hammer has come to my lips.

"cough cough cough cough..."

"cough cough..."

Zuo Changlu and Wu Tiejiang coughed at the same time, and quickly put Zuo Xiaoduo on the head interrupt.

At this moment, even Zuo Changlu oneself felt that it would be too insult to this divine item to give this murder weapon a name like'Nine By Nine Catcat Hammer'.

"Heaven and Earth, sun and moon mountains and rivers are on this..."

Wu Tiejiang desperately guided.

"It's not bad, Heaven and Earth sun and moon, Heaven and Earth, sun and moon, yin, yang, universe, wind, clouds, stars, mountains and rivers, all-inclusive..."

Zuo Changlu is also talking about it, obviously trying to give his son a hint .

It implies that it takes a domineering name that can match the name of this divine item.

"That...is called Universe Hammer?"

Zuo Xiaoduo tried it.

"Not bad."

"Universe Sun and Moon Hammer?"

"Very good!"

"Universe Sun and Moon Yin-Yang Hammer?"


Zuo Xiaoduo frowned, thinking and thinking.

When Zuo Changlu and Wu Tiejiang met and smiled, they were all very pleased, and oneself’s explicit statement was not wasted.

This kid, after all, didn't go his own way.

Zuo Xiaoduo took out a small dagger and slit oneself two's wrist apart. The blood was dripped on the two sledgehammers and was immediately absorbed.

Two sledgehammers, it took nearly a bowl of blood to stop the penetration.

Zuo Xiaoduo placed both hands on the handle of the hammer, pressed the bleeding wound against the handle of the hammer, and said with a bright face.

"As a master, I named you...... Qiankun sun and moon......"

Zuo Changlu and Wu Tiejiang let out a long sigh of relief.

Just listen to Zuo Xiaoduo continue: "……Nine By Nine Catcat Hammer!"



The two big guys were simultaneously sluggish while spraying tea.


At the end, it’s coming, but those words still have to be hung up. What a deep obsession you are!

In their hearts, they only felt 10,000 divine beasts rushing and trampling back and forth.

Zuo Changlu lowered his head dejectedly.


You're quite something!

Your sudden show, almost flashed father's waist.

On the handles of the two sledgehammers, there was a flash of rays of light, followed by four large characters.

"Qiankun sun and moon!"

Fortunately, the divine item is alive, and oneself named oneself!

I was rejoicing, but I saw the two incredibly moe moe kittens nearby at the hammer handle. A few more words appeared and they were hidden directly under the little Catcat.

"...Nine By Nine Catcat Hammer."


Wu Tiejiang slapped oneself on the forehead, his face collapsed.

Zuo Changlu also has a face of being beaten by heavenly thunder.

The two big guys glanced at each other, and they felt that they were live without hope... a boring and boring brand in the bottom of my heart, it is hard to let go.

After the naming of Zuo Xiaoduo, Wu Ziru received Supreme Treasure's painstaking research.

Wu Tiejiang and Zuo Changlu were weakly slumped on the side of the seat, from top to bottom as if they had no bones.

I was completely defeated by this name!

Such a hint, it is clear that this pair of hammers still has not escaped the fate of being given this name!

The two of them have the same expression: dull, speechless for a while, not wanting to speak, and weak.

"I pack up...the mission is complete...I will leave at night..."

After a long time, Wu Tiejiang said weakly.

"Okay." Zuo Changlu also agreed weakly.

"I gave you my hammer technique." Weak.

"en." is sluggish.

"Elder Brother Zuo...I won't say goodbye to you when I leave. I'm really not in the mood."

"Oh, understand..."

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