This kind of extremely pure spirit qi temptation, most star beasts are unbearable.

However, in the middle, the nearly one hundred large star beast just turned his head, and then turned his head back, actually resisting the temptation here?

Li Chenglong looked at the star beast and ran towards oneself like a tide. For a while, his calves were soft: ""

"Nothing right now Time to explain!"

Zuo Xiaoduo casually threw that piece of peak grade Star Soul Jade to Li Chenglong: "Hurry up and lift the load, run at the fastest speed, to divert this big wave away. Go to the position five hundred miles ahead and wait for me, hurry up!"


With a crying voice, Li Chenglong hurriedly unloaded the load: "You cheat me... …You’ve been training me for a whole day, but now I am hungry and I am racing against thousands of hungry star beasts. You are trying to play me to death..."

" ao wu ......"

The star beast at the front has come nearby, leaping in the air and taking Li Chenglong, who is in the hands of Star Soul Jade.

Zuo Xiaoduo drilled down regardless of his disregard: "You can also stop running and let the star beast greet you."

He drilled his whole body. Go to the cave; and he doesn't have Star Soul Jade in his hands, so naturally he won't be coveted by the star beast. All the star beasts are rushing towards Li Chenglong.


Li Chenglong ran away: "too overly pit peoples...too overly pit peoples..."

The kilometer distance, while running and lifting the load, the faster and faster he ran.

The hot pursuit of star beast battallion hong long long, the smoke and dust billowed all the way, it was a spectacle.

Steel Divine Cult Cult Lord Li Chenglong, launched an extraordinary movement!

I am alone, running with a star beast, and there are more and more star beast followers behind him, from a few hundred, to a thousand, and then to a few thousand......

< p>The end is extremely spectacular, unparalleled!


Watching Li Chenglong run away.

Zuo Xiaoduo drilled out of the ground and looked at the other side. The star beasts gathered there have already attracted more than 2/3/2021, and there are only a hundred or so left, and most of them are It is Sword Winged Tiger.

There is another part...It is Black Horned White Tailed Tiger; two kinds of Core Essence series star beasts, still glare like a tiger watching his prey, and never left.

The star beasts of other varieties are all left, and they are all taken away by the Star Soul Jade in the hands of Great Cult Lord Li.

The flame on the official road, this will have become smaller and smaller, obviously there is no combustible material.

The despair on the faces of everyone is even worse.

I thought that the person suddenly jumped out, but came to the savior. Although he didn’t expect that he was kind, he succeeded in attracting a large part of the star beast, but he left behind. One batch is still deadly enough!

The situation may even be worse than before. Although there were a lot of star beasts gathered at the beginning, but the most common star beasts are not the most common ones, but now we need to face them directly, and we have to pill cloud star beasts at random, and there is no room for buffering. Up.

At this moment, Zuo Xiaoduo finally stood up.

Of course, Lord Zuo will not act rashly, but he has found a relatively feasible breakthrough.

This will still be an acquaintance!

Well, that's not right.

It should be said to be... a cooked beast!

The Sword Winged Tiger, which is located in the middle, is slightly petite in comparison...with a pinch of petite white hairs on the ears...Isn't it oneself that I encountered in the trial some time ago, quite has several points of the tiger beauty in communication?

Hey, isn't it king in Phoenix City Northern Part of City? Why are you here? This distance is not close.

Zuo Xiaoduo appeared, exuding a friendly aura, laughed over, and within a few steps, he was already close to the tiger group.

Then the weird scene happened.

A few Sword Winged Tigers on the periphery moved their bodies intentionally or unintentionally to let him pass.

Zuo Xiaoduo was directly blinded by this change.

Why don't you attack me?

Although I look very handsome, but if you say that Sword Winged Tiger is so handsome, I will see oneself and be convinced by oneself...

This seems a bit whimsical, right?

But obviously, the Sword Winged Tigers are really not hostile to him.

Zuo Xiaoduo dangling around, he actually passed through a large group of Sword Winged Tigers safely.

In the circle of fire, all the people who witnessed this scene were shocked.

Who is this kid, how can he be so awesome? Are these Saber-Toothed Tigers actually raised by him?

Zuo Xiaoduo has arrived in front of the tigress and greeted with a smile: "Hello, hello, Meihu, meet again."

The tigress is unknown. So I looked at the person in front of him, and it took a long time to react, and suddenly both eyes were full of panic, and he suddenly shrank up and shrank behind a big tiger.

Wu wu in the mouth, while arching the big tiger with his head: "It's him, that's him, that day he bullied me..."

The big tiger ao wu said, Lifting his neck, showing a proud look: "Don't be afraid, there is a husband! How did he bully you? Are you still a chaste tiger?"

"ao wu ao wu ......" tigress was angry .

Where did you want to go?

Just the Two Legged Beast in front of me, my head is not enough.

Thinking about this, the big tiger thinks about it, so shake the head and wag the tail loudly roared: "ao wu!"

The general meaning of this voice is in human language Yes: I have no green!

Then he raised his eyes and looked at Zuo Xiaoduo in front of him: "ao wu woo?"

Zuo Xiaoduo heard the voice in front of him, he was already stunned, now only stunned to change very.

Does this really want to communicate with me?

But I don’t know how to speak animal words?

Zuo Xiaoduo is who, who is the generation of elves and cunning people. It is easy to drag a large piece of cooked meat from the space ring and throw it on the ground: "Please eat."< /p>

The big tiger is at a loss, sobbing his nose, swallowing and saliva: "ao wu ang?"

Want to poison me? But it smells so good.

While tigress turned out, he bit a piece of meat in one bite and gobbled it up, while wu wu: "wu wu ao wu ……",

Translation: This is delicious, Hurry up, I have eaten this Two Legged Beast many times a while ago, but I have to be beaten every time I finish it...

Big Tiger: "ao wu?"

A few big tigers next to you, whether you ao wu or ao wu, smell the scent, turn the shuttle around, sniff the nose, and start eating.

Don’t eat white, don’t eat.

This Two Legged Beast seems to be friends with the boss’s wife?

Don’t know whether there is a green boss?

If you change to me, it will definitely be green!

No matter what, let’s eat first.

Zuo Xiaoduo feels that oneself seems to understand a little bit.

These Saber-Toothed Tigers are surrounded here, not for the purpose of eating people.

In fact, Zuo Xiaoduo has long learned from Li Chenglong that Sword Winged Tiger is basically not very cannibal unless it violates their territory.

In other words, this group of winged Old Hus is not a particularly cruel star beast.

But there must be another reason for being here now.

Zuo Xiaoduo threw down a few more pieces of meat and patted the head of the big tiger who was busy eating.

The tiger turned his head furiously, showing his fangs, show one's ferocious appearance: "ao wu woooo!"

Dare to shoot this king's head!

So bold!

Zuo Xiaoduo patted again, reaching out and pointing towards the fire.

Dahu was stunned, his hairy head was actually nodded.

This time Zuo Xiaoduo is sure, there really is a reason for it.

He passed through the Saber-Toothed Tiger group all the way, wherever he passed, large tracts of fragrant and cooked meat were sprinkled out, like a hard-working breeder, feeding pigs...


In the circle of fire, everyone was stunned!

This person...very awesome!

Looking at this Young Master in Tsing Yi, he fed Old Hu all the way, strolling through the courtyard.

Really handsome...

The clothes are fluttering, the body is long, the face is handsome, the corners of the mouth are smiling, it is almost...

Inside There are a few young girls who only felt the beating of peng peng in their hearts, and for a while they forgot to be afraid.

Zuo Xiaoduo took a few steps into the circle of fire, and a few regretful thoughts appeared in his heart. If he knew that, it would be better not to let Swelly run away...

I have to say, Swelly this time. It seems to be a bit wronged to run...

"This...This Young Master..." The Merchant Alliance Core Essence expert was shocked in his heart, and he actually came up with the name rivers and lakes.

"It's okay."

Zuo Xiaoduo laughed, and said: "I see that you seem to have difficulties here, so just come and have a look. Now it seems that you people have They were attracted to the things they valued. They surrounded and did not kill. The true intention was to let you surrender that thing."

"I believe that through the communication between me and these tigers, you should be able to I have judged that they are not malicious. I just don’t know what you are attracting them?"

"I don’t know this. If I knew what it was, I would have thrown it out a long time ago!"

The two Core Essence realm masters burst into tears.

They have been supporting Commercial Dao all the year round, so I don’t know what it says.

"If I knew it, I would have thrown it out. I really don’t know what it is. It attracted so many big guys!"

"Everyone’s stuff is here, just It’s lying here... We have been looking for it for a long time, but we haven’t figured out what these Saber-Toothed Tigers like..."

Everyone was puzzled.

As the Core Essence master said, if you knew what it was, it would have been thrown out immediately. No matter how rare it is, how important can the lives of so many people be?

Zuo Xiaoduo looked around and scratched his head.

Swelly shouldn't be allowed to run away. If he were here, he might be able to tell that he is a specialist in this area.


Zuo Xiaoduo had an idea, and said: "I'm looking for someone I know."

Find someone I know?

Everyone was puzzled for a while.

I saw Zuo Xiaoduo turn around and went to the middle of the Saber-Toothed Tiger group again.

Someone squatted down Shi Shiran, patted Dahu's head, then turned his head and pointed, then grabbed Dahu's paw and pulled it towards the fire.

Then repeat the action again.

Dahu knows, lifts the head, hesitates a little: "ao wu ah wu ao wu woo?"

"It's okay." Zuo Xiaoduo did the action again.

shrugged, shrugged, and repeatedly expressed oneself of harmless to humans and animals.

Big Tiger tilted his head for a moment, and then two trembling ears tremblingly, stretched out Giant Tiger Claw, patted tigress: "ao wu oo..."

Translation: Go!

Tigress is dumbfounded, and the aggrieved ao wu made a few sounds,

Translation: You don’t love me anymore, you didn’t do this before...

At this time , From the side came out a few slightly petite tigress, together with the white hair on the ears tigress wu wu twice.

Translation: Let you go, you go! Think you are a big woman? During your absence, our mistress small four and small five are already in position.

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