Li Chenglong was stunned by scolding in an instant.

But after thinking about it, this seems to be true!

The left boss has done so many things for me... I still owe the left boss so much, how can I talk about him?

I didn’t even plan to pay the bill... but I owe it...

Thinking about it this way, I felt a sense of guilt, and I felt short of breath and swallowed embarrassingly. Saliva, with a look of ashamed: "Left boss...Don't be angry..."

Swelly was panicked and began to use honorifics.

Zuo Xiaoduo's emotions are on his face, and his voice is more and more eloquent: "Can I not be angry? You are not angry if I change to you?! hmph!"

"You oneself think about it Right, are you still a human?! Actually peeking at my privacy!"

Zuo Xiaoduo sneered, leaving a word, stepped heavily on the floor upstairs.

Hurry up, don't wait for him to react.

After leaving, I'll settle down, and if it reacts to a quarrel... it's gone again.

Li Chenglong felt more panicked the more he thought about it, and felt ashamed the more he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt sorry for the left boss.


Almost slapped oneself a few slaps.

Sitting for a long time, and self-criticizing for a long time, I remembered it suddenly, eh...this...this seems a bit wrong...

this guy...this The guy is using this to cheat me!

Li Chenglong wants to cry without tears.

Why was I led into the ditch by him? !

But I can't scold him anymore...

You Zuo Xiaoduo actually have the face to say that you never have to pay debts with me...

As long as you need it Who is the one who asks me with a black face when I do something?

Want me to do all the work of wiping your ass every day; as long as you have the slightest reluctance, you will start to be charged with a dark face...

You have a face to say : Do I want to post an account with you? !

Actually: Are you still a person?


The skill of the left boss occupying the commanding heights of morality is beyond my reach.

You are not a person!


It's about oneself's precious life. Zuo Xiaoduo naturally went to Ye Changqing's house to be a guest that night, and by the way, he would report oneself's situation.

"Shangjing Gao Family..."

Ye Changqing said indifferently: "Don't worry, don't care. Just do what you should do. We will naturally handle other things. , You have paid a lot for Hidden Dragon High Martial, Hidden Dragon High Martial will naturally protect you."

"Okay." Zuo Xiaoduo behaved very well.

But in Ye Changqing's eyes, there is bright light glittering, a vague murderous intention, gradually brewing and breeding.

I guessed Zuo Xiaoduo's intervention so quickly?

These guys have a lot of brains!

Well, it should be said that these guys do have a good hand in terms of planning and setting up the situation! And oneself Hidden Dragon High Martial, playing crafty plots and machinations, really don’t have that brain.

After sitting for a while, Zuo Xiaoduo bid farewell, but when he was leaving, he still made an uncomfortable sentence.

"Principal, what you said that day, as far as I am concerned, I still disagree. I always feel that if you do this, you are undoubtedly waiting to die passively. It is too pedantic. People are alive. , There is hope. Without your presence, is Hidden Dragon High Martial still the Hidden Dragon High Martial of the past?" Zuo Xiaoduo boldly said.

"Isn't it possible to use means to the wicked? I really can't figure it out."

Ye Changqing looked at Zuo Xiaoduo with Wen Xu's eyes, smiled funny, and said: "Your teacher already understands it, but you still don't understand it? This is the choice of the three views of man, it has nothing to do with others!"

Zuo Xiaoduo: "??"

"As the Principal of Hidden Dragon High Martial, those base and shameless omnipotent methods can't be done in any way. Because all the faculty and staff of the school are brought out by me. Everyone's eyes They are all looking at me, taking me as an example."

"Everyone also knows that these people's origins are not right, their goals are not pure, and they have their own wild hopes."

"Everyone feels aggrieved and depressed. This is the current status quo. No one can kill it."

"But if I also use despicable means to frame, frame, or even assassinate, all kinds of Means, these people were eliminated. It is foreseeable that the entire school, all faculty and staff, will feel refreshed and feel sick."

"At least in your opinion? Everyone is very comfortable and feels that the good and the good are rewarded for the evil and the evil is rewarded, right? This breath is refreshing, Blood For Blood A Tooth For A Tooth, to directly report the grievance... Isn't it?"

< p>Zuo Xiaoduo nodded: "Yes, repaying virtue with virtue and reporting grievances directly is what a gentleman does. The gentleman should do it, and students consciously have nothing to do, as it should be by rights!"

"But in that way, all teachers will remember the example of this incident; they will deeply plant the deepest part of everyone’s memory; in the future, when they themselves and their students face things that normal means can’t handle... often They will think in this direction, do it, and teach."

"They will even speak of which with countless students, and talk about it: Back then, what happened, was very sad, everyone Knowing, but helpless. In the end, it was Principal Ye Changqing, determined to use conspiracy against conspiracy, using extreme methods, Blood For Blood, A Tooth For A Tooth... defeated the other party, and then so what..."

Ye Changqing smiled: "In the future, once a student uses this method to accomplish something and achieve something, ten people will naturally be urged to do so, one hundred, one thousand, one hundred thousand..."

"If this cycle continues, one day, everyone will be immediately, instinctively imagining things that cannot be solved by normal means, even if they are base and shameless, what's the harm? As long as the result is good, what does the process mean? When you say it... what will the environment be like? "

"Some things, as long as there is the first time, there will be countless times, and with the first one, there will be countless times! And the bottom line of human beings will retreat step by step to the point where it is beyond words. "

"Now they use crafty plots and machinations to come in, making everyone feel bored and helpless, but they still look down on them in their heart, and even hate them. "

"The most important thing is that everyone knows that this is wrong, it is despicable, shameless, and indecent. This is right and wrong! "

"Moreover, there is still my Principal on it. I always endure the humiliation and insist on doing things dignified; then... Although everyone is depressed, the essence will not change. "

"But if I, the Principal who is respected by the whole school, is regarded as a benchmark figure, I finally have to do that... then it is a horn! That is to say... to deal with people who are base and shameless, use the means of base and shameless to deal with, this approach is correct! "

"And this kind of thing, as long as you taste the sweetness, you can't stop it anymore. When you encounter benefits in the future, or what oneself wants, if normal methods are not available, you will Naturally, after a ideological struggle...Choosing this path is still a process, still a result, the result oneself wants. "

"So over time, what kind of place will my environment of Hidden Dragon High Martial become? Who will teach it? "

"It's me. I no longer have any position to have any qualifications for this method. After all, I used this method first, but what qualifications do I have to say what other people are doing? "

"As long as there is a little possibility of this, I will not use this last extreme! This means of drinking poison to quench thirst, even if it is safe for a while, but the final result will still make Hidden Dragon High Martial a place for shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing! "

"One of my extreme actions may affect Hidden Dragon's everlasting student mentality! "

Ye Changqing gave a wry smile: "Just ask, how dare I do it?" "

"So I would rather continue to feel bored, than dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool. This is the most helpless place for me as a Principal now! But it is also a place to hold fast! "

Ye Changqing said with a slight smile: "But... one thing, not using Ghost Domain's crafty plots and machinations does not mean that I will let them go; what I should deal with is still to deal with of. "


Ye Changqing showed a sly smile and said: "If I don't do it, can't you also do it?" I just said that as the Principal, I must never do this kind of thing. But I never said... Others can't do it, don't do it. "

"If Wen Xingtian does it and drives those people out... Then, as the Hidden Dragon High Martial Principal, I will severely punish Wen Xingtian, because in this case, it is absolutely What can't be laissez-faire should be expressly prohibited. "

"At that time, the whole school breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, because I punished Wen Xingtian, the grievance was brought to oneself again, but the result was still to put an end to this trend, that Kind of possibility. At best, I am the Principal, who has always been complained about. "

"When the bad guys were around, I was accused of doing nothing. After someone used means to remove the bad guys, instead of rewarding me, I punished...a staid, square, pedantic Principal, unkind and inaction...but that's all, isn't it? "

"However, only by doing so can we maintain the reputation of Hidden Dragon for thousands of years. "

Ye Changqing indifferently said: "Also, I will punish Wen Xingtian Madman Xiang internally. Where can the so-called punishment be heavier?" "

"When I am a Principal, I am not just taking glory from oneself; a good Principal needs to bear infamy, responsibility, and the future of the school! "

Ye Changqing paced slowly and walked to the window, indifferently said: "You are young, you don't have such experience, don't understand the sense of measure... When you get older, you have enough experience. Naturally you will understand. Don’t say anything else, just change the temper that I used to fight in Sun and Moon Pass...I’m afraid I’ve assassinated these people long ago! Come one, kill one! "

"But as a result, even my Principal can't stay! Someone will soon take my place. At that time, Hidden Dragon High Martial will be completely reduced to the fengshui treasure of power struggle! "

Ye Changqing sighed and said softly: "Who doesn't want to let go of everything and be happy?" ! I think too, but I can’t..."

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