Gu Qi found that the new subordinates of this gang are even more motivated than the general manager of oneself, and they are not a little bit higher, almost a multiple.

The enthusiastic excitement of the match one by one, like a chicken blood.

With an order from oneself, I immediately started to work immediately. All the keyboards in the entire office area were turned on at once, crackle, like hailstones.

Very impressive.

Every one is thoughtless, so serious that one can feel ashamed at first glance.

Deserving of the industry elite.

Gu Qi doesn't know at all, he is now leading a group of who.

I don’t even know what this is all about.

until now, the Internet is full of smog. Netizens fight on their own. They say whatever they want to say. They don’t have to be responsible or have trouble. The government may have a mouthpiece, but it’s difficult to form a huge force.

When it comes to guiding people's hearts and guiding the wind, the more authoritative organizations are, the less they can do it!

Because the more the government's mouthpiece, the more inexplicable resistance it makes people feel.

Because there is a feeling of...seems to be being taught...this kind of feeling.

So some well-known bloggers, big Vs, celebrities and so on fight each other, each earning oneself money, but it really affects many people.

To guide the direction, you need an article, you need to get people’s eyeballs, and then, with a skillful and reasonable writing style, you can completely take people away and lead them to the author's established direction.

As long as the technique is used well, the black can be washed into white, spotlessly clean, and the white can also be dyed into black without washing clean.

The government does not want to control, but sincerely cannot control it.

But now this Handsome Zuo Company has seen an opportunity, or a direction: this is just a personal company, but it can do a lot of things, and many Great Influences and even the official can’t do it. Things.

Even if something goes wrong, it will not affect the national level. But you can use this company to do things that many countries cannot do and are inconvenient to do.

Using the power of society to guide the people, the government does not show up at all, but it can do what the government wants to do; and the people all over the country can still rejoice, thinking that the upper class has seen the voice of netizens ......

The most critical thing is that this company has an exceptionally strong root!

This background is big, no one can find it, and it’s hard to shake...

So, under a Xiaoxiao of a certain absolute high-level... a huge monster, Just so silently, standing up silently!

Not only Gu Qi absolutely doesn't know this, but everyone below also doesn't know it.

Even Li Chenglong, who established this company with one hand, is still in the cloud.

As for Zuo Xiaoduo, the creator of all this, he can only be stunned!

Even dreaming, will not think of it.

He never knew that oneself was just a whim, and it was used immediately, and it will be used for a long time.

And this is not the point. The point is that oneself will be kept in the dark for a long, long time!

Besides, I have to play a role of being taken advantage of constantly...

It is not easy to make Great Master Zuo so willing to be taken advantage of. But this time, Zuo Xiaoduo is unclear, and he did it willingly, enthusiastically, and happily...

This kind of strange thing, in the real world, is really unprecedented for the first time— —

The person in charge of the initiator is confused;

The person in charge of the commander is confused;

The person in charge of the company is confused;

And the real power, before the launch, was completely didn't expect......

Everything happened so accidentally, the crooked fight was on the right, and the wonderful thing was completed!

Then, on the Internet, in a short period of time, it grew rapidly with a snowball attitude.

Almost dizzying and rapid fermentation, it turned into a torrent of torrents on the Internet, from all directions, all angles, and all industries, all have gotten in.

Formed, the most brutal and totally unreasonable rampage!

It’s just one night. Hidden Dragon High Martial has four words, and its popularity has risen to the limit on the Internet, red and purple, purple and black.

"Why Hidden Dragon High Martial is Hidden Dragon High Martial!"

"Do you know what Hidden Dragon is!" "

"Why is Hidden Dragon High Martial called Hidden Dragon High Martial"

"The Soul of Hidden Dragon Back then"

"A dozen broken houses, long ago Hidden Dragon High Martial, one of the three major High Martials in the future, how did the seniors do it! "

"Who knows the sorrow of Hidden Dragon when you are enjoying the glory!" "

"Ning to become a fan of me in exchange for Hidden Dragon! ——Remember the first Old Principal who created Hidden Dragon back then

"This is the hero——Remember the ten gentlemen of Hidden Dragon High Martial back then! "

"Who still remembers him-the teacher who was so exhausted at the beginning of the teaching post!" "

"Three thousand years of Hidden Dragon, the horror of the number of students killed in battle, you can't imagine! "

"Burn my Righteous Bloodshed Loyal Heart, in exchange for the peach and plum world spring!" 》

Hidden Dragon High Martial, from the original very well-known, has become extremely popular!

The popularity of Hidden Dragon High Martial is the kind that people will admire the more they read!

The related things that have been circulated on the Internet for thousands of years are all true and all have traces to follow!

No matter which one, they are all solid evidences, and they are all real daoist facts!

Have countless physical evidence and even witnesses!

Countless reporters affiliated with Handsome Zuo Company rushed to all parts of the country, rushed to all parts of the continent, rushed to Sun and Moon Pass, rushed to various borders... to interview.

A bigger wave is brewing.

And a brand-new network giant, just like this... quietly formed...


Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong, the two instigators, are still confused. The success of unfathomable mystery!

It is the fastest and most successful in history, plus the most confused, two Big Boss!

And these two most confused Big Boss, but they are the smartest and most talented two!

It can even be said that in the last ages, there are only two people with the best brains!

The twists and turns, the endless coincidences, and the smooth flow of the boat are really... hard to describe in a word.

At this moment, these two unique past and present fools are on their way to school. And it's ecstatic, cheerful, carefree, just like two... incredibly moe moe little white rabbits.

Just last night, Li Chenglong successfully suppressed Thorns Path for the third time.

Equally successful, there is Zuo Xiaoduo’s Twelfth Thorns Path.

The scream that night made Ye Changqing, who was nearby, almost cultivation deviation......

"If the table is robbed again today, the person will have to be the second year fifth class Right?" Li Chenglong said.

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed then said: "According to the rules, this is the case. Yesterday, it was the chief of the sixth class who shot yesterday. After that, he can only be someone who is stronger than the chief... Is this a idiot? It’s almost like stabbing a hornet’s nest. It’s obvious that I just grabbed a table from the seventh class, and now it has developed into a trend of picking the whole grade... This is a whole thing, and I regret it! I was fighting every day, I know it is A civilized person, polite, gentle and honest......"


Li Chenglong hehe.

This product really has the face to say this, even if others don’t know you, can I still not know?

I do not admire you, I admire the thickness of your face!

"Today is a trial and commendation meeting, and it is also a day for credits."

Zuo Xiaoduo looked forward to: "I don't know how many credits I can have, but it should be enough for one For a while..."

Li Chenglong is also looking forward to: "I'm Ranked 2nd, I should have a lot of credits..."

Zuo Xiaoduo smug: "Don't worry, we are sure Will not be less, but it's probably not enough for two people."

Li Chenglong taking pleasure in other people's misfortune laughed: "Xiang Chong and Xiang Bing are definitely not enough... Hehehe, Frozen Egg is so unlucky hahahaha, I get beaten every day, and I don’t have enough credits; I owe my debts everywhere, I get embarrassed every hahaha..."

Swelly was so happy that he actually wrote a short poem. It's kind of rhyming.

Zuo Xiaoduo turned his head and looked at the Steel Divine Cult Cult Lord with strange eyes.

For the first time, I feel that Li Chenglong, the Cult Lord, is really not a fluke!

This is definitely hard power!


In the school. This meeting is also in session.

"Regarding the issue of freshman credits, there has been a big problem." The director of the School Administration Office smiled wryly.

"The first place in previous years was basically 6,000 points, and the star beast with up to 7,000 points or 8,000 points at most was enough... But this year, the second-ranked Li Chenglong surpassed it. The nine thousand star beasts, and Zuo Xiaoduo, the first place, is more than forty-five thousand, four, five, six, seven, eight... This credit is quite scary!"

"According to Our credit algorithm... Zuo Xiaoduo may get more than 400,000 credits this time, and it is still counted from less. Is this point too much?"

School Administration Office Head has a real toothache.

This number is too terrifying, and after possessing it, it can almost act wilfully in school.

How can there be so many in previous years?

Basically, each person has tens of thousands of credits, and the maximum number will not exceed 100,000 credits. It will not be gone after spending too long.

But this year this freak’s hard to say!

Not only did they earn a lot of credits, but they also scoured all nine high grade Star Soul Jade from clan...

There is no one doing this business.

"Cough, there is something else."

School Administration Office Office Head has a toothache: "The star beast handed in this time, many of them showed malnutrition. State...I don’t know what’s going on. After all of our separate statistics... we found these malnourished star beasts..."

He coughed and said unimaginable: "The statistics happen to be Forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-eight......"

"That is the number of champion Zuo Xiaoduo......delivered star beast."

All the school seniors looked at at a time. each other in blank dismay, speechless for a long while.

"Although I don't know what the reason is, but...Why are these star beasts, as long as they are in his hands, there will be malnutrition and innate deficiency?"

School Administration Office Head was puzzled by this.

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