Wen Xingtian sighed then said: "Boss, you have always insisted on practice to promote the growth of students; in the past, Hidden Dragon High Martial had a hundred deaths a year, it was you forcibly to go Martial Education Department, they picked out a hundred death quotas."

"You are so cruel that you would rather die more than one hundred students a year and have to fight and practice. Why are you doing this now?"< /p>

"You originally planned to cultivate the Law of the Jungle. Grabbing the table is also one of the methods you used in the past. It is to let students fight each other to improve... How now..." Wen Xingtian looked at Ye Changqing.

“But Zuo Xiaoduo is different, he and Li Chenglong are different.”

Ye Changqing sadly: “So I’m not willing to let them go out for adventure; think about it, these two people are both different. Is it possible to grow into a super expert seedling with Ancestral Shaman for a longer period of time."

"There are only a few of these characters in Star Soul Continent's local area? It has been tens of thousands of years. There are no more than ten characters!"

"Their future and final achievement are much more important than the slight restrictions at this stage!" Ye Changqing said.

"But if they don’t go out and endure the law of the jungle, they will have no future and ultimate achievement at all!"

Maybe it was Wen Xingtian’s words that moved Ye Changqing, Finally agreed to Wen Xingtian's suggestion.

However, the ensuing series of conditions almost caused Wen Xingtian to collapse, and the risk withdrew his previous recommendations.

"Zuo Xiaoduo won't be your illegal child, right? Why does it matter!"

Wen Xingtian sarcastically said.

Ye Changqing snorted, cursing in a low voice: "What to pretend! Once something happens to Zuo Xiaoduo, no one is more anxious than you! You broke a wall and ran away that day, you haven't Pay, my illegality child? Whose illegality child knows in his heart."

"..." Wen Xingtian was speechless.


"Qiu Family is involved in the case. The attempt to obtain Hidden Dragon High Martial." Ye Changqing said suddenly.

Wen Xingtian shivered: "Is it the news from Department Head Nan?"


Ye Changqing frowned and said: "But after Qiu Xiaoqian was arrested, the Qiu Family disappeared. And Qiu Xiaoqian, in the Qiu Family is very marginal..."

He looked thoughtful at Wen Xingtian: "What do you think? "

Wenxing heaven's will said profoundly: "This matter...hehe, Central Plains Prince?"

Ye Changqing laughed lightly: "Catch Qiu Xiaoqian, yes There is evidence; so Department Head Nan dares. But Central Plains Prince...When there is no evidence, Department Head Nan can't rush to start."

"But why did Central Plains Prince do this?" Wen Xing Tian crease frowned.

"Don't think about the reason. Because I can't think of it. But after Qiu Xiaoqian was arrested, the act of hiding the Qiu Family, Central Plains Prince can be said to be blatant and confident."

"Because he is sure, in his identity, without detailed evidence, no one can arrest him casually!"

"Damn it!"

"Now I want to find out, Qiu Family’s whereabouts."

Ye Changqing’s eyes flashed: "At the very least, the direction is very clear now."

Wen Xingtian snorted: "If Qiu Family is already in Hell is reunited, where can I catch it?"

"Central Plains Prince can't be so cruel to his husband, right?" Ye Changqing frowned.


Wen Xingtian has no illusions about this.

For people like Central Plains Prince, the so-called father-in-law... doesn't it mean that you can change it? How can it be so important!

"Let’s work hard. The Star Shield Department is already in action."

"How do we need to cooperate?"

"When we need us, Department Head Nan will call."



Zuo Xiaoduo rarely entered the Gravity Room, but studied two Hour mission.

The mission given by Hidden Dragon High Martial is mainly focused on three aspects: searching for drugs, chasing escape, and hunting down the murderer.

No matter which department’s mission is, it is inseparable from these.

And those who buy homicide and wait for missions...... in the school system, there must be none.

So Zuo Xiaoduo hacked into the Dark King Hall directly.

Dark King Hall.

The so-called Dark King Hall is a dedicated underground website.

Dark Net. It's true.

As the name suggests, it is mainly killing people. It is a private network settlement directly connected to the Underground World. It is also called the black net, but it is more popularly called the "life net".

But in the eyes of the overwhelming majority, that is...chaotic world.

Every piece of news here is full of hostility.

This kind of Underground World, now Star Soul Continent, is naturally not promoted by the government, but there is no express prohibition.

It can be regarded as a rim ball that turns a blind eye.

As long as you don’t make a major event, I won’t catch you!

Zuo Xiaoduo does not plan to go to the Underground World to accept the mission, but he should always be familiar with the situation.

His connection with Dark Net cost one hundred yuan Star Origin Coin, registered a nickname on it, and left a personal email address, nothing more.

If someone traces the mailbox with the nickname "Cat Is Really Fragrant", they will only trace it all the way to the Three Purities Great Hall.

Well, there is still a post left.

Cat Is Really Fragrant: From now on, please call me the king of Underground World!

It's a pity that this kind of newcomer's new post, Dark Net everyday all will appear three or five times, so even a wave does not splash, and it disappears without a trace.

Zuo Xiaoduo didn't care about this either.

If a group of people now come up to cheer, he will have doubts about life, and doubts will grow...

"The mission of the school is really myriad, myriad forms of sentient beings."


Zuo Xiaoduo has several points of sigh.

From the perspective of mission demand, all those marked in red are urgently needed; and the rewards are relatively high.

Zuo Xiaoduo focused his eyes on those areas marked in red, searching for mission goals that oneself can pick up and complete quickly.

Wen Xingtian is giving a lecture.

And the classmates swept across Zuo Xiaoduo's bald head one after another, and all of them looked envious.

"Zuo Xiaoduo is the first student to lift the ban among Hidden Dragon High Martial first year freshmen in history, and can receive missions and arrange time freely."

"This is also Not only that, but what is more enviable is that he can also be exempted from the exam!"

Exempt from the exam.

General first year students arrive in the next semester, and after the cultivation base has reached a certain level, they will take a mission exam. Only those who pass are eligible to accept the mission and go out for execution.

And Zuo Xiaoduo, is actually exempt from the test, skipping the mission trial.

Wen Xingtian's words made everyone's hearts hot.

"I hope that Zuo Xiaoduo is not the only one in this class!"

Wen Xingtian looked at the remaining students, indifferently said: "I hope, the second one, The third one, appear as soon as possible!"

Li Chenglong was short of breath, his eyes flashing with ambition and desire.

He wanted to carry out the mission with Zuo Xiaoduo, but he was not allowed.

Wen Xingtian’s words are: Your current strength is not enough, but I can promise you that you don’t need to wait until the next semester of the first year. As long as your strength reaches the standard, you can go out to perform missions. I Looking forward to the day you pass the exam soon!

Xiang Chong Xiang Bing and the others are also be eager to have a try.

Since Zuo Xiaoduo has done it, as long as we work hard, there is no reason why we can't do it!

Spell it!

Of course, before going out to carry out the mission, Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong, as well as 13 other classmates, have another important journey in their lives——

three investigations and five appraisals.

They are the fourth touch this time, Embryonic Breathing.

Actually, the definition of this time is qualitative.

The correct title is "three touches, four determinations and five comments."

The so-called "four determinations" this time is scheduled for this afternoon.

"My time is very tight."

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed in his heart: "I will grab the table at noon, set four sets in the afternoon, and practice qigong at night, tomorrow Execution of the mission...If you have not already talked to Boss Sun, you still have to take time to collect Star Soul Jade powder from him! Oh, I am a model worker, whoever can do it!"

At this time, Li Chenglong came over as if to join in the fun of sound transmission: "Don't forget to order the movie tonight."

Zuo Xiaoduo opened his mouth and said: "It has nothing to do with me, I don't care. Who caused the matter. , Who is going to clean it up!"

Li Chenglong was furious: "What about the salary?"

"You have an arse salary. You don't care about it."

Voice Before it's settled, I just left, I still have to eat, it's time to deal with the first thing that must be dealt with today!

Li Chenglong angrily followed along, following such an arm-flinging shopkeeper, Swelly felt that oneself would definitely be exhausted in the future.

Of course, the power that oneself has is also huge, at least on the side of Handsome Zuo Company, with one word worth nine sacred tripods, and the words are free.

When overwhelming majority, even the Chairman Zuo Xiaoduo had to listen to oneself's command, but... I always feel that this right is too easy, it is simply thrown away...

So this is not power, but a pot.


The dining hall, twenty-nine people in the second year class, are already waiting.

The top ten is not here, this battle does not belong to them, because Tang Qianshou is ranked 11th in the first group. If he loses, the 28 people behind him will stand with him. For dinner.

This is a kind of unity.

At the same time, it is also a kind of cognition: if people who are better than you lose, then you naturally lose!

If you don’t want to accompany you to be punished, then go ahead!

Let you oneself represent others instead of being represented.

Powerhouse should stand in front; in school, powerhouse is the representative, on the battlefield, powerhouse is the pioneer! In school, protect classmates; on the battlefield, protect classmates!

This is the tradition of Hidden Dragon inheritance for countless years.

Seeing the crab step coming from a distance, everyone simultaneously lifted up and came!

But then there are waves of doubts...

The crab walks all the way, it seems to be no different from the past, but what is going on with that shiny head...

The visitor is actually a bald?

But apart from Zuo Xiaoduo in the school, it seems that no one else in the school can get out of such a crabby step, right?

But...what the hell is that bald head?

Under everyone's eyes, the shiny bald head reflected the sun, and rays of light came over. From a long distance, it's dazzling.

In the distance, there was a burst of laughter: "hahaha...you are so early!"

It's really Zuo Xiaoduo!

Everyone was subconsciously stared wide-eyed, and then they felt that oneself’s eyes were blinded!

Zuo Xiaoduo... actually got a bald head?

This look is really...

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