Zuo Xiaoduo drank a bottle of spirit liquid, then in the bathroom he gave the naked oneself shower gel, raised his legs, raised his hands, and assumed various poses.

I have to say that the flexibility of the martial artist is good. You can rub it anywhere from top to bottom with only one right hand.

While cleaning oneself, he sang a little tune: "Invincible... how lonely... Invincible... how empty..."

In the meantime, he stopped, and then smiled wryly: "Second brother, this song of mine is for you to sing. Seeing you are majestic, majestic and majestic, you are also the figure above the clouds in the second brother... You are The clouds, condescending, how many scenery can you see......"


Ye Changqing, who couldn't listen anymore, rushed back home.

It's angry and funny.

This is a shameless person!


This night, Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong slept very soundly, probably because they were too tired and too hard to shout.

In the morning, the two refreshed to go to school.

And this night, Madman Xiang, Wen Xingtian and the others stayed up all night, and in the academy computer room of Hidden Dragon High Martial, let the specialists keep an eye on the national banking system.

It was until nine o'clock in the morning.

"There is a situation!"

A teacher's finger forms a phantom wave on the computer keyboard at high speed, and starts to lock the other party.

"On this account, a large amount of money was remitted just now, a full three hundred million...The remittance party is Beijing!"

Madman Xiang, Wen Xingtian , Ye Changqing, Grandma Shi, wife of Vice Principal Cheng, and a gloomy face who has never appeared in school... It was the Vice Principal Cheng back then!

Vice Principal Liu sitting in a wheelchair quietly watching all this, as well as the backbone of each family.

Standing up at the same time.

Even Vice Principal Liu, who was sitting in a wheelchair, couldn't help holding onto the armrest and straightening up.

In the eyes of everyone, there is a terrible rage!

Go to Beijing!

Go to Beijing!

Go to Beijing!

Black hand, it turned out to be in Beijing!

"Another one! The whereabouts of this one is more obvious, but it comes from the Fenghai Dao Seeking Alliance! This one is 500 million!"

Dao Seeking Alliance!

Nine twenty.

"Another different account in Shangjing, I made two billion in this card!"

Ye Changqing's voice hurriedly: "Don't check this Dao Seeking Alliance first. Account, start investigating immediately! I want to know all the other party’s information, name, affiliation, number... everything!"

"The previous one was the account of a foreign trade company called Guangjin in Beijing; and the other One is also a foreign trade company, called Fenghe. The company's registered addresses are all in Dongcheng District!"

Ye Changqing grabbed his mobile phone and dialed a number.

It was connected instantly over there.

"Department Head Nan."


"I found it, two foreign trade companies. They are..."

< p>"Okay. Whatever you should do, do what you do. In Fenghai city, if someone obstructs it, just say that this is my order and I am executing the mission issued by me! Anyone who disagrees, don’t need him to find me, I I will naturally look for him!"

"Understood, thank you for the great support of Department Head Nan!"

"It should not be too late." The Department Head Nan over there is full of majestic voices: "I named the operation's code name'Blue Sky'! You act immediately, I immediately call the Central Plains Star Shield Main Bureau to cooperate with you!"

"Yes! Department Head Nan, but there is one thing I have to report to you. The Dao Seeking Alliance we determined is said to be Central Plains Royal Residence, a gang of Prince little brother-in-law playing..."

The indifferent voice over there: "If this matter confirms that Central Plains Prince is also involved, I assure you: From now on in Flame Martial, there will be no Central Plains Royal Residence anymore!"

"Thank you Department Head Nan!"

Hang up the phone!

Ye Changqing's eyes are bright.

"Under the Hidden Dragon High Martial General Calling Order, all Soul Transformation and above practitioners under Hidden Dragon High Martial will gather within one minute!"

"Wenxing God!"


"Send the Dao Seeking Alliance roster, have your home addresses been marked?"

" Everything is ready!"

"One thousand seven hundred and fifty-three! Including their family members, no one can be missing, and no one can die! Don't waste it, don't let it go!"


"Whoever releases water in this event...The whole family of nine clans must be cut!" Madman Xiang said quietly.


"From now on, the computer room will monitor all the phone calls of the teachers playing and even all means of contacting the outside world!"





"It took so long to start making money. Obviously, I found that I was hopeless... I could only fulfill the promise and spend the money. "

Ye Changqing's face sank like water.

The impassioned assembly whistle suddenly sounded over Hidden Dragon.

Immediately, the general thunder voice sounded in the sky: "Soul Transformation cultivation base and above, one minute, all members gather!!"

Only forty seconds later, full Thousands of people all rose into the air, mixed with the imposing manner of oppressing Heaven and Earth, and flew out to all sides!

The most powerful force in the middle rushed toward the center of the city!

Thunder is a blow, and it's done in one blow!

In the face of such a movement, the entire Fenghai City, there is only absolute silence, and no forces dare to move!

The surging murderous aura, several tens of thousands of li, vast and irresistible!

The peak power of Hidden Dragon High Martial is coming out all over the place. This power is absolutely crushing and irresistible in the Fenghai city boundary!

The Alliance Lord of the Dao Seeking Alliance is nothing more than the Cloud Transformation cultivation base. If this action is to be compared, it is to lift the mountain and smash the mosquitoes!

In less than half an hour, the Dao Seeking Alliance without any defenses, all members were captured, without any omissions.

At this time, don't talk about any backstage actions by the other party, even the Star Shield Main Bureau battle strength arranged by Department Head Nan is still in place.

All Dao Seeking Alliance members, from the top to the next 753 gang members, plus their respective family members, total more than 7,400 people; all were arrested back !

Some families have even raised dogs, and even the dogs are caught.

Of course, most of them still have to be put back. What if someone’s dog starves to death? ......

I have to say that I am really thoughtful.

When everyone was brought to Hidden Dragon High Martial Martial Dao Grand Plaza, the staff of the Star Shield Main Bureau came slowly.

After that, storms and turbulence reappeared in the air, and a group of troops came from afar.

The first general shouted: "Dare to ask Hidden Dragon High Martial, why do you want to act suddenly? What is the reason?"

"According to orders, any forces have no authority to intervene!"

Ye Changqing remained unmoved and talked freely, all condescendingly.

At this time, a silhouette of energetic and bustling galloped up, but it was a middle age person who looked less than 30 years old, a handsome man, beside him, accompanied by more than fifty people. Year-old elder, spirit full and qi sufficient, calm as water and lofty as a mountain.

This person is Chief Steward of Central Plains Royal Residence.

"Leaf Principal!"

The previous middle age person in his 30s roared anxiously: "Why is this? I don't know where the Dao Seeking Alliance has offended Hidden. Dragon High Martial? Please look at the face of my younger brother..."

Ye Changqing indifferently said: "Brother Qiu's immediate meaning is that if the Dao Seeking Alliance has made any mistakes, Brother Qiu is willing to bear it. It should be noted that Hidden Dragon High Martial was ordered by Department Head Nan to destroy the Dao Seeking Alliance. If Brother Qiu wants to bring people back, he can directly contact Department Head Nan. Hidden Dragon High Martial has no such authority. "

This Brother Qiu's face suddenly changed, and it was even more ugly than eating shit.

"Department Head Nan, which Department Head Nan?"

"In Flame Martial, there is only one Department Head Nan who can direct me Hidden Dragon!" Ye Changqing's voice was faint .

Brother Qiu's face suddenly flattened, and then he arched his hands and said: "I'm disturbed."

Ye Changqing still said indifferently: "I don't know what Brother Qiu said just now. In other words, it seems that Brother Qiu's face is included in the Dao Seeking Alliance's actions. I will note the Department Head Nan on this matter. At this time, I will speak first, please Brother Qiu. Don’t blame it!"

Brother Qiu's face became more and more ugly, looking towards the old steward beside him.

old steward bowed his hands and said with a laugh: "Ye Principal, the old man was ordered by Prince to come to see the situation, but I don’t know it’s such a big deal. Don’t blame it. Also, Prince asked me to bring a sentence Tell Principal Ye, Royal Residence has good wine, and it’s hard to taste it. If Principal Ye has free time, Prince will scan the couch and wait."

"Please tell Prince, Ye Changqing has finished this time, if When I have free time, I would naturally ask Prince to please him for a drink."

Ye Changqing smiled and handed it over.

The two of them retreated in the air instantly.

And when the Brother Qiu was leaving, his face turned pale.

Here at Hidden Dragon High Martial, there are several people looking thoughtful at that person's back, their eyes are deep and they don't know what they are thinking.

The army that had spoken before also retreated.

The three words Department Head Nan are enough to shock the entire Fenghai city!

As for the Star Shield Bureau, there was constant telephone contact. The entire Star Shield Main Bureau was mobilized and the interrogation started immediately.

Starting from the lower level, every family is brought to trial.

Some of the evildoers were shot dead on the spot; so many people interrogated and testified against each other, it was a mess.

Many know that oneself is not a good thing, but they also know many things about people around them.

The sentence of exposing a crime, immediately confuses the entire Dao Seeking Alliance.


The morning has not arrived, and more than three thousand people have been released.

These all are lower-level gang members, although they are at fault, they are not guilty of death, that is, they are given a small punishment and big admonition, and they are allowed to leave with their oneself family members.

If it is not necessary, Hidden Dragon High Martial will not create more sin of killing.

However, one Alliance Lord of the Dao Seeking Alliance, two Vice Alliance Lords, four elders, and four Hall Lords did not receive such treatment. They did not even go through interrogation.

It’s just that someone came continuously, holding the file in his hand, thinking about the things related to these people just recorded and asked: "Is this something?"

nodded, just Make a tick.

Shaking his head, he asked a question mark. Under separate interrogations, more than three people said that the question mark was true. They came over with a slap, slap a tooth, and then ticked it again.

More and more people are let go.

But for those who stayed, the confirmed sins are getting more and more serious.

Until the high-levels of Dao Seeking Alliance, until this moment, they still don't know what oneself has committed, and the situation will be so bad.

In the end, why?

A few people lowered their heads, their faces pale.

That thing...should...can't be found, right?

It has been successful, the money has been transferred...no problem, right?

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