Zuo Xiaoduo is very careful now.

The Vast Sky Fluttering Catkin body method he used, combined with the effectiveness of the Emptiness Transforming Stone, is truly silent, floating around like fluff, without a trace.

Even with the power of Snake King, nothing was discovered.

But Zuo Xiaoduo has already seen the real body of Snake King. Although the distance between the two is still far away, the body of Snake King is too big!

Zuo Xiaoduo glanced at it, and his heart was shocked.

This is Snake King?

It's really...too...too big...

It's thick, long, and big!

Looking from a distance, the half-length body is at least a hundred meters high, and from top to bottom, it is full of gleaming silver light scales.

The body is round and round, probably as thick as two houses!

But the scales on the body do not seem to be big. One scale is only the size of a coin. It is densely packed and piled up in layers. It looks very beautiful!

Zuo Xiaoduo fell in love at a glance. If this is to be stripped off and made into a piece of clothing...the value is temporarily ignored, just the degree of popularity, who can compare?

Reconsidering its defensive power, its rarity, how much can it sell for? !

How many catties of snake meat can this whole snake...

And how much can this meat sell for?

And the inner pill, blood, snake gall... By the way, I heard that there are snake beads in the head and body joints of the snake that has become a climate. How much can those be sold for?

Zuo Xiaoduo thought about it, dripping out of his mouth.

At the moment of Qingming, for fear of revealing the weak spot, I hurriedly sucked, then put it into my mouth, and swallowed.

I can't do it anymore!

I found a treasure!

"Dragondragon...you said, if this snake suddenly commits suicide...how much cheaper can we pick it up?!" Zuo Xiaoduo expressed regret about this and pulled up Little Dragon to start the association.

This stinky snake, Lord Zuo is here, why don’t you commit suicide? You don’t know what to do!

Little Dragon means hehe, you think too much.


You commit suicide and it will not commit suicide.

Zuo Xiaoduo is very careful to stick to the ground, from time to time with the help of the falling meteors to block oneself...

There are also some weeds on the ground...

In short, it is to move forward quietly with the help of all available things.

"There is another cliff here..."

"No, this cliff seems to have been hollowed out by manpower!?" Zuo Xiaoduo was surprised at this situation. .

Little Dragon said thinly: "The snake soul fruit is in this cave... It was originally located three hundred meters underground, but the snake is easier to guard and eat more. Convenient, just dig it out...expose it to the air."

"It's just that the cave is too deep, and the snake's full support...the snake soul fruit doesn't exist at all. The probability of an accident...Looking at the situation, this snake soul fruit will mature in at most one month."

Little Dragon said.

Zuo Xiaoduo has been stealth here all the way, then Snake King didn’t find oneself in a daze, and still spit out the inner pill in the air to greet the sunlight brilliance......

Zuo Xiaoduo one piece The heart has already let go of more than half.

It looks like this Emptiness Transforming Stone really works.

This baby is against the sky, it should be regarded as another kind of harmless to humans and animals!

Looking at the big snake still huffing the inner pill in the air.

Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly had an extremely bold idea.

"Dragondragon, you said the snake soul fruit... If we uproot it... will it survive if we plant it in our Emptiness Extinguishing Tower space?" Zuo Xiaoduo's eyes were a little hot.

"To live is to live, but..." Little Dragon was really taken aback this time!


You really want to come up with something, you dare to think about it, and dare to do it? !

This does not talk about the follow-up of this incident, but only the feasibility of this incident itself. It is too dangerous!

It is almost certain to die.

Once the snake reacts, you absolutely can’t get out!

Zuo Xiaoduo had other plans in his heart.

What if I can’t run, can’t I run?

Why must you run? !

Seeing that the snake is still working hard on the inner pill, absorbing the essence of world's essence, sun and moon.

The snake cave must be empty!


Zuo Xiaoduo confuses his heart, fights hard, fights for a lot!

Suddenly, Zuo Xiaoduo raised his body's movement speed to the limit, and once again expanded the Vast Sky Fluttering Catkin body method. While paying attention to his own concealment, he also turned on the Heavenly Origin Escaping Technique, like a smoky body. Rushed into the huge snake cave!

After rushing in all the way, follow the direction and path guided by Little Dragon, and fly straight down three thousand feet!

The catkins flew into the huge snake cave like traces of catkins.

On both sides of the cave walls, there are countless Xiaoxiao cave openings visible by naked eye, one after another, colorful poisonous snakes, twisting their fat bodies, going in and out.

If you look at it this way, the entire cave wall is almost entirely built up by a poisonous snake.

Zuo Xiaoduo has no distractions, he will reach the bottom of the cave as soon as he slips.

What he didn’t know was...

At this time, the six She Wang brothers were talking and laughing, walking from above to the entrance of the cave, moving their body and falling down. , Ready to continue working.

Zuo Xiaoduo rushed all the way to the ground without hesitation, and saw the target at a glance, a Fruit Tree that looked bizarre, the Fruit Tree was born with a half-red and white fruit, and it was trembling. Hanging on the branches.

Zuo Xiaoduo has no hesitation. He didn't even have time to take a closer look at what this Fruit Tree looked like. The moment it fell, Heavenly Shaman Copper's big shovel got started, just like a rice, dragging it. Put a big shovel in general!

The body suddenly fell with a shovel, hurriedly urged the cultivation base of the whole body skills, gritted his teeth, stared at him, and shoveled down regardless of a shovel!

puff puff puff!

Shoveled down three times in a row, together with several dozen meters of soil and stones below, were pried out at the same time.

A whole pile of dozens of cubes!

All are included in the Emptiness Extinguishing Tower.

Then I jumped down, swiping into the mud all of a sudden, and stuffing the Emptiness Extinguishing Tower into the deepest part of the mud all of a sudden, and then he himself, rushing into the Emptiness too. Inside Extinguishing Tower!

Peng peng beats with a heart.

I got it...the smelly snake, what's the reaction? Won't you find me?

Back and forth, the whole process did not take three seconds!

This is simply...thunder can't cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell!

Zuo Xiaoduo swears that the speed detonated at this moment is definitely oneself's fastest and fastest extreme speed!

After this, with the growth of the cultivation base, or there will be a faster and faster time, but before that, there will be no more!

Even if it was the time to use Thousand Souls Hammer with all its strength, it was still too late!

It's so fast, so fast!


She Wang and other six people floated and fell. It was just that they had eaten Snake Spirit Grass, refreshed, and even the mood was so good that they weren’t needed.

Pick up, lighten up, and fall.

But...Hey, there seems to be someone below...


Is there someone...? !

My day!

Someone! !

The eyes of the six suddenly widened! Almost shot out of the eye sockets!

I saw the man holding a big shovel, puff puff puff three times...

Then, the strange tree at the bottom, Snake Ancestor has guarded a few The fruit of a thousand years...

The Fruit Tree and a large piece of land disappeared!

Then, the man seemed to jump...and disappeared with him!

fuck fuck fuck!

At this moment, all six of them are dumbfounded!

This time I was really confused.

To tell you the truth, even if you have a nightmare, you absolutely can’t dream of such a weird thing!

In the old nest of the king of star beast, the base camp, the bottom, the most precious thing that has been guarded for thousands of years, that's it...Is it taken away casually? !

Aren't you joking with me?

Or was it just dazzled and misread?

She Wang sank suddenly and came to the side of the hole with a brush. The five people including Snake Venerable also followed, all standing on the side of the hole.

I saw...this big pit, presents a very irregular shape, it can be seen how abrupt, how hurried, and how elbows and armpits were transformed from the previous changes!

The most precious...and the most precious...what about the tree? Where is that fruit?

Where is it?

It's really gone...

At this moment, the heads of these six people are still in a state of chaos.

But...Six people looked at each other in blank dismay, and flashed a single thought at the same time, and simultaneously screamed: "Sorry!"

The baby is gone!

At this time, six of them are oneself standing beside this pit so hard to die!

Standing at the crime scene!

Oneself waited for the six people and the one just now, basically behind the feet, almost at the same time came to the strange Fruit Tree nearby.

If Snake Ancestor comes back, what will Senior think about it......

This consequence...... The six people of She Wang can't even think about it.

What’s so special, I just ate Snake Spirit Grass, and I feel that my life has reached Peak. Until now, my nerves are still high...

But why is it so all of a sudden? A big pot from the sky!

Directly on the head!

"Go!" She Wang in this brief moment, a rush of blood rushed to his head. At this moment, his head was all woody, and the Venus was fluttering in front of him, and his heart was broken.

Subconsciously is the word two.

Leave this place of right and wrong! ——Only this is a single thought in my heart!

Catch thieves?

What a joke!

Is the paralyzed time to catch the thief?

It's time to escape now, that Snake King...No matter how Snake King, in the bones is just a snake, it won't make sense!

Don't even talk about affection.

Six people turned around at the same time...


The six people were simultaneously cold, because they only saw a huge snake head at the entrance of the cave. Already suspended in the air, it is sinking downward.

Two huge snake eyes, usually illuminated by searchlights.

His eyes are burning.

The huge snake eyes saw six people on the edge of the big pit at a glance; then they saw the big pit...the pit?

Snake King was puzzled, but then he saw the horrified faces of six people, and looked at the empty pit...

At this moment, Snake King’s head There is also a blank inside!

Snake pupil was in a trance!

Heaven and earth!

I'm here, I've been waiting for 3,600 years!

Three thousand six hundred years!

Now, tell me, the thing I protect is a big baby that can be swallowed by half a month...

Where did you go?

Where did it go?

fuck you!

A surging imposing manner, suddenly exploded like a nuclear bomb!

Snake King’s anger, at this moment, the straight line climbed to the extreme, and it could burst into splitting the heavens and earth, breaking the universe!

"ao ~~~~~~~~~~~~"

I don’t know how angry Snake King is, this Snake King who never called it that way , Because of this extreme anger, a new skill was stimulated, and he issued a roar similar to Tiger King!

Forcibly learned a foreign language!


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