For this reason, Ye Changqing Wen Xingtian and the others specially went to the small courtyard; Grandma Shi just said coldly: "This heart is dead, how do you teach? "

Apart from this, no more response!

Even if the Internet counterattacked like a scream that night, all the grievances of the year were washed away, but Grandma Shi only fried two dishes that night, closed the door, and drank two cups. Wine, that's all.

However, the difference is that the golden sword of Principal Shi Yunfeng was taken out by her and wiped it over and over again.

The internal qi on the body has become heavy from the death qi, and has gradually recovered its sharpness. Although the process is slow, it is step by step, moving slowly.

"Old Shi, the grievances are gone; now, the golden sword will be out!"

Grandma Shi rubbed the golden sword, the severe light in his eyes became heavier and heavier.

"When the black hand is cut off, I will accompany you, Yellow Springs is bitter, you have waited too long for me!"


Under this general trend, many people in the upper echelons were surprised to find that the Internet atmosphere has suddenly become better, and the cynical and hostile spirit that can be seen everywhere before is inexplicably smaller.

With the help of this trend, the upper Department Head Nan and the others insisted, and Great Commander Dongfang and the others echoed, and began to gradually guide the topic on the Internet.

He did not preach in a hurry, nor did he appeal for patriotism, but one after another, a short story about a heroic character, so that this heroic spirit gradually spread...perfuse...

After the Sun and Moon Pass, the endless tomb forest; one young face after another; the scene permanently fixed on the tombstone...

The Shaman Alliance's determination to exterminate Star Soul will never die , The battle after battle; after the war, the smoke filled with gunpowder, the hell on earth all over the corpses, showing little by little...

Although the images taken by the war reporters are true, they have been screened after all, and they have been selected deliberately Those pictures that are not very bloody and cruel, are the part that considers what the public can accept, and will be released a little bit...

If you put the bloodiest and most cruel purgatory directly, it is estimated that most people will not be able to stand it. .

But this cruelty needs to be known to people-it is the sacrifice of those who are carrying forward!

Thousands of heroes and sons and daughters turned into dust under the blow of the enemy. The only remaining commander was wounded all over his body. He was still trying his best to jump up and rush towards the enemy’s self-detonation. It’s not uncommon. Almost every battle is staged...

Use facts and truth to tell everyone: this World is not safe!

Now the comfort is without price!

This comfort, in the bones, is actually very fragile!

Although Star Soul Continent has spent thousands of years of peace in the Mainland, and has been living and prospering in peace and contentment, the borders on the other side and the tempering of war baptism for thousands of years have never stopped.

Every once in a while, the military soldiers and martial artists of Sun and Moon Pass will become the loveliest people in the whole society and the most respected people.

Now, just such an opportunity has appeared.

An opportunity for the common people to understand the current situation!

The emergence of such an opportunity is simply a great boon for the government.

But Handsome Zuo Company is still at a moderate pace, little by little advancement in an orderly manner. Numerous big pushers, taking this incident as the source point, are gradually adding to all parts of the country. Matches...

The various projects are fast moving, and the related filming of film and television is in steady progress...

Great Commander Dongfang sent a request specially : In the past few years, the movie and TV that weakened the enemy, known as the anti-Shaman God drama, must not allow it to appear again!

With the strength of oneself, one person directly kills the Shaman Alliance great hall, and one person exterminates the movie and television of the twelve great witches, which is simply destroying the three views!

It will only bring wrong perception, distorted perception, and absurd reality to the people in the rear!


In the villa.

Looking at oneself’s single-handedly guided drama, unexpectedly good results can be achieved in such a short time. Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong can't help but feel very moved, but the achievement in their hearts The feeling is still bursting!

After so many years of hard work, what no one has done, we two can easily do it!

Returning against the sky!


I, Zuo Xiaoduo, is really handsome and can do nothing!

Although Li Chenglong felt that all this was too easy, and there seemed to be something wrong, but... he didn't pursue anything anymore-after all, this process was indeed guided by the Handsome Zuo Company!

This can be seen from the work report sent every day.

The people in the company are indeed desperate!

And this result is exactly what he and Zuo Xiaoduo hope to achieve, and it is also the result that everyone on his side is most happy to see!

"It seems that the time has come to this point?" Li Chenglong only temporarily pressed his doubts.

Here and Earth come to Heaven and Earth to take advantage of this, probably for this reason!

"Swelly, how much did our company invest in those movies and TV?" Zuo Xiaoduo looked at oneself's bank balance and felt deeply that oneself should invest more than a billion yuan in it.

After the release, dividends of more than 10 billion are just like waiting!

Even if it is soaring hundreds of billions, oneself will not be too surprised!

Can the Great Master Zuo, who is second in collecting money, count this account?

"Because Hidden Dragon and the military have invested; in addition, the Finance Department of Department Head Nan and the Martial Education Department of Department Head Ding have also invested...So our company has not accounted for much. Share..."

Li Chenglong coughed, and said: "This is reality. The arms must not be able to twist the big thick legs. However, our company is the executor who has full control of these funds... Although Our company does not need to pay a cent, but enjoys 10% of the stock, which is 10% of the final profit."

Swelly feels that this is already a great victory. Run ratio, he agrees!

Commonly produced by the Military Department, Finance Department, Martial Education Department, Hidden Dragon High Martial, and Handsome Zuo Company.

And Handsome Zuo Company takes care of everything and doesn’t need to spend a penny. It just puts in effort to get a 10% share, which is simply a pie in the sky!

And this is bound to become a huge opportunity for Handsome Zuo Company to improve oneself!

From then on, Handsome Zuo Company will completely become a Hegemon that can be counted by all continents!

10%, 10% of the net profit, really a lot!

For this share, at least Gu Qi, who manages the company, is already content to wake up from a dream!

Don't say that there are so many shares, or even work for nothing, Gu Qi is happy to do it, not happy!

This kind of opportunity is not just a company that can own it.

Aside from the amount of dry shares, just the advertisement of Handsome Zuo Company can be sold at sky-high prices!

He even dared to declare: from now on, investors, um, that is, the new Boss will no longer have to pay, not only do not have to pay, but the annual dividend will be above ten digits. Now, this is still the most conservative and the least number of estimates!

Handsome Zuo Company, with an acquisition fund of 100 million, within a few months, the company on the verge of bankruptcy is not only fully revitalized, but also about to become the de facto No. 1 film and television company.

Such an investment can be described as a word that stops bleeding and earning money!

The new boss is really awesome!

The method is even more brilliant, outrageous, the operation is so invisible at all, it is too sharp!

This profit that satisfies everyone, but the Chairman of the company, Zuo Xiaoduo, is depressed!

"Why is it only 10%?"

Zuo Xiaoduo is quite dissatisfied: "Ninety percent of the benefits have been harvested. Isn't this in vain? Work for somebody?"

Li Chenglong stared: "People pay for money, get out of the field, get out of school, get out of the army, and there are also losses... We don’t get 10% for nothing? , Can’t be too dismissive of conscience?"

"Anyway, I just feel less."

Zuo Xiaoduo look up to sky and heave a deep sigh: "In fact, I only plan to give Ten percent out..."

This time, Li Chenglong was completely speechless.

If you really dare to do this, the Handsome Zuo Company may go bankrupt if it can't hold it for a second!

"We don't have to pay for the actors' scripts or anything, right?" Zuo Xiaoduo asked.

"No need."

"Director or something..."

"Don't worry, all the accounts will be taken from us, but making movies and TV shows We don’t have to pay for all the expenses! Okay? And now that the director and the leading role have been decided, they are all super first-line talents..."

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed: "Reluctantly."

Lying down on the bed unhappy: "A lot of small money... Swelly, did you know that the profit from these auctions may reach hundreds of billions, or even more... Think about it, so much money, slipped out of our hands? I'm leaving..."

Li Chenglong sighed then said, really didn't want to talk to this money fan anymore, so he directly took out two high grade Star Soul Jade and started practicing.

Stop listening!

I have never seen such a pick.

If this goes on, what kind of law is the first, and the wealth is second, directly changed to the highest wealth, stingy first, love wealth is invincible!

"I'm still upset...Swelly, should you pay the money you owe me first?" Zuo Xiaoduo faintly said.

Repay the money?

Li Chenglong immediately entered the Profound Realm of forgetting the external and the self. He turned a blind eye, turned a blind eye, knew nothing about it, didn’t know it...

And the color does not change, completely forgetting me!


After a few days, the second trial of Hidden Dragon High Martial has begun!

Zuo Xiaoduo quietly found Fang Yinuo before the trial.

"Old Fang, can you help you set up a company?" Zuo Xiaoduo felt that the prey that oneself hunted was sold just like that, it was a real loss!

The last time oneself got the batch of high-quality snake skins, after selling it, only a while later, I found that many men and women in the school were wearing that kind of clothes. Part of it is underwear...

Well, Zuo Xiaoduo has only seen boys, but he has never seen girls.

Underwear made of that kind of snake skin, in addition to being difficult to damage from idle weapons, it can also offset a considerable part of the origin qi damage; it can be said to be an extremely precious body protection inner armor!

Zuo Xiaoduo found that oneself sold a snake through screening and judgment. Not to mention the inner pill of the internal organs, it is just the snake skin of oneself. As long as two clothes can be made, one can be sold. All the snake's capital is returned, and there is surplus!

With Zuo Xiaoduo's visual inspection of the inner armor size, at least dozens of snake skins can be made! ! !

In other words, if the opponent’s profit leverages, the gross profit is better than Zuo Xiaoduo’s gain... at least thirty to fifty times!

After learning this from Xiang Chong, Zuo Xiaoduo almost went crazy.

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